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Everything posted by LightFlare_Da_Realest

  1. The Creators section is gone. Wuzzup wit dat?
  2. (Thread...page....she acts as if this is some story online. We should be moving. Hmm...Oro and Kahrelimi are getting close.) Aya, pardon me. But have you actually seen Iblis in the vicinity?
  3. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] Renagaaaades! Come out and Plaaaa-eee-aaaay! [COMMENT] It's them Renegades, tho! An arcade classic with a classic name! Comes with the US and Japanese versions of each stage. Stage 2, I guess, wasn't any different on the east or west side of the world. But anyway the got Superjump, zoom and classic looped bgm. Now knuckle up and let's brawl!
  4. Thanks homie. That's my Street Mugen Screenpack. Here's the link. I typically don't mess with the scale of a stage but I get your point. The sprites loose a bit of quality depending on how much you scale. Maybe I'll experiment a little.
  5. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] It's Merica Baby! [COMMENT] Can't have too many Double Dragon stages. So I dropping 2 more for yah. More of my classic style. Superjump, zoom and looped bgm. Thanks to T.N. at Spriters Resource. Enjoy.
  6. You'll do fine, Kahre. Besides young lady, now is not the time for self doubt. Push forward. We'll need all the help we can aquire... Oro begins walking toward Kalos City Limits...
  7. LightFlare sees the others coming through the portal when suddenly notices a red blur past him... That Deadpool is a strange one. Still...he's a certified killing machine. We'll need every available resource to defeat Iblis. Even the "crazy" resources.
  8. LightFlare arrives back in Kalos. He can immediately feel a change in the atmosphere. He contacts Oro... Oro! I'm back in Kalos. I'm in the city limits. The air has changed. It seems no one in the city has noticed, but it's darker here. Iblis his here somewhere. And no doubt Liquid Snake is somewhere watching. When the time comes he'll make his move. Of course he may already have. Considering he brought Iblis here, that would technically be his first move. We need to move fast. Understood. We will rendezvous in town. You won't be hard to find. We'll just follow the "black sky." Right Kahre?
  9. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] Parotte [COMMENT] It's me! It's me! It's the V-E-G-A-Z! And I got some more Hires hotness for ya. Stages from a cool little parody game called Parotte Fighter. The come with zoom, superjump, animations and some looped bgm. I couldn't find the original soundtrack, which is ok...cuz it wasn't all that. So each stage has a bgm based on the original stage it parodied. Props to Ulthev at Spriters Resource. Now you ladies enjoy yourselves!
  10. LightFlare looks at the portal. He can see his home on the other side. Without a word he walks through...
  11. He has his moments...actually he's one of the most extraordinary men I've ever met. The feeling is mutual, oro. We'll talk more when I arrive. Be safe,,,, Same to you, my friend. Communication between LightFlare and Oro stops. Kahre...let's continue.
  12. That's what I like to hear! So LightFlare, my diligent pupal when will you and the others be here? We're waiting on some of the others. But I'm getting a bit impatient. You?! Impatient?! Now I KNOW it's serious. You patience is second to one...that one being ME of course. Heh heh! Heh, you'd think someone of YOUR age would actually be LOSING patience. Heh... LightFlare my dear friend, I'm a hermit. As are you at times...patience...is one of my virtures. ONE of them?! You have more than one my friend? Whaaaaaat? My dear Kahre. Pay him no mind. LightFlare is just ready to get back in the swing of things. Oro feels the sting of an unexpected burn...
  13. As LightFlare and the others prepare to leave LightFlare contacts Oro... Oro?! Can you hear me?! LightFlare?! How's everything? Are you ok? I'm fine. It looks like we will be heading your way soon. Iblis may already be there. I'm sure you sense a change in the atmoshphere. Indeed I have. Me and Kahri are training in preperation. Isn't that right Kahre?
  14. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] Rance...crackers? [COMMENT] Sup peeps?! Got some quality stuff here. Kichikuou Rance...Sengoku...one of 'em. Anyway, it's 10 stages from a pretty cool rpg on the PC. The stages have looped bgm and parallax. Sorry, no zoom and no superjump this time. Thanks to Dazz at Spriters Resource for the sprites. Enjoy.
  15. Oh yea! I forgot the last stage isn't very accurate. The sky in the original was red. But the black overlay is from the spritesheet I used.
  16. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] A zoo fight?! Really?! [COMMENMT] Sup peepz?! Back with some more OpenGL Only chizz. AzuFight...heh...what a name. Anyway they've got zoom, superjump, and one even has animations...well...it has a sprite with velocity. It aslo has looped bgm, but the bgm is kinda random. A few songs from some random J-Metal bands. Props to Random Talking Bush at Spriter's Resource. Enjoy.
  17. It's pretty cool. -darkened the helicopter -darkened the floor -added the lens flare(thanks Margatroid) -adjusted the sin movements of the helicopter
  18. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] Toky-OOOOOOH! [COMMENT] That's right. Ya boi dun dropped another Hi-Res jewel. I ran across this group called Babymetal. They some cool chicks. So much so they inspired me to make this stage. It's got zoom, superjump, parallax, scale-delta, animations and of course...looped bgm. OpenGL only. Aight, enough talk. Dukes Up!
  19. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] The Block [COMMENT] Here's another attempt at something different. It's lowres, but I'm using real life images and requires openGL. It's not to far off from my usual coding, but I think it's got some swag to it. Comes equipped with my usual goodies like superjump, looped bgm, parallax floor and animations. Have at it.
  20. Chilling. Trying new things. Good to hear from ya.
  21. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] update [COMMENT] -darkened the blimp -animated the water Yep, its hi-res. 1.1 and its openGL. Its got superjump, animations parallax and looped bgm. I didn't know animating water would be so easy. It's basic, so it will do for now. I'll experiment more and share the results of my "training" in due time. So it stayed tuned.
  22. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] Dem Bats Tho [COMMENT] Ah...memories. ZombieBrock, a good friend of mine released a cool original stage. He got a lot of praise for it, but most insisted that it should be animated. I was kinda new on the scene, but I thought it'd be a good test to see if I could pull it off. I asked him and he gave me the green light. So...I did...with some cool upgrades of my own. It was the first time he and I colabed and would lead to a few others as well. That was 4 years ago. 2 years after that I released an update with zoom, but I knew I wasn't finished with it yet. I kept hinting at Brock and my homie Alpyne, who also kut 2 tracks for it during it's first release, that I had a plan to do another update. But I needed to be sure that I could code it correctly. I've learned a bit since then, and I decided to put what I learned to good use. Since I showed up I always tried to improve bit by bit. It's a slow grind, but it keeps me motivated. Learn something. Fine tune it. Move on. I could probably go a little faster but...yah know...real life. But here we are. Updated custom stage with superjump, animations, zoom, looped bgm's galore(The original track by me, 2 tracks by Alp, and a new track by me as well), and a special treat for those who pay attention to Dracula in the back. I haven't posted such a wordy post in a while, but this one is special to me. Now enough of the sentimental stuff! Let's Fight!
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