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Introduction Board, Not Increasing Post Counts


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Im sure some of you may notice that the when you post in the Introduction board, your post count does not increase, especially if your a new member, your post still stays at 0 posts. The reason for this is because I know from experience (previous Introduction boards) That we the members tend to spam the heck out of the introduction board with replies and stuff. This is used more as a safety measure so people don't spam up there post count with regular talk, when the goal of the board is for people to simple just say hi i'm so and so. So how do you all feel about this?

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I Personally Think Its Good Because Your Introducing Yourself And Also Avoiding Spam And Flooding At the same time which in this case is Good. I Like the idea

http://prntscr.com/qxqslb < My Sig Since I cant use Image Atm


http://anime2013freak.blog.fc2.com Please Visit it Guys ^^ I Update Matches Post pics etc

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I agree with Laharl BUT I feel that would also create a loss of activity oddly enough. Intro board I (personally) feel should give post count but at the same time,I agree with what you said Ryon. (omg im indecisive xD) If only there was a way for active mems to keep getting post count and new mems not to.

If you want my released works, go here.

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I agree with the choice boss but I think some topics elsewhere must be put under lock as to avoid some problems.Some people I only see in the random chatter and they have +1,000 pages there...Maybe start locking some threads up.

I Personally Think Its Good Because Your Introducing Yourself And Also Avoiding Spam And Flooding At the same time which in this case is Good. I Like the idea

Cut down on the posting it seems like spam.Not to stop your roleplay but bring it down a notch alright.I was once warned of something similar.2,000+ posts in a month is crazy.


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