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Everything posted by Kazagami

  1. hate to break it to you, but our rules state that asking for a creation to be made is off-limits. do take a good look at it if you haven't already.
  2. Update: - Skapon & Honoo by Ahuron have been added into the first post's listing
  3. http://spaceace.web.fc2.com/ Sukapon also got an update at the same time
  4. Right, geocities.jp's shutting down and all. sometimes i wish that japanese sites would stop doing that and add to my work load == anyways, fixed.
  5. neat, thanks! also updated the collection a bit so that the link to the SEGA collection leads to yours instead of the old one.
  6. a much needed update, and a job well done at that
  7. i would have done it long ago if i could, but unfortunately baidu has practically gated overseas user from using their service behind that stupid chinese phone number requirement
  8. i can't say if i've heard of you before (for the record i only joined the mugen scene back in 2011), but welcome back regardless. oh, and the w.i.p section is right here
  9. fixed. all of the broken links have also been taken care of.
  10. huh. could've sworn her sprites looked like they were meant to emulate those of hm/ulil/aocf to me, but a closer inspection showed that to not be the case. still, the way they look doesn't quite match the older tasofro style, either. there's just something about the proportions that sets the two apart.
  11. @Mr. FuzzyNuts https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=!AD3aMZNUuIeMm8Y&id=3FD4BA8FD33C2B5A!153&cid=3FD4BA8FD33C2B5A
  12. good point. i sometimes forget that the new gen touhou fighters are still part of tasofro, lol
  13. http://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/curse-of-the-wendigo-1-1-1-0-187725.0.html
  14. didn't feel like starting a new thread for palettes but here's a couple i cooked up for mr. giang's captain america (they should theoretically work on the original version made by buckus, too) Captain America: The Winter Soldier | Captain America: Civil War | Avengers: Infinity War | Rising of the S.H.I.E.L.D. Hero https://mega.nz/#!B0YljSSQ!oSK1VJN9CUBfCBJv4QcxlY9Nb43It0HS_OK6_qpW3Gc
  15. refer to the readme.txt for mechanics and other stuff like alternate modes http://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/heavily-armed-satsuki-187713.0.html
  16. http://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/samus-aran-187738.0.html Es, Kuroko, Misaka, Terumi, Kirby, Erika and Mai also gained an update the day before
  17. https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm35620365 https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B55OblikvYhgeWxudi1YbGNJck0 might want to rename his palette files if your device doesn't support Japanese characters
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