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What would your fighting game ending be?


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The ending begins with a scene of a launch facility preparing to launch a rocket as the countdown begins. The camera then zooms in on Trini who begins to awaken only to find himself chained into the rocket about to launch. The camera then begins moving around the rocket to reveal that Neo fire sonic and Difflok are also chained up with him on the rocket. A quick shot of their horrified faces is shown before showing the countdown timer at 5 seconds. The screen then shows their faces again as they continue to struggle to get free, only for the rocket to begin launching as they begin to scream in horror.

The scene then shows a far away view of the rocket launching, barely showing the presence of an observer of the event unfolding. The screen then changes to the binocular view of the observer, as he focuses on the expressions of the unfortunate victims. The screen then goes to a frontal view of the observer who is revealed to be Darkflare as he slowly puts down his binoculars and begins to laugh like a maniac.

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My favorite ending would be this,


Star fox game is originally puppets


So as an ending for this story, i would like to see Fox suddenly become lifeless and have strings attached to him. like a twist ending and the whole time, master hand was controlling him and all the nintendo stories.


The end.


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my ending would be......


Flash of light, helicopter slowly hovers towards the ground, i would jump in and the copter would slowly rise up as i looked down at the ground with a sparkle in my eye, Then the helicopter would zoom off into the background and then the copter would land on top of a building where i would jump out with the wind blowing my hair around and my clothes, then the copter would fly away and i would walk into my house and sit on the couch and take a nap

Find Yourself. Find Peace. Find Creativity
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Since my OC play MvC2 style... after defeating Abyss, in my wolf form, I leave back to HQ like one of my win poses goes and report that Abyss has been finally destroyed but WereGarurumon stops me and challenges me to a fight before I head back, I turn to my human form and accept his challenge and then we charge at each other and the screen goes black, leaving it to the viewer to speculate the outcome of the fight.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It would go like this with this music playing:






I just killed 500 zombies using a paperclip.  Kicked M.Bison in the balls.  Shot the finger at Thanos, and called Shao Khan  a sissy.  Duke Nukem passes me a beer, and this woman standing behind me says "hey stranger, that was cool..."  I turn and pull her toward me and say:  " We're going to a hotel.  I'm gonna wreak you baby...."



The End   LOL

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  • 3 months later...

After obliterating Gill and his thong, I go onto the interwebs and brag about how I defeated the illuminati and how MLG I am. This wins me over 9000 dollars and a replica of Dee Bee Kaw's signature jacket.


All set to an airhorn version of this:

Youtube Channel: Here

Website: Here


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