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Hey i was sent here by ultra fatality met him at youmacon 2014 and so far i like what im seeing i know about mugen but i dont know about the sites and stuff like this so um yeah im new and i dont know what to do just waiting for awesome stuff to happen i guess but anywho thanks again for the invite ultra fatality love the site and hope your game goes well 

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Welcome aboard to Ryon's little piece of Heaven~

Enjoy your stay.


If MFFA's a heaven, does that mean i'm an angel *shot




No, that means you're still the same ol' Airhead Goddess. :V


Anyway welcome JMan! It's always nice to see a Sonic fan for me and I hope you'll share what you made already in terms of characters with us. For the rest, read and follow the rules and we'll stay friends lol.


Enjoy your stay! ;P


Welcome to the forums.

You too thnx

Welcome to MFFA! Another Sonic fan, yay!


Another Sonic fan, yah! XD

Yes i'm Sonic fan


Nothing much you?

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Oh wow. I'm not much of a Sonic fan. Roleplaying huh? Me of all people should have got that! :yaoming:

Lol no worries. Just trying to clear the misunderstanding.


Here it is by the way:




-[Все слова это только слова.]-

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