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Everything posted by Otasira

  1. Huh, her outfit reminds me of the priestess from the game "Pocky and Rocky"
  2. Otasira


    Thoughts: "I'm in the spot light!" seriously though, I'd probably be too shocked to think of anything.
  3. Yes, this is made from a real photo, more or less. If only I can express my hate for your response. I'll post a new photo, dammit. EDIT: Here's the photo.
  4. After a crap ton of cropping and placement, my first wide screen roster is practically done!
  5. Training and Watch mode are the only modes I need to keep myself entertained.
  6. Woohoo!! Thanks a million! Though my cpu is dead for a while, I can't wait to play with her!
  7. Food: Ravioli, Bread, Cheddar Lays Drink: Coke I don't feel the need to post a damn picture, sue me.
  8. Thanks, but I have her, but her snd file is broken. I've been looking for a copy of it for a bit now.
  9. @Harsh Thanks a million Harsh, I owe ya one! I'm sorry Harsh, but I wasn't meaning an mp3, it was a sound file for the character. @Ryoucchi It was a zip file broken into 4 parts, I tried 'em all, but came into the same problem. It's odd, really. If it's not too much trouble, might I get the snd file?
  10. Hello, I'd like to request the sound file for "Perfecti" by "ari". I went to the web page and DL'd it. But with every extraction attempt, it'd get an error message, saying it was broken.
  11. The real name's "Alex Bird". It's very odd for me at times, but I guess I've grown accustomed to it.
  12. Just two random finds I got. I'm sure they're pretty damn old.
  13. Oh my god, YES!!!!!!!! I've waited oh so patiently for this moment! ::::D
  14. Aww.. I had some hope that this would be decent. The look is sub-boss worthy I guess, though I like the moves, he's pretty over powered. On all ends I've seen so far.
  15. Alrighty, I tried them out. The only negative thing I can think of is that it's not animated. EDIT: Aside from Mr. Chau's Other than that (excluding the exterior of the stage moving the same speed as the front) i like 'em. I'll be keepin' these stages for sure.
  16. Yeah, it said I didn't have permission and to buy the CD/Game via Amazon.
  17. EEEEEEGGH, YESSSS!!! Okay, fan boying aside, I hope these are animated. Uh oh.. seems like downloading is impossible on my end..
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