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Everything posted by LightFlare_Da_Realest

  1. KOF 2003 Aldeheid Stage by Vegaz [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] That piano tho... [COMMENT] Sup peepz? Got an edit of Aldehied's Stage by RYO2005. Added zoom, superjump, a looped bgm and adjusted the delta's bit. Enjoy.
  2. LightFlare leaps down and faces Iblis.... (This creature is....immense. And the man with the weapons...what does HE have to do with this? We have to strike now...) Oro! How far are you!? Just then a large orb of energy slams into Iblis! Am I too late!? I'm getting up in age so I move a bit slower! HAAAA! Oro old friend! You made it! I guess I don't need to explain. Where is your new friend? (ooc: @A person you're up, bro)
  3. LightFlare rides on Ultraman's shoulders, blasting the worms with single shots. (These things again. I wonder if any of the other creatures we encountered in the void will appear...) Ultraman!? Do you find it ironic that you can grow large, yet also have large bugs to squash? Heh...
  4. KOF 95 Ryuko Stage by Vegaz [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] It's a friggin RANBU! [COMMENT] One of my favorite stages from one of my favorite teams. Its got animation, superjump, zoom and looped bgm. Credit to RYO2005 for the original stage.
  5. Fight ambience. Lol! Sounds like something I saw on WorldStar, homie.
  6. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] Does he EVER punch?! [COMMENT] An edit of Kim's stage by Ryo2005. I added zoom, superjump and looped bgm. Enjoy guys.
  7. Kai added the superjump. Cool. I added to mine back when you first sent it to me but I didn't think you'd be able to test it. You on that 1.1 now?
  8. Yea it was kinda random. I was inspired to do some more stages and I already had the original sitting around. So I jumped on it. We good, homie. Rain stage? Walking dead colab? My bad man. Remind me again.
  9. The R.O.K. is in the building! Nice work, homie.
  10. [PREVIEW] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLvTogvp9Do [DOWNLOAD] OSHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH! [COMMENT] Not much to explain here. This is an edit of Ryo2005's stage. I added superjump, changed the globe animation, looped an arranged bgm and added zoom. Have at it.
  11. Lol! I guess a nostalgic stage deserves a nostalgic description.
  12. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] Ragnarok [COMMENT] Yep. It's Ragnarok baby! From Battletoads in Battlemaniacs. It's got animations, zoom, superjump and a rocking looped bgm. My favorite track in the whole series. Thanks for the sprites, Omega. Enjoy.
  13. Pretty cool idea. Another addition to one of my all time favorite projects.
  14. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] Eat my shorts! [COMMENT] Come on. You HAD to love this game. It was sooo epic! So I was finally in the mood to do this one and here it is. They got the usual stuff, mang. Superjump, looped bgm animations and zoom. The elevator doesn't have zoom cuz I wanted to stay true to the claustrophobic elevator feel. Some of the stages were broken up into sections, otherwise you wouldn't been able to use the entire sprite. And the frog on the Cemetary stage may or may not work on 1.0*looks at Staubhold *. Thanks to Random Talking Bush for the sprites. Now enjoy your stay in the surprisingly dangerous lovely town of Springfield.
  15. Your guess is as good as mine. At any rate we may get there faster if ride on his shoulders. Ultraman! How bout giving us a lift?
  16. As the heroes head into the city, a commotion can be seen ahead. The city is in turmoil as the dragon can be seen overhead. TV's and monitors across the city begin to show coverage of the beast.... (Looks like he's on the move. But I guess he never wasn't. Gotta keep moving...)
  17. It's fine. I can sense Iblis. Feel free to follow... LightFlare heads North into the City...
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