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Everything posted by Kazagami

  1. those two aren't character files, if the archives containing only .bmp and .png files is any indication. i'd like to guess they are custom sprites that the author's drawn. i've got no clue what the correct passwords are, but i'm sure we aren't missing much. 150905yozora is literally just that, a whole bunch of pictures of... *squints* yeah. They most likely was done for fun and therefore hold no relevancy in relation to the characters.
  2. Never had these characters for long so I might have forgotten about that
  3. it has nothing to do with any of the above. you're required to extract it to the "chars" folder inside the "mugen" folder cuz that's just how the way it works.
  4. what you use to extract the file doesn't matter, it's where you extract it that does.
  5. alright, i may come off as not being very thorough with my explanations, so please bear with me. first things first, make sure that all your character files are placed neatly inside a folder such as this one: now let's take a look inside said folder, shall we: the highlighted part denotes the character's .def file, this needs to have exactly the same name as the folder in order for the mugen engine to read it. alternatively, you can also write into the select.def this way if the folder name and .def file name don't match each other: and before i forget, i'd also recommend you to check out vselect, it's a really useful tool that saves you a lot of hassle of having to manually add characters and stages into your mugen: http://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/visual-select-screen-editor-updated-01092013-120681.0.html hope this helps!
  6. https://onedrive.live.com/?id=3AB66F1D6B2F66E4!191601&cid=3AB66F1D6B2F66E4
  7. not only an immediate ban is fair, it's justified at this point. @xmugenfreeforall don't take it personally, but i'd rather not have you waste everyone's time here with al this nonsense you keep on spouting. now that you've been given plenty of time to reflect on whether or not you should take a break from this unhealthy obsession of yours, i do hope you use it wisely. see you in 15 years :)
  8. it does exist, albeit has never received further updates and thus retains its wip / beta status for years now. http://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/zero-beta-megaman-x-series-by-ramzaneko-and-jka-174830.0.html iirc some mugen authors have taken it upon their hands to flesh out the character but imho mr giang's the one that stands out as the best
  9. Cesarsombra continues to wage his seemingly never-ending crusade to bring crudely put together sprite swaps to the engine, this time with 11 characters from the Draglade cast: - Asuka - Final Boss - Gas Mask Grappler - Grappler Girl - Grappler Guy - Jet - Kamuzou - King - Professor D - Pudding - Yuki
  10. http://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/android-16-by-misterr07-188883.0.html
  11. it appears that ertot has received yet another update today (1/5)
  12. https://www.mediafire.com/file/jbfmmvhm68tm1ja/Kunio.rar/file
  13. Click on the author names to download. CHARACTER SELECT Ashley Winchester: Azu || Beatrice: Haiyoru Konton || Haiyoru Konton: Haiyoru Konton || Knight Blazer: Moyomoto || Mariabell Armitage: Sylphyne
  14. i was informed that satosubaru / etoile has migrated to a new blog, and hence all the links in the first post that lead to their works have been updated.
  15. this calls for my trademark revival potion to resurrect this thread to what it once was...and voila, there you go.
  16. https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm36146572 https://1drv.ms/f/s!AuUdflF-knrhfo_mn7B8BvtBr3U
  17. http://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/gasai-yuno-kofm-released-strong-fs-blackjudai-merry-christmas-2019-188760.0.html i'm gonna assume this is the official release since previously the only means to get her was to extract her from some full game
  18. [preview] [download] https://mega.nz/#!0loxlaRZ!lVm6Ufh2C0p9SsIdFH0hLTgdrvdwJykOnT8APY2h1r8 [comment] a kfm edit whose main feat is to summon these really cool dudes and dudettes. no clue on whether or not they exist as their own characters though.
  19. [preview] [download] https://mega.nz/file/c4gmFArJ#z_bhUygw89O_lKD1zKYzy7GNQTkUrNooIdRWxaceqog [comment] that one time nanaya got lost in the jungle and dropped his knife somewhere on the way
  20. [preview] [download] https://mega.nz/#!UpA2zaBa!IRnZkGpeWycqeb_sio3b2AJGCYGr0xekqVu22RNHtNE [comment] found this while digging through my mediafire folder, it plays kinda like a kof character despite looking clearly as though nanaya, arcueid and warakia had a three way one uneventful night :x
  21. https://onedrive.live.com/?id=7110B138A0C285BF!107&cid=7110B138A0C285BF note: yet another cheapie. note 2: change the value of var(57) under [State -1, AI起動] from 1 to 0 if you wish to play as her.
  22. https://ux.getuploader.com/STGnoUNCHIburiburi/download/41 note: cheap. note 2: toggling off the character's auto ai an be done via option.txt by changing the value of var(25) under [State -3,常時AI起動にするかどうか] from 1 to 0
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