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Everything posted by LightFlare_Da_Realest

  1. [PREVIEW] [DOWMLOAD] She is the one...SAILOR MOON...MOON...MOON...MOON [COMMENT] It's me, It's me! It's Ve-gaz-P! I've got some more classic arcade beat-em up love for yah. I didn't play this but based on the vids this game was pretty epic. The all contain the usual spec. Superjump. Zoom. Looped bgm and even some animations. Thanks to AzReazel and Dan at Spriter's Resource. Enjoy.
  2. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] Cherry High [COMMENT] I never played this, but it caught my attention. It comes with superjump, zoom, and looped bgms. Enjoy.
  3. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] Ruins [COMMENT] Sup guys? Here's an original stage inspired by Contra, Gundam and maybe even Terminator. Used sprites ripped by Maxim and Davias. I also borrowed from Yagoshi300. I liked what he did with the sunset on his stage. It has superjump, looped bgm, and zoom. Also...next video I'm gonna use non-marvel characters. Those hyper bg's blocked everything! Anyway, enjoy!
  4. I don't think so. My goal was to do at least one stage for every character. Some were already done by other authors so I just wanted to "fill in the gaps." But you never know. It has been requested more than once... Enjoy my friend. Thanks homie. You should give the source game a go on emulator, bro.
  5. KOF 2002 Italy-NESTS Stage by Vegaz [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] NESTS [COMMENT] Another superjump bang'ah for yah. Also added a looped bgm and zoom. Originally by RYO2005. Have at it.
  6. ROOOOOOREEEEE! Iblis writhes in pain as he slumps over. The ground shakes as his face hits the ground. Iblis attempts to push itself of the ground to an upright position... NICHIIRO SHYOU BARRAGE! Oro immediately begins to assult Iblis with multiple projectile attacks... LIGHTFLARE! YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO! Right...it's now or never... A sudden calm came across LightFlare. The light energy that surrounded LightFlare was suddenly enfused with a purple like aura... LightFlare camly takes his stance. In an instant he expells his chi creating a crater under his feet. He leaps into the air...
  7. Your help is welcome. I am known as LightFlare. It seems there are many strong fighters here. Almost as if these chain of events have brought us here...by fate. What is your name young warrior? You have an aura that far exceeds you seemingly mild deemener.
  8. Momentarily stunned from Kyo's attack, Iblis leans over a bit in front of Seth...
  9. (What the...who is that? Another strong Fighter has entered the fray) Oro?! Are you OK?! Indeed! But that attack was quite powerful. Along with Kahrelimi's attack, it looks as if Iblis is haulted momentarily! In fact the ice from Kahre's attack as begin to freeze one of Iblis's arms! Now's my chance! LightFlare takes of sprinting towards Iblis and leaps into the air towards Iblis's right arm... TIME TO STRIKE!
  10. Iblis continues his assult with a hailstorm of burning ROCKS.... AAAAAAAAAHHHHH! LightFlare retaliates with an arcing LightFlare Cannon the sweeps across the air... This looks like fun...! Almost like training! Oro counters the flaming boulders with boulders of his own.
  11. RAAAAAAHHHHH! Iblis becomes enraged and expells flames from his mouth, breaking the ice around his head and engulfing the area surrounding the heroes in flames. He negates both Oro and LightFlare's attacks causing a shockwave to extend towards the other heroes. Realizing his attack was pushed back, LightFlare blocks as Oro takes cover. LightFlare's arms singe from the fiery attack... Such power! Even after our onslaught thus beast has enough rage to literally blow it all away! A direct assault might not be the answer... At least not on it's own! But maybe if we could immobilize it long enough to make a critical blow. Perhaps YOU could help us with that LightFlare... With a seal?! I've never sealed anything so large. Even the mighty Potemkin pales in comparison...but there must be a way.
  12. Looks like Kyo isn't the only one who keeps good company. I think I'll follow Kahre's lead... AAAAAAAAAHHHHH! I'LL TAKE THE LEFT...! ...AND I'LL TAKE THE RIGHT! YAGYOU DAAAAMAAA! LIGHTFLARE CAANOOOOOOOON! Oro and LightFlare strike the right and left legs of Iblis causing it to stumble.
  13. Nice to meet you, young lady.(Although when I look at her, a strange pull comes over me. Is she really even young?) Kyo, you always manage to keep "good" company. Heh... Especially Shingo. I DO miss his energy. Oro notices Iblis beginning to move... Iblis is about to retaliate! Argento!? What do you purpose we do?!
  14. LightFlare begin to smile as he noticed an old friend... Kyo?! Good to see you, my friend. I guess you can't stay out of trouble too long, eh? I'm a bit surprised you're still around. A certain "someone" must be treating you well... LightFlare glares back at Argento... So...what are your motives, Argento? Do you know something we don't. And no smart remarks like "I know a lot of things you don't"! You've been shady from the moment we met. And although you fight along side us, there is a certain dark aura about you. Believe me...I know I about " dark aura."
  15. LightFlare sees Argento kick the man, even though he appeared to be an ally. Argento?! What sort of self absorbed reasoning do you have for attacking a potential ally, when you won't even attack an absolute enemy?! I'm confused as well...
  16. And there she is. It seems you've brought a strong Ally. Nice to meet you finally, Kahri. Although the circumstances are not so good. No time to complain about that now.... LightFlare charges up... Now let's take this thing down before the whole city is destroyed! LIGHTFLARE CAANOOOOOOOON!
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