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Rank's and Grouping.


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some of these views are waaaaay too narrow-minded &/or biased/elitist imo, but whatevs, it can't be help'd. now, with that bein' said.....


for tha reason stated, me not bein' a Contrib anymore makes sense tho, so that's acceptable to me. not havin' no decent rank at all however, is not.


it's like sayin' i've done next-to-jackshit all of this time, that i have kreated nothing of any quality worthsoever, & this is far beyond from bein' tha truth. i've grinded too damn'd much,  & becuz of that i have enough sense of self-worth to know that i've at least earn'd a good rank among my mugen uni peers, if not a unique rank of my own due to what i mainly, not "only", work on for mugen. tha "Author" rank should be under me it or somethin' equal to it, unless, for some odd, phukktarded reasoning, my kreative relevance is unrecognized &/or negated all of a sudden.


i mean no disrespect here, but at tha end of tha day tho, i refuse to be constantly overlook'd on this matter, in this manner, & not speak on it any longer; this chizz has been goin' on for too damn'd long now.

It's messed up...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Perhaps. But the before mention 2 at least treat the recipient with a certain level of respect. Maybe Ryon is creating a class of Evaluators that provide insightful feedback AND do so without belittling or ridiculing the recipient at the same time. It can be difficult to find a good combination of both. Our current evaluators have proven that they can achieve such results.



Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Why has Darkflare not gotten an Evaluator rank yet like Xan and Genesis? He's quite as much capable at giving feedback as the previously mentioned two.

Finally, someone that appreciates my work.

Perhaps. But the before mention 2 at least treat the recipient with a certain level of respect. Maybe Ryon is creating a class of Evaluators that provide insightful feedback AND do so without belittling or ridiculing the recipient at the same time. It can be difficult to find a good combination of both. Our current evaluators have proven that they can achieve such results.


Or maybe i actually know what I'm talking about and I only belittle people that do stupid stuff like completely ignore the obvious problems I've presented and make up excuses (I like it like that/You changed it to make me look bad/it's my first character/I don't plan to do any fixes anyway).

I've given feedback to plenty of authors and the good ones have been very appreciative of it regardless of what method I use.

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Finally, someone that appreciates my work.

Or maybe i actually know what I'm talking about and I only belittle people that do stupid stuff like completely ignore the obvious problems I've presented and make up excuses (I like it like that/You changed it to make me look bad/it's my first character/I don't plan to do any fixes anyway).

I've given feedback to plenty of authors and the good ones have been very appreciative of it regardless of what method I use.

I guess the bottom line is that you aquired your rank. Congratulations.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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I want my rank too ryon is so lazy to make an Rank for an member or what?



Don't be so impatient Sjas, Ryon already said your stages are not impressive (therefore not contributing to a creator or author status) and he has yet to look at your characters. Why are you even so pinned on getting the rank? It's a rank, nothing more and nothing less.


This signature would not have been possible without the combined efforts of RyoucchiZenesis. All credit goes to them for making this!

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Don't be so impatiens Sjas, Ryon already said your stages are not impressive (therefore not contributing to a creator or author status) and he has yet to look at your characters. Why are you even so pinned on getting the rank? It's a rank, nothing more and nothing less.

Because This New Style of ranks are so better than the old one plus i have released another character so i need it !.

My Signature 

Fuck U :D I Don't Have one Asshole.

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hey what about me?

I have created a lot of creations but when I need to update I'm geting into the rush and stuff...

so what do ya' think?

Post the link here.


"If you want to be my friend then you have to become a hentai boy"

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I can vouch for duck@ss. He's done some stuff and Basara is even considering his bootleg Akuma for his full game.

He's an oddball, but he's good.




Duck@ss does deserves his rank very much!  His Ryu Hayabusa NES edit/update is so awesome!  Most importantly, he cares to help Chuchoryu by actually doing not by just talking!  Duck@ss has hearts in his MUGEN stuff!  What is MFFA's theme?  Caring is Sharing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Post the link here.


How the duck do you not know of Duck@ss' cool MUGEN web site hyperlink!?  It is right here:  http://www.geocities.ws/duckss/

Very easy-to-remember and descriptive-enough web site hyperlink yo.

"I still care to share because I believe in Sharing is Caring" - Werewood

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