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Everything posted by Kazagami

  1. Update: - Characters (or should i say, "characters") by cesarsombra: Brachiosaurus, Ichtyosaurus, Tyrannosaurus, Devil and Snake - Triceratops (Joe and Mac Return) by Dark Ruler
  2. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] https://mega.nz/file/Y1g0TCiB#35ohvmS4A5vx4GeWYjSGz10ZcM1ymXsyk2kcX1WDM9E [COMMENTS] a character from a chinese tower defense mobile game. you guessed it right, she's cheap to the bones. also runs in mugen 1.1 only
  3. Update: - Ultraman Astra by Asuka, edited by BlackCat - Dark Zero by Orb-dg
  4. https://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/neopolitan-1-0-189204.0.html
  5. normally when an author has an account on mffa i'd let them post their stuff themselves, but in this case molomowchow hasn't been around here for months so i might as well post this on their behalf https://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/hoshikujaku-released-02032020-189070.0.html
  6. it's called kirisame magic shop from touhou 7.5, i believe a simple google search will direct you to one (there's like multiple versions of it) alternatively you can also check on the touhou collection if you don't mind the loading time
  7. https://1drv.ms/u/s!AuUdflF-knrhfqwA4CmYoxcDZuE?e=mKTl4Y
  8. http://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/tohru-adachi-189158.0.html
  9. Because "effort" and "comic Mugen characters" are two things that tend to not go together very well?
  10. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ty0P7U_zBZcVTUdjOYwY39CemiA9Xcgm/view?usp=sharing
  11. http://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/released-ushiwakahime-189138.0.html
  12. http://mugenfreeforall.com/topic/22681-nightwizard-the-animation-cro-cell-slightly-nsfw/
  13. that's franco bash from real bout fatal fury
  14. don't let his colorful, innocent outer appearance deceive you. https://u1.getuploader.com/chara_make/download/420
  15. When she's not busy with law enforcement (she works as what can be described as my oc universe equivalent of a police officer), Minagi gets a kick out of annoying the living s*** out of her co-worker, Mizuki Schwarzenbaum (any resemblance that this character bears to Patchouli Knowledge of Touhou fame is purely coincidental, I swear)
  16. https://mega.nz/#!4hh3nYoR!mcEy7ifXp3pG3-hZxMP0Brfkj9vhHIFnw-L_D9jI9Z0
  17. i've gotten back to the drawing mood lately, so i'm just gonna drop these for now: 1. An oc that was originally meant to be a Alice Margatroid rip-off but somehow got elements of Vira (Granblue Fantsy) and SOPMOD (Girls Frontline) thrown into the mix as time went. 2. a lion girl oc i've had since i was in the 8th grade, never thought much about her until i got to know siege from arknights and became a connoiseur of lion girls. her rather outrageous hairdo is based of off a character from a 2007 visual novel, who she also happens to share her name with: https://akaneironisomarusaka.fandom.com/wiki/Tsukasa_Kiryu and what follows below is a compilation of cursed imagery that i created solely for shits and giggles:
  18. this belongs to the request section, therefore i moved it. as for your question...you might want to give both versions of RicePigeon's Sakuya a run, unless you've done so already.
  19. https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=!AP_N0Mf89LSFSzM&id=EE2EEDBDF43E7CBE!166&cid=EE2EEDBDF43E7CBE
  20. Bakisimu's characters play quite alright. The ones from Chinese authors such as Sans-UA or Gainer can be cheap at times but are not necessarily horrible.
  21. you might want to upload that to mega or some other mirror, dude.
  22. http://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/yumi-189007.0.html
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