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Rank's and Grouping.


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Can't people like smhungary89peterpunkass, & Mugenmonkey get author, Editor or creator status? The first one has made a few stages & good edited characters, peterpunkass has made quite some stages, DemonKai made Legendary Terry Bogard who despite having it's flaws gets continually updated and fixed and is already a solid character in it's own and Mugenmonkey has made a few sprite edited characters from SF1 to recreate other characters in that style.


smhungary89's work :


[Edited characters]










peterpunkass's work :




Legendary DeMoNkAi's work :



Mugenmonkey's work :




This signature would not have been possible without the combined efforts of RyoucchiZenesis. All credit goes to them for making this!

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hyoudou issei-kun (Wargame-Kun) > Author.

He made some nice stages and still learning but all good. +


 smhungary89 > Editor.

Those are dits if you have read is topics they are kinda good. +1


peterpunkass > no

Stages need more way more work imo plus mostly are single layered or has notable graphics mistakes. -1


Legendary DeMoNkAi > Author

Yup all those contantly updates. +1


Mugenmonkey > no 

Just for one edited stage and a few sprite edits? -1    



To gain a rank you are asking for a certain quantity or quality of creations?

Leaving my worries behind, feel the freedom of body and mind


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To gain a rank you are asking for a certain quantity or quality of creations?


Honestly I prefer Quality.


like for instance Cybaster for YEARS he didnt release character, say only 2 characters (before the DBZ ones)

and they were extremely well made, balanced, nice coding, effects, everything.


His knowledge is also amazing.


He's only made 2 characters, that are quality, he deserves a rank.


where as some people release crap loads of characters and they suck. they don't really deserve anything.

- Characters -  / - Stages - / - Screenpacks - / - Lifebars - / - Fonts - / - Full Games - / - Templates -


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Honestly I prefer Quality.


like for instance Cybaster for YEARS he didnt release character, say only 2 characters (before the DBZ ones)

and they were extremely well made, balanced, nice coding, effects, everything.


His knowledge is also amazing.


He's only made 2 characters, that are quality, he deserves a rank.


where as some people release crap loads of characters and they suck. they don't really deserve anything.


Yeah i was like wth with that i thou before that Cybaster was a thousand chars guy but nooo lol.



u cant forget R@CE no need to say why but since he does custom gamplay chars adn sometimes creates the FX i thik should be a Creator.

Leaving my worries behind, feel the freedom of body and mind


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some of these views are waaaaay too narrow-minded &/or biased/elitist imo, but whatevs, it can't be help'd. now, with that bein' said.....


for tha reason stated, me not bein' a Contrib anymore makes sense tho, so that's acceptable to me. not havin' no decent rank at all however, is not.


it's like sayin' i've done next-to-jackshit all of this time, that i have kreated nothing of any quality worthsoever, & this is far beyond from bein' tha truth. i've grinded too damn'd much,  & becuz of that i have enough sense of self-worth to know that i've at least earn'd a good rank among my mugen uni peers, if not a unique rank of my own due to what i mainly, not "only", work on for mugen. tha "Author" rank should be under me it or somethin' equal to it, unless, for some odd, phukktarded reasoning, my kreative relevance is unrecognized &/or negated all of a sudden.


i mean no disrespect here, but at tha end of tha day tho, i refuse to be constantly overlook'd on this matter, in this manner, & not speak on it any longer; this chizz has been goin' on for too damn'd long now.


Kord Elite Kommander of the RSA

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