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Everything posted by DXfactory

  1. Its really unfortunate that it is near impossible to rip sprites from DOS games. Like, there's no easy tool to do it, which sucks cause I've been trying to rip sprites from so many games and have made 0 progress.
  2. This character is super impressive, is she original or... like, what is she from? She looks very familiar... like... if I'm correct, she was from some kind of like... spy kids/agent kids thing where they're all like... specialists or something living in a treehouse. RIGHT, I remember now, she's from Codename: Kids Next Door Now that I've seen the quality of this work, I do hope you'll complete the project of all the other characters, cause unfortunately, there have been no other good versions of these characters.
  3. I don't want to sound rude, but the best character here is still Knight Blazer.
  4. I love that super-imposed "MUGEN" at the top where I'm only assuming it would have like SNK or something originally written in it.
  5. Sweet, another update to the Spec Ops collection. ^_^ And not only that, my favorite SF character gets the update. Sick!
  6. Goddamn, look at those beautiful pixels. So, did you take these assets from other games, or was all of this done yourself, just curious?
  7. That entire screenshot has left me with more questions than answers. XD
  8. If I didn't say it before, I shall say it now... you are one of the greatest people to ever exist in this community. The amount of stuff you have backed up, amazes the hell out of me, and for that, I am very much grateful. Also, those characters in the "not mugenized" list were actually mugenized, problem is though, they are all listed under alternative aliases of General Chicken, and only seem to work in this mugen full game called "Fighter's History - Dynasties", cause that is where they are located. They (like other characters from specific full games, such as all the ones made by Super Fighter Team) suffer from the same issue of only functioning in said game, and when used outside of said game, require the full game's specific common1.cns and other files in order to even be usable, but worse than that, when using the default common1.cns from any other game, as well as without almost a good chuck of the data from the original full game's folder, they generate clones of themselves and/or the hitspark stays on the screen, as the same with my release of the Super Fighter collection, since for some reason, that seems to be the main issue with all these characters. However, unlike my release, they do have a balanced set of stats, so they don't just die so easily to other characters, nor do they overpower them so easily (aside from the AI being pretty aggressive). So yeah, all of the "not mugenized" characters actually exist within the "Fighter's History: Dynasties" Full Game (which can be downloaded off of this site), but they need to be edited/fixed to function outside of that game. I've been trying to fix them myself, but it is a tad bit slow of a process, since I don't know jack squat about making characters. I've been playing a fair bit of that full game, and based on my experiences, they only fixes they need is to have the 9000,1 (big image avatar) updated to the ones show in this list, rather than some kind of custom avatars.
  9. I'd appreciate a re-upload for all of Sango Fighter 1's characters, unfortunately General Chicken's website and everything he created is DEAD.
  10. Awww sweet, an update! Gotta love those!
  11. Best of luck, I'm looking forwards to this. Might want to work on that arm movement though, its really goofy looking. ^_^
  12. Looks like this'll make a nice addition to my collection.
  13. Of course, any time I find a page with a full mugen game on it or a collection of characters, I usually back it up to an external HD in case stuff happens to disappear. Unfortunately, there are also a lot of things I've found that I could not back up, but at least I have the entire HDBZ set.
  14. I thought Krillin already existed. Guess maybe I was imagining things. Anyways, awesome to see this. Time to update my collection.
  15. OHMSBY and Giang are pretty much your go-to for BBCTB characters, cause man, the work they do is phenomenal.
  16. Real talk, the only fix/update I want for this character is for it to not crash VSelect when inserted.
  17. Solid character, worthwhile of any roster!
  18. This character is pretty badass! Thank you so much for all the work you do, all of your characters are pretty amazing!
  19. Not sure if it is just me, but when I downloaded this, the .snd file didn't work and the N.cns file crashed the game.
  20. Real talk, although this post is old as shit, this is the reason why I keep playing MUGEN, for interesting stuff like this.
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