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Everything posted by Kazagami

  1. https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm36763844
  2. http://www.mediafire.com/file/nf5yx2qmwyv1bqc/Trunks_Briefs.7z/file
  3. Updated the links to Ryun's stuff.
  4. Update: - Alien Baltan (IV) by pinksheep_X - Alien Hippolito by pinksheep_X - Ex Eleking by pinksheep_X - Imitation Dyna by Sans-UA - Mebius Killer by NEXUS - Ultraman Ace by Gainer - Ultraman Zero by Sans-UA - Zetton by pinksheep_X
  5. dang, i really wish these could be re-uploaded somewhere else.
  6. he's made quite a few already, actually.
  7. https://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/tmnt-characters-updated-bebop-beta-released-189699.0.html
  8. https://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/susanoo-189676.0.html
  9. the op hasn't logged back in since he posted the request if his last active time is anything to go by, there's absolutely no need to be passive aggressive about it.
  10. The collection is now up to date (i hope)
  11. the thing with mugen is, all the required files to run it are compressed within a .zip file (you can find the download link to said .zip file by hovering your cursor over "MUGEN Software" tab right under our site's banner) that needs to be extracted with winrar (another windows program) to a destination folder inside a drive in your pc. you're also gonna need notepad (yep, you guessed it right: yet another windows program) to manually add characters and stages, which themselves are separate downloads from the engine. sounds convoluted, i know, but that's to be expected from a software that's two decade old as of the writing of this post.
  12. Yo, welcome. i'm not that familiar with chromebook, but i've heard words of it not being capable of running traditional .exe file, which is the format the mugen engine comes in.
  13. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1WJxpkiXFmbaUwu8sSWD-B5m35PulTz-g
  14. added both versions of Monkey Boy by Lucas9999.
  15. https://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/monkey-boy-martial-master-189638.0.html
  16. all i can say is...these characters take the term "source accurate" to a whole new level :P https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm36664363
  17. Makoto is a weird case since she did indeed get released at one point, yet nobody seems to have managed to archive the file. strangely, there's this version of makoto that's being circulated around in ma and other mugen warehouses alike under the name "makoto mx" and is believed to be fido's, yet plays nothing like the rest of the SFMX roster. having her be included here would feel out of place, obviously. New link for blanka is up.
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RS91TdnUPGA&feature=emb_title https://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/misaka-mikoto-original-dengeki-bunko-system-90-accuracy-beterhans-189525.0.html
  19. you guys are probably wondering if i have completely forgotten about this thread by this point, but worry shall you not, for i'm finally here to get some updates out of the way: New Character: - Sumireko Usami (Incident Zero) by RicePigeon New Stages: - Garden of The Sun by EmeraldHarmonics & OldGamer - The Outside World (ULiL) by DAREKA Miscellaneous: - New working link to Soruzin's OneDrive folder
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