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Everything posted by LightFlare_Da_Realest

  1. @Tony Redgrave @Mister Fael @Agni Blackheart @A person Wow...that's some squad. Eleven people counting myself are headed to the Slum Village. I suspect word got out about my last visit. There's a chance that they'll think twice about attacking us this time.... There's also a chance they'll be looking for retaliation. They never saw me leave my house In my current attire, so the may not recognize me. I'll play the background and hopefully we can avoid conflict as long as we don't behave to rash. And don't worry Nemesis, I was kidding earlier. And even if we get into a scuffle, I'll hold back. There are a lot of innocent people in that neighborhood. And contrary to popular belief, they aren't all bad... Let me know when you guys are ready.
  2. Heh...I'll try not to hurt "all" of them... LightFlare chuckles as teases Nemesis... Take it easy, Darkflare. Agni...you ok?
  3. (Not you too, Darkflare...I guess everyone has there assumptions about that neighborhood) I think the people are misunderstood. If you intend to investigate the events of Slum Village I'd like to accompany you. I need to know what's going on in my won neighborhood. Maybe I've ignored it long enough...
  4. That's the funny thing. They aren't there when I left. And it was only a couple days ago. They seem to appeared outta nowhere.
  5. Sure. I don't know much about this place, but I know the my neighborhood is called Slum Village. But the name is quite misleading. It's actually a decent looking neighborhood. In comparison to the rest of the city it's not as extravagant, but an OK place to live none the less. It's name comes from the "upper class" people, who veiw it as "beneath them" and thus gave it the nickname "Slum Village." I'll admit, there are some thuggish individuals that hangout there, but most them harbor resentment for the rest of the city that seemingly shuns them. When I parted ways before, I went home to check up on things. Of course I wasn't expecting Shovel Knight to accompany me, but I'm glad he did. He helped me avoid some unneeded confrontation. Although we couldn't avoid it all...heh. What we found were some strange soldiers patrolling the area. They attacked us on site. Which leads me to believe that they are not city soldiers. Perhaps some rogue group composed of the locals fed up with the rest of the city. I really don't know. I only moved here a few months ago and I haven't been home much. I'm a fighter. And that's how I make my money. So I travel this world and compete in high level fighting tournaments. So even though I live here, I'm hardly ever home. There are many kinds of "beings" walking this planet. Humans. Extraterrestrials. Humanoid Beasts. I faced them all. But I came here to try something different. I've moved around all my life. I really don't know how long I'll be here in Candor City, but so far so good. But like I said, I'm a fighter, not a historian.
  6. Indeed. I'll see ya later...try not to kill the nurse...no really... ...try not to kill the nurse. LightFlare goes to receive treatment for his wounds. He ponders the story of Ren while he is being attended to. (Servants..."everything" form her father...hmmm) Shortly after he grabs a bite or eat and heads down to find everyone had gathered together. He walked in on Nemesis talking and caught as much about the story as he could. Being a native of the planet he knew of its history, but even he didn't know everything. He'd only just moved to Candor, and he still had much to learn about it as well. He was Impressed with how Nemesis was at gathering Intel. He addresses everyone in the room. Hello everyone! Any of you guys as sore as I am? Lol!
  7. Hmm...I guess even a..."monster"...can have people they care about. And it has brought you THIS far. Being cold and calculating is fine, but having someone to fight for other than yourself sometimes makes the difference. Having a sister is a blessing. It's something I don't have. And although I have friends that I've met along the way, it's not quite the same as the bond between siblings. Please...tell me about your sister.
  8. LightFlare stops but does not around completely, only turning his head to the side... Your determination. Your love for battle. You unwillingness to give up. You seek strong opponents to test yourself. These are all qualities that I share as well. And I am...without a doubt...a warrior. LightFlare turns around... ....it could also be said that you are resilient. You love conflict. You live by your natural instincts of self preservation. And you seek strong targets to defeat. Those Indeed are the qualities of an assassin. I guess a more accurate deduction would be that you're somewhere I the middle. You may think your more an assassin than a warrior, but inclined to believe the opposite. What do you think? Or... Does it even matter to you?
  9. Shouldn't be too hard to find the maid that struck you. Just look for the one with the damaged head. Because your skull...is thick. I'm pretty sure when I slammed your head to the floor...the floor was hurt more than you were. But one things for sure... ...you are a true warrior. So thank you for a great match. Hope you get sell soon... ...just not while I'M around. Heh...take care... LightFlare turns around to leave...
  10. Fair enough. I'll go see her right away. Oh...and Darkflare... ...thanks for not hitting me so hard. And with a slight smirk on his face, LightFlare gets directions from the maid and heads to the infirmary. A short time later he finds Ren being treated and asks the doctor if it's OK for him to speak to her. Once he had permission he approaches Ren... Hello Ren. I just want to say I'm sorry for what happened.
  11. LightFlare watches as the resilient Ren fell without a word...he calms down.. Darkflare, I'm truly sorry about what just happened. I was a bit reluctant to accept he challenge in the first place. I knew she wouldn't stop until I almost killed her...but I thought maybe I could reason with her. Guess I was wrong. Be a pal and show me to a medic to tend to my wounds. After that I guess I'll grab a bite to eat. Maybe watch a fight or two.. Heh.
  12. LightFlare puts his arms down and reasons with Ren... Ren...you've proven yourself to me. You've proven yourself to everyone. I know you're a "hunter"...but this was not a hunt. I have no ill will against you. This fight is over...I did not come here to permanently injure or even kill ANYONE! So... LightFlare is noticeably angry and begins speaking threw clenched teeth... ...take your hands of me now or I might call upon power that no one in this building INCLUDING MYSELF...wants to witness... The usually light blue aura surrounding LightFlare's body begin to be included with a purple hue..
  13. Uhh...! I should have known to you...this wasn't a sparring match...because to you... ...every match is life or death... With her heel pushing into his chest he quickly applies a triangle hold on her leg while hooking her ankle underneath his armpit. He then flips her too the ground backward smashing her face while simultaneously snapping her ankle. You're not going anywhere... While still holder her broken ankle, LightFlare initiates a V-Trigger sending electricity through Ren's body. He holds the other hand up towards Ren... Sorry.... LightFlare repeatedly blasts Ren with his now charged Light Burst attack.
  14. GUAAAHHH! LightFlare felt severe pain and coughed out a bit of blood as he turned around and said as he coughed... ...worth it...
  15. LightFlare parries again... (That's right, keep feeding them to me...) So we're you...is that all you got?! LightFlare moves within a couple of feet of Ren..
  16. Hmph... LightFlare parries the blast and circles closer while maintaining his guard...
  17. During Focus, some life is lost when attacking, but in time will return...LightFlare takes full advantage of this... (Good my life has returned to me, well at least some of it...she doesn't realize that. So at least her last barrage of hers is more or less rendered null and void. But she is still watching my every move. LightFlare continues to move in forward circle towards Ren...
  18. Sorry to tell you, but the corner you speak of does not exist... LightFlare carefully circles Ren as he talks...
  19. By using Focus, LightFlare absorbs the attack taking minimal damage. In exchange LightFlare can immediately retaliate with a single blow striking Ren without her having a chance to retaliate. After this couter move, the opponent automatically becomes stunned. She crumbles from the blow and is unable to counter the next move. You've been a worthy opponent...
  20. (Focus LightFlare...) Hmph... LightFlare uses Focus and places his feet firmly on the ground bending his knees and preparing for Ren's attack...
  21. (Nice block...but even she can't stand up straight after that...) Huuuyaaah!! With Ren of balance from the Shock Burst, LightFlare fires a Light Burst directly at Ren...
  22. LightFlare's overhead is collides with her uppercut and he is pushed back from the recoil. He receives damage but is not lifted into the air. Not so fast! V-Trigger! LightFlare charges his hands with electricity...
  23. (No time to dodge, but enough distance to block) LightFlare blocks low and attempts an overhead punch.
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