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Everything posted by LightFlare_Da_Realest

  1. Since the grenade was cooked, even though Mirfah threw it, it was still close enough to explode near him sending shrapnel at Mirfah. Because Mirfah was focusing on attacking the guard with the Taser rod, the shrapnel hits Mirfah cutting him severely.
  2. One knight takes cover while the other cooks another frag grenade and rolls behind Mirfah and Tommy... Due to Tommy's inexperience with guns, the Knight kicks the gun out of his hand as he aims at The Knight's kneecaps and attemps a quick strike to the temple with is Taser Rod. The wind attack hits the car the Knight was behind. The Knight cooks a smoke grenade and rolls it towards towards Hina. The Knight from Yui's tornado attack gets up and aims at Yui and fires at Yui. Unaware of the creeping Knight from before, and focusing on Kirimuri, Hina is shot in the back.
  3. Two Knights tosses a frag grenade over the pillars.. The other five maintain position with guns aimed at the fighters.. The ignore her pleas and hold position until The grenade detonates...
  4. Indeed. Haw about you guys? LightFlare addresses the rest of team one... @NijikakuFan61 @Mister Fael
  5. @Mister Fael @Tony Redgrave @NijikakuFan61 Once team one had assembled again , and where away from the guards LightFlare spoke to the others... Ok, looks like we avoided the guards for now. So what have you guys found out?
  6. The man explained to Frank that if he really wanted to get some good pictures, he should head north. The leader of the Knights of the Forsaken, Hakumen would be giving a speech.
  7. Two blocks north...take a left at the coffee shop. It's on the right.
  8. Outside one of the entrances to Slum Village...the guards look Kirimuru up and down, but he deserves not fit the description of the assailants they were looking for. They watch as he passes...
  9. @Tony Redgrave @Mister Fael @NijikakuFan61 Meanwhile LightFlare notices some guards getting close to his position. He lets out a whistle and begins to head further east hoping the others take notice... (Time to relocate...)
  10. The man explained that there hasn't been a martial law. But the guards have been put on high alert. They seemed stressed out, but we're confident that the KOTF would protect them... The lady shared that the Guards were known as the Knights of the Forsaken. That for some time the rest of Candor City have looked down on Slum Village, and that the KOTF where there to protect them. The young man seemed to know a lot about the guards. He said that they were a part of the Royal Knights. They were sent to ease the rising tension between Slum Village and the rest of the city. He explained that even though they are part of the very same government that oversees the city that shuns them, he somehow feels that they are on his side...
  11. The lady said the guards were patrolling earlier and had a confrontation with two guys. It was only two of them but they were pretty strong. Now their leader has become more vocal. He wears s mask and is known as Hakuman. He supposedly is a Royal Knight assigned to this area for a special project. But what that is is unknown. He says it's to make our community a safer place. Who knows for sure..
  12. @Mister Fael @NijikakuFan61 @Tony Redgrave Lightflare's Team went east to question the locals residents on the recent arrival of the "soldiers" in Slum Village... Looks like there are no guards in the immediate area. Let's spread out a bit and see what the locals know... LightFlare approached a group of young men. They were laughing and joking amongst themselves. Being an orphan in his early days, LightFlare knows the streets. He knew he had to communicate with them in their "language", or they won't trust him. LightFlare quickly tries to gain there trust... Sup fellas? Can I "holla" at y'all a minute? The young men looked and LightFlare and apprehensive at first, but one of them a answered... I kinda new round here. It's all good, but these guards are all over the place. I mean, is this place on quarantine or what?! Heh... something like that. These dudes just showed up. Said they was here for "our protection". Kinda seems like a prison to me nowadays. It wasn't always like this, but a recent incident spooked them and they beefed up security. Used to be just a couple guards. But slowly the number increased. Them just earlier, something made them go into panic mode, homie. Yea, I hears about that... Man! These dudes trip'n! Who ever I charge must have gotten a demotion. Cuz nobody wanna work THIS part of town. Fah sho. Well, I ain't gonna hold y'all up. I gotta keep it moving. Yall be safe. LightFlare gives a fist pound to the young men, and heads down the street... (Hmm...just like I thought....)
  13. (Time to spread out...) Etomo...Ryuko... Kyosuke...Lancer. Let's head east. @Tony Redgrave @Mister Fael @NijikakuFan61
  14. @Agni Blackheart @Mister Fael @Tony Redgrave @NijikakuFan61 @OxyontheWolf I think the people not only know who's behind this, but there may be sympathizers as well. We'd better be careful when snooping around. These "soldiers" may have informants who's sole purpose is to alert the guards of any suspicious individuals in the community. We gotta watch our backs while we're out there. This isn't just an investigation anymore... ...we may be in the middle of some kind of..."civil war". The bus begins to slow down...and stops. We're here! Time to split up...
  15. I agree, Agni. This was not what I expected. I know this guards saw us hiding. And they really didn't question us. And I'm not that surprised. Because those guards had on the same gear as the ones who attacked me and SK. Unless they weren't switched...because these guys didn't have armor in the first place. I don't think these guys where Royal Guards to begin with. I don't know who they are, or how they acquired that gear... ...but these guys aren't Royal Guard. Which means these guys might very well shot to kill. But who are they and why are they here? Agni, I know you have something on your mind. Dante? The heroes discuss what could potentially lie ahead as they ride threw Slum Village...
  16. The guard looks puzzled, but then comes to his senses... What's going on here?! LightFlare quickly seizes the opportunity... (Here goes nothing...) LightFlare comes from behind the chair... I can explain. Hello my name is LightFlare. This is my band. We have Tommy on lead, Dante on Bass and Kyosuke on drums. Together they are... ...TOMMY-KAZY! An up and comming band that performs all over. We're on our way to my private studio to record or next hit. Here's my ID. My studio is at my home...I live in this community. We rented this bus to transport ourselves, as well as our equipment and rodies. LightFlare cuts his eye to towards the bus driver. Amazingly, the driver smiles and nods in agreement with LightFlare's story... (The driver is playing along...this couldn't get any better...) The guard pauses. He looks the bus over. Then responds... Ok! You can pass.... The guard steps of the bus and signals to the other guards to let the bus pass. The bus drives through the checkpoint... Nice work guys. Way to improvise on the fly. I was worried we were gonna have to knock the guard out and fight our way in. I'm sure we could have gotten in but it would be an all out rumble from here on out before we even asked ANYONE a single question. Everybody cool?
  17. (It's even worse than I imagined...) LightFlare gets down.... ...the guard approaches the bus driver. Meanwhile two more gaurds approach the bus. On walks around the bus, while the other begins walking onto the bus. He here's a loud "no"... Who's there?!
  18. Thanks Seraph. I'll watch out for Agni. I promise. Let's load up. We'll arrive at Slum Village and split into teams. Agni, I suggest two to three teams. Two teams gives us an advantage in a combat situation. But we can cover more ground with 3 of more. What do you suggest? How bout you...Ludger is it? Do you and your crew have any suggestions? We can discuss the game plan on the ride to Slum Village LightFlare boards the bus and pays for the everyone's fare using the Pomp's he received from Seraph... @Mister Fael
  19. With everyone ready to go LightFlare addresses his comrades... Looks like we're all set. Darkflare, take care of yourself...and Ren. We'll take take the bus across town. Saraph...I've been dishing out Pomp's left and right. You think you could help these guys with the bus fare. I'll go half if need be...I'll understand either way. Regardless, we'll get dropped of on the outskirts of Slum Village. The area's is only part of Candor, but Candor as you can see is big and Slum Village still makes up about 1/4 of the city. So we got some ground to cover. I suggest that we break up into teams when we arrive. Cover more ground. Agni.. I'm a soldier...but I'm don't consider myself a general. Any suggestions?
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