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Everything posted by DXfactory

  1. And in case using wayback machine takes too long or doesn't work, here's an upload for all the characters and stages. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/46abj1i15d2bmfa/AABsqGo5tuBgbmYAdQMTs5CLa?dl=0 I have it all hosted in my Dropbox, Mediafire, and Google Drive account, in case one of those goes down.
  2. That's a pretty sick boxing ring mate. Great job! However, if I may make a suggestion, you might want to give the mat some kind of texture or shading to it, cause it being the only thing without depth looks a bit off.
  3. Best of luck to you That Guy Sebi, its always nice to see a beautifully made character in this kind of art style. There is sadly, not that many which are done like this that actually look professionally made, most are generally very choppy, but this looks very promising.
  4. Unfortunately nobody hasn't, but you can be the face that changes all that.
  5. Well, you got at least one of them correct, so that's good enough. Don't worry about the other one, I'm quite sure it is impossible to try and find it now anyways. I'll just have to recreate it myself... eventually. First I need to figure out how to code it.
  6. Quick note, most of the links are dead. An update is appreciated. Otherwise everyone has to go to MA for them and well... nobody wants to do that, especially if the unregistered/lurker types cannot even download any of them since they're over 10MB. Eddie, Masked Warrior, and Buzz are the only ones that work right now, the rest go to the /warehouse area on here, which is now invalid for these links.
  7. Okay, so I have two characters (one of which is NSFW I think) So, I made a post on MFG, pretty much gonna ask the same thing here (cause ya know, maybe someone here doesn't go there and visa versa) Anyways... Character 1| Unknown Author So, this character, as I mentioned in a much older post, is simply a soccer ball, or a ball of some sort. It sits on the ground, doesn't move, doesn't do anything at all... until you attack it. When you hit it, the ball itself becomes a weapon that harms EVERYONE. It used to be on this website a LONG LONG LONG time ago under the ORIGINALS section before that entire area got nuked. Which really bothers me because I swear I'm not crazy, I swear I've had this character before, and it was without a doubt, the most addicting thing I have ever played with on here. Like... I swear, I'm not losing my mind (aside from the fact of trying to find this freaking character and being unable to do so). But yeah, I know I sound nuts, but I don't think this was just some fusion idea of me having played Lethal League with also knowing about the Snack Vendor character. I just... I know in my heart, this exists or... existed at one point. (And hell, I would even pay someone to remake it, I just... I need it before my brain explodes), and sadly... its lost with time. Character 2 | Unknown Author (NSFW) This character is literally someone hanging by their wrists from a rope that goes off screen. I think it was of a naked lady, not entirely sure, but it was a really good punching bag. Just want it for collection purposes, since I already have a lot of other "punching bag" type characters that are actually legitimate punching bags and not just a still image. So yeah, any help is appreciated, and no, character 1 isn't Basketball (the mini-game with Lucky Glauber), I wish it was, but it isn't.
  8. If I may say something and I don't want to sound rude, but I'm a bit disappointed. Like, I was expecting something different. Don't get me wrong, its a cool stage, but it wasn't what I expected.
  9. The fact that all the images are broken, make me unsure of whether or not to download any of these.
  10. By chance, anyone have a link to BERSERKER? That character looks pretty dope.
  11. Does anyone happen to have the MISSINGNO that doesn't look like it was made with a computer glitch generator? There used to be a missingno character that used the original gameboy sprites for all its animations, but the link to it in the main post is dead now. It used the moves CUT, WATER GUN, WATERFALL, and I think SKY ATTACK. It was similar to DJHANNIBALROYCE's Omanyte. UPDATE I managed to find the version I was talking about. Here's the link to it: Missingno (by LukeTheeMewtwo) Included in this folder are TWO VERSIONS. VERSION 1: ''M'' This version is the ORIGINAL design, without any updates to the color palette, moves, etc. VERSION 2: Missingno This version is the most updated version, with updated palette, more sprites, etc. Both are basically the same, although I do believe the updated version includes more "glitched/skeleton" versions of other Pokemon, but this time using the Pokemon Yellow palette. (Quick Note: I just copied over my "description" post from re-uploading this also to MA)
  12. Real talk, I gotta ask... aside from being an obvious sprite edit/headswap, are there any significant changes? Such as different moves or something else that makes me go "oh yeah, I should download all of these".
  13. UPDATE: Since Exclamation_Question's website is down, you have to use Wayback machine in order to get the stuff directly from his site, otherwise, you'll have to go to MugenArchive for it. https://web.archive.org/web/20180213103150/http://newpachimugen.web.fc2.com/mugen.html
  14. Welcome back to the community, hope you enjoy your stay.
  15. UNPOPULAR OPINION Rap music died with Tupac, Biggie, and Eazy-E Gaming has turned into a cesspool of chaos because of the internet. Anime has become progressively worse every year and Hayao Miyazaki was right. Cats are still a far superior pet than dogs. Cartoons from the 90s were and are far better than the crap we have today. Love is nothing but a crutch for people who cannot handle being alone with themselves. Religion is a crutch for people who cannot handle knowing that life is meaningless and that the only real meaning in life is what you perceive it to be.
  16. And now waiting for the main character to be mugenized...
  17. For favorite openings, I'm torn between Attack On Titan (Season 1) and No Game No Life Both of these have outstanding music and visuals, but moreso the music is what got me into the anime in the first place. That said, as for endings, I would have to go with Is The Order A Rabbit? I really didn't care for the anime itself, but the ending music is super adorable. I know, that is weird. XD
  18. This is freaking amazing! Like real talk, we need more characters made like this, characters with brutal AI, but not so brutal that they cannot be beaten with normal means (like Deadly Vega or Rare Akuma).
  19. This is one of the most beautiful characters I have ever seen. So glad it was mugenized.
  20. I have a few issues regarding mugen characters overall, obviously this doesn't apply to every character, but a vast majority of them seem to have these kind of issues that just infuriate me. 1) Many characters suffer from MISSING, BROKEN or IMPROPERLY SIZED avatar sprites in the 9000,0 and 9000,1 data. Essentially, a lot of characters have sprites that seem to be SCREENPACK/GAME specific, rather than versatile and able to be used with nearly every screenpack available. 2) Many characters suffer from poor coding or have coding files set up in a way that they become excess crap in terms of cleaning up folders. Like for example, a LOT of characters have this issue where in the DEF files or just the folders in general, everything is named in a series of random symbols and gibberish, making it quite obnoxious to have to sort out whether files are needed or not. To add onto this, a lot of characters come with excess .TXT and image files that have no purpose for being in the folder to begin with. Like... why can't people just put their config files as .cns as intended instead of .txt, I mean, obviously this isn't a severe issue, but when I want to run a massive folder clean and remove files that I don't need or shouldn't need, I then have to slowly sort out all the config and text files for what actually makes the character usable. 3) Many characters suffer from a lack of creativity. I get it, creating entirely new sprites is a massive pain in the neck, but the least anyone could do is not re-color a character, give it some kind of fancy name, then we all come to find out that the character is literally the exact same as another, just renamed and re-colored. Like... why? Look, if you're not skilled with creating a character, then please don't create one. The amount of broken or improperly advertised characters I have downloaded by now is in the thousands because people go on like Mugen Archive (and sometimes here, or well, they used to do that here anyways) and create a "new" character, give it some kind of eye-catching name like "God Rugal EX" and then you download it, clean up any small issues, and play it, only to find out that it is literally just God Rugal, but they gave him a blue coat instead of a red one. 4) I hate that a lot of characters still have NOT been updated from WinMugen to 1.0 or 1.1, like come on, I would like to be able to have all those janky Super Fighter character (ya know, that one bootleg Taiwanese ripoff Street Fighter game) in my roster.
  21. Everything about this screenpack speaks volumes about the creator. Obviously, the creator has a good taste in music, the creator knows a lot about what blends together well, and what level of visuals need to be established. A lot of screenpacks, such as the M.I.C.A one are very impressive, they give off vibes that make you truly appreciate the work that has gone into them time and time again. For a screenpack such as this one, you can tell that a lot of care and consideration went into creating it. It wasn't just thrown together for the sake of existing, it wasn't just a coincidence of selection, no... it was carefully crafted. Personally, I can say, based on my experiences so far, this seems to be, by far, one of the most simple, yet visually impressive screenpacks available. It doesn't need fancy animations to hype it up, it doesn't need some kind of profound introduction, and it certainly doesn't seem to need any fixes (at least none that I have encountered yet anyways). I would give this a solid 10 out of 10 and highly recommend it. My only suggestion or complaint of any kind, would be that I would like to have even more character slots. I'll be honest, obviously I don't need 500+ characters, I mean, who really does? But time and time again, we go digging through all these different sites and forums, only to find that there is another character creation that we would like to either challenge ourselves with or challenge ourselves against (if of course that is what you do with them). I mean hell, I have I think 10 or more different versions of Ryu because each version is so unique in its own right, that it is a bit difficult to just get rid of them. UPDATE (6/7/2019) So, just a quick heads up, there is some unknown error in the screenpack that causes it to NOT function with VSelect (meaning it'll crash VSelect randomly), and another unknown bug that crashes MUGEN in general. Just figured I'd throw that out there. So yeah, no longer a 10 out of 10, now a 7 out of 10. These crashes are too frequent that they're actually starting to piss me off. So switching back to the MICA screenpack.
  22. Eddy Gordo (by LESSARD) This is the first time I have actually wanted to play as Eddy Gordo. Normally he's just a really obnoxious character to play as, his fighting style is a tad bit frustrating to adjust to, but I can say with utmost certainty, this character is quite easy to figure out and better yet, he's pretty amazing a juggling. Jotaro Kujo (by INFINITE) I mean, it's Jotaro, what the hell more do you need to get a vote. But seriously, INFINITE has always done fantastic work, and now we finally get to see INFINITE's work put into a character loved by pretty much anyone who is anyone and everyone that actually has a good taste in anime.
  23. I'm going to have to vote for Ice. I can truly appreciate BASARA-KUN's work (as I actually have almost every character he has made in my roster as it is). While TheNone & Mr. Giang do good work, Thanos is just a garbage character overall. Sorry.
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