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Everything posted by Kazagami

  1. Both links have been added to the first post.
  2. Update 12/5/2019 - the sp has been repackaged to include the newly released/updated lifebars, courtesy of yours truly. check out this thread if you only want the lifebars without having to redownload the whole thing. ---- (i can assure you that there will be little to no involvement of underams this time compared to my previous release, so don't run off just now) *cough* So yeah, after holding out to it for years on end thanks to my incessantly lazy ass....i present to you: As you can probably tell, it's an update / rehash of my Marvel Vs Touhou Screenpack, something i'd promised back then when it was released and am finally glad to have realized. You can expect these four variants in the store: - Full Custom (system.def): Utilizes custom portraits for select, versus and victory screen, as well as custom stage preview. this motif holds up to 42 characters (and 93 stages, due to unicode limiations) - Custom (system_nostagepreview.def): Removes the stage preview feature from the above and adds more slots to the total of 66 - Normal / Classic (sytemnormal.def): for the folks who prefer it simple and sound, uses no customizations and retains the 200+ slots from the old MvT Screenpack. - *new* Normal / Classic Big: same as the above, but has the maximum capacity of 700 characters to add into. Now let's get all the screenies out, shall we: Intro: Menu: Select (Full Custom): Select (Custom): Select (Classic): *new* Select (Classic Big) Versus (Full Custom & Custom): Versus (Classic): Victory (Full Custom & Custom): Victory (Classic): Options: Lifebars (Custom): Lifebars (Classic): And while i'm here, i'd like to thank these following individuals, who this screenpack wouldn't have been possible without: And finally, i'm just gonna leave this download link here: https://mega.nz/#!tl4nHSaL!Redu23NZCHmEAH2J5hwZmedFPrU8a1HM7-dx1e4bLbA, before i go about writing a whole essay about this :p Cheers out!
  3. ^ i had a friend download it for me, and that one turned out to be the winmugen+ version, despite the preview image suggesting otherwise. it also did not come with the option for those who use normal portraits as opposed to the custom ones.
  4. the readme states that he comes from Forbidden Siren, which is some horror survival game, though the character design seems to lean more on fanarts of him rather than how he actually looks like in his source game https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=!AIb9ZjEMVOqInng&id=46B5452E6400924D!136&cid=46B5452E6400924D
  5. she never went past the w.i.p status.
  6. http://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/iron-tager-v1-01-188406.0.html http://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/gordeau-v1-07-185188.0.html http://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/ragna-bloodedge-v1-09-184862.0.html as per usual, a poll is included in Tager's release thread to decide what character OHMSBY's gonna work on next, so be sure to drop by and cast your vote.
  7. ahh, that's good to know. iirc the only thing i fixed was the combo fonts, i had no idea there were also those other issues you pointed out, especially the one concerning turns mode (didn't really bother to double check back then since i never really used or cared about that particular mode). all in all, you've done wonders with these, imma grab 'em right away and add 'em to my collection
  8. ah hey, i remember these lifebars. i also made a 1.0 conversion of them back in 2014 only to learn the hard way that the author himself had already done the job...
  9. that shouldn't be a problem: https://mega.nz/#!1kAX3IxL!kJ9z-0lAVmfZHkfqBZoiomzad1YaxcDNylS2CZ_XMHo
  10. Update: - added 2d / "Capcom" versions of Ash Williams, Michael Myers and Jason Voorheess - all the updated / edited versions of Lumppowraca's characters are now listed on the first post, albeit marked as offline / redded out until i can get someone to move them over from MA to a better host
  11. sweet, imma add it to the first post right away.
  12. might consider linking to his mediafire folder from now on since he updates his stuff regularly https://www.mediafire.com/folder/fkofzn4pdf6jq/
  13. Reika Kitakami by kon: https://mega.nz/#!ch5lgajQ!70ru0LXnbjFLotb8D3j4CxrooFsy9eFftUJry4FyAbc
  14. note: open Option.txt and change the value of var(25) under [State -3,펞AI‹N“®‚É‚·‚é‚©‚Ç‚¤‚©] from 1 to 0 to turn of the auto AI https://ux.getuploader.com/STGnoUNCHIburiburi/
  15. https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=b249d1768d5e9453&id=B249D1768D5E9453!969&authkey=!AClDrSm87rM1-O4
  16. https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm35901507 https://onedrive.live.com/?id=C8E8765CC9C6845D!672&cid=C8E8765CC9C6845D https://onedrive.live.com/?id=C8E8765CC9C6845D!619&cid=C8E8765CC9C6845D
  17. Disclaimer: i didn't make this stage, nor was i involved in the initial making of it. Full credit belongs to DatKofGuy as the original creator. https://streamable.com/p48gu nothing's too fancy, all i did was adding some little animation on the lights and the globe in the center, as well as adjusting the code a bit so that the stage woks in 4:3 (640p) res. I had hoped that i would be able to also breathe some life into Zordon, but unfortunately i couldn't find any suitable resources to work with, and so he stays being static for now. download it here: https://mega.nz/#!RsJVBYQA!oqCzHlmuhs9JiCfpr7UVhi0sJJ-ZnKdmbc-iJKMUpXM the original stage (along with three other stages from the same game) can be found here: http://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/power-rangers-battle-grid-stages-188265.0.html
  18. undoubtedly the best kf conversion we've had over the past years, hands down http://jado7.web.fc2.com/mugen/chars.html
  19. yayoi&uduki has received yet another update today, keep in mind that the actual files for the character are stored in the é¿é_é»" folder inside uduki's (the ship) folder.
  20. [preview] [download] https://mega.nz/file/IoxyDQjC#15ygW7EbhDgKjTipqvFPxPZeQd2o6vdeJfchGOg16a0 [comment] from the mind behind Koumakan Sakuya and Koumakan Reisen, comes another interesting piece for all of you connoisseurs of cheap edits out there :p
  21. Tomuni x Jinmen: https://mega.nz/#!d1Z3iKDB!yQrFmDKhyvH1sPW1Cb5814xL4XrALMV0BtpQkSHd7f4 Diyu: https://mega.nz/#!5oIXCAKJ!15ygW7EbhDgKjTipqvFPxPZeQd2o6vdeJfchGOg16a0 Bills: https://onedrive.live.com/?id=E9176BEA42855BB3!564&cid=E9176BEA42855BB3 my apologies for not being able to help you with the baidu link, by the way
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