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Everything posted by LightFlare_Da_Realest

  1. The arena looks to be designed to be an somewhat destroyed warehouse. Not to different from the somewhat destroyed slums themselves. There are a few small buildings and rooms. A few old abandoned cars sit in the center. A small structure is in the middle and there boxes, obstructions and a various things scattered about . It was the perfect place to prepare for the fight ahead in the slums. LightFlare stops east of the small building in the center of the south end. He posts up behind the wall Ok guys. Time to lay some foundation. Ludger. There is faucet to the north/west. Its south of the north most abandoned car. It's small but you look like a crack shot. I need you to shoot it. We'll need that later. Then, focus you attention on the west. I have a feeling they may be enting the area from just west of the car. Etomo. You move quick in shrot bursts. I think the rooms to the east will provide you the perfect environment to close in and hit hard before they suspect it. Rokurou. You can assist Etomo. The two of you can close the gap quickly. They have tons of spells at their disposal. Even one of the androids are distance fighters. But if you can get close you can take them. I'm headed toward the low structure in just east of our position. I will assist Ludger in taking on the west and middle ground. If they close in too quick, retreat to the south. Im sure the others will be waiting to spring a trap as well. Etomo. We'll keep an eye so they dont flank you and Rokurou. Everyone ready? Let's go! LightFlare moves to the structure just behind the building north or the south base. Hmph! LightFlare activates V-trigger. Electricity flows through his body as he posts up behind the structure surveying the area for the other team.
  2. Look...I'll be quick about this. Hugh...your speed is a true asset in this drill. You were a central part of my plan. You will initially be responsible for moving the mech around the arena. Only attack when absolutely necessary. Ludger...Etomo....you are coming with me to the frontline. Emilia, your friend mentioned she can use barriers. If you have any abilities like that we'll need them. You will work next to Hugh. As he moves the mech about, repell or deflect any oncoming projectiles. @A person Ludger, Etomo and I will head towards thw middle. Use your surroundings to your advantage. Take cover and use any ranged attacks you can to repel the other team. If you don't have any than be evasive and attack when you see an opening. Hugh and Emilia will "protecc" the mech. There are several corridors on the south end where se stand. Use them if necessary to seal the mech off and guard whatever path that leads to her. That way, they MUST get past you first. Sounds like your wheelhouse. Use your deceptive tactics to lure the other team into traps. I'm sure you know what to do... Don't worry, Agni. We've been through worse. But i sense that you're worried. If you're thinking about hanging back then go for it. I think it's best. Rokurou...you're coming with me, Etomo and Ludger. Time to see what you're made of, comrade. That's it! The match is bout to start. I'll do my best. I expect the same from you all as well. Not for me...but for all of us. Defenders...and Attackers! LightFlare looks across the arena and sees Ryoko.... (Im sorry Ryoko. We left our comrades in the slums. But it was for the best. I promise you we'll make them pay. But I'll have to earn your trust again. If i have to be the reason you push yourself to your limits then so be it. As long as you do your best...) HERE WE GO! LightFlare moves slowly using the surroundings for cover....
  3. Just defend the mech. If time runs out and we are in possession of the mech, we win. Let's get into position. LightFlare stands in front of the south end ready to go..
  4. Same here. To be the best you have to beat the best. Good luck in the arena... LightFlare stretches his arm out to shake hands with Rokurou. He does not however do it in the typical manner. He instead forms his hand as if he wanted to arm wrestle Rokurou....possibly to "gauge" him in some manner...
  5. Impressive. I've seen many styles and yours sounds a lot like Rindoukan Karate. I'm sure you'll do well. That's some versitilty, Ludger. Leathal too. And Hughs speed will come in handy soon enough... The teams seem a bit unbalanced. Team 1 has 8 members...team 2 has 5. Byakuya..looks like you're on team 2. But they still need 2 more. Or we loose one. If Kyo and the others show up that would even things out... @Sinjik @Infinite Kyo
  6. Excellent. You obviously have leadership qualities as well. Which makes you decisive in battle. Good qualities indeed. (Looks like Penelope is on the other team now however...) You impressed me with your match with Melina...looking forward to fighting along side you. I appreciate the vote of confidence. If anyone has leadership qualities it's most definitely you. You seem to have a calculative and militant mindset. Alright! Team one: Hugh, Ludger, Etomo, Emilia, Kirimuru, Agni, Rokurou and myself! LightFlare walks over to Rokurou and stands toe to toe with him... I have high expectations for you "warrior". Behind your lighthearted attitude, lies a very fierce competitor. I sensed it the moment you walked into the room. If we get through this whole ordeal alive... A slight grin formed on LightFlare's face as he spoke to the lighthearted samurai... ...I'd like to face you one on one. That's if you're interested.
  7. Heh...good. I hear you're quite fast. That speed of yours may be an asset. Kiri, your smoke skills will definitely be a valuable asset. @DuckMannnn Maybe now is a good time to discuss our skill sets... I'm a martial artist. I'm skillled at close combat but i have a variety of ranged attacks as well. I'm not extremely fast but i get the job done in that department as well. How bout the rest of you? @DuckMannnn @A person @Mister Fael
  8. Gotcha. Scramble like eggs and get going... Ok. So Team 1 is Hugh, Ludger, Etomo, Kiri, Penelope, Emilia and Myself. I think we got this in the bag. Don't you agree, "tough guy." LightFlare holds his fist out to Hugh in hopes he bumps fists with him...
  9. Understood. Who are the attackers and who are the defenders? (That would apply to me as well...interesting..)
  10. It's nice to meet you both. Then I take it that both of you are with Me and Kiri. I suppose your friend in black does not want to participate. He hasn't said a word. My guess is that he's in fact an artificial lifeform assigned to your unit and he won't participate unless instructed too? In which case it won't be all that necessary for him to be involved. He'll be the same no matter WHO he fights along side...
  11. Yes. If they have no objections, I'd like to fight along side Kirimuru, and our mystery lady in gray. Actually...i guess now would be a good time to formally introduce yourself. LightFlare smiles and nods at the Commander of the Mysterious Trio of heroes who recently arrived to at the Hangout. @A person As for anyone else, I'm open to whoever wants to squad up with me.
  12. Alright. Lets go... Darkflare had already descended to the underground arena. Kirimuru had previously fought in the underground arena, so he knew where to go. LightFlare followed behind and the rest of the heroes followed shortly after. Once at the appropriate floor, the heroes walked into a seemingly empty arena. Darkflare was waiting with his arms folded with a look on his face that seemed even more serious than usual... Ok Darklare. What's the objective? @Darkflare
  13. Clever...heh. We'll need that speed on the battlefield. LightFlare chuckles and places the hat back on Kirimuri's head and pushes the brim over Kirimuri's face...
  14. Sounds good. My name is LightFlare, btw. Just keep an eye on the guy in the black cap. He can be a bit..."handsie" when it comes to cute girls... LightFlare chuckles as he teases Kirimuru... @DuckMannnn Nice to meet you, Ana. I'm LightFlare. You may be exactly what we need. In there ranks is a deadly sniper. I didn't meet him face to face, but that's usually the case with any GOOD sniper... that is, it he's trying to KILL you. I wouldn't be surprised if "he's" one of your targets.
  15. Well... someone else who experienced the Knights first hand. Glad to have you aboard. Your enthusiasm is welcome. In these troubling times, I can sense a ray hope. I don't know why, but I feel as if you being here is fate. (These two are definitely skilled fighters. The one in grey is definitely the leader. The young girl is gifted...no doubt about that. But the man in the armor...he hasn't said a word. And I can't sense his aura. He may be a machine. Who knows how powerful HE is...) Well..I'm ready to get started. Let's all head down to the arena. LightFlare awaits everyone's response...
  16. Lol! Hello Yui! Good to see you. A bit of both, really. Everyone is meeting down at the Underground Arena. Follow me I'll explain. LightFlare leads Hugh and Yui to the lobby and reunites them with Ludger and the others. He notices some new faces... Ok that's about everyone. It should be enough to start at least. Although judging by the new faces, we may have someone to pick up the slack. Are these some associates of yours, Darkflare? @Darkflare @A person
  17. Sounds good. Given the amount of people involved, we may be able to consider those of us that are here now as a team and the rest are a team by default. Although it may serve the purpose better if we mix and mingle the groups a bit more. Not exactly. But I've been through a few of his "training" drills. Trust me. It may not be obvious at first, but you'll understand the method to his madness before it's done. Darkflare. I haven't seen anyone form the "Ancestor Families" yet. Ludger I know was here recuperating from yesterday, but I'm not sure about the rest. I think I'm gonna get some air and maybe I'll see them on the way. If I do, I'll fill them on the plan and we'll all meet in the underground arena. Talk to you soon... @Darkflare See everyone in the underground arena... LightFlare gestures to everyone as heads outside... @Infinite Kyo @Agni Blackheart @Mister Fael
  18. Heh...it's perfectly fine. We all have our own morning routine, right? I wonder when this big meeting will start. Darkflare has a plan to work on our teamwork. I think it's a good idea. No need to rush back into the slums just yet. It helps to know your comrades in arms, so I think a bit of team building would be great. Although I know Agni and Anna, I'd really like to see the "Androids" in action. And the samurai...he has a fierce fighting spirit. And an appetite to match I guess. He's still in the cafeteria right? LightFlare hears a familiar voice... Kyo, you made it. And your friends too. You guys full?
  19. Soon after speaking with Darkflare, LightFlare arrives to the lobby. He greets everyone in the room... Good morning everyone. How's everyone doing?
  20. Heh...Roger that. (I wonder what's going on in that calculating mind of his...)
  21. My thoughts exactly. We lost too people yesterday because we are fighting a group of people who have a common goal, and k ow each other well. We have neither ot those. That was one of the things I planned on discussing in the meeting. Let's do it. I'm game.
  22. I think Kyo is behind me. A few of the others are in the lobby as well. We really need to discuss some things. I think we need some hard evidence before we can make a move. I have more to share but I want to wait till more of us are together. Let's head to the lobby and see who's there. From there I think we should convene in the special meeting room we met in yesterday. Until then, any important updates?
  23. Don't know yet. But I don't think we got enough proof that the knights have done anything wrong. They attacked us, yet they labeled US as terrorists. And without visual proof, we may not have a case. They are operating under the guise of being a separate branch of the Royal Knights. So throwing accusations at them is in itself an uphill battle. There's speculation but that won't be enough. And the people of the slums are behind them. So at this point we need hard evidence. But let's talk more about this when we are all together. I gotta find Darkflare. We have to come up with a plan of attack. You ready to roll? LightFlare finishes his food and heads toward the a nearby Mech Hisui... Excuse me. I'm looking for Darkflare. Could you take me too him? @Darkflare
  24. (They sure are observant...or is it because they are all over the place...hmph) LightFlare continues his conversation with Kyo...
  25. Well, besides the beard there's a lot of strange things. LightFlare catches Kyo up on everything he knows so far...the Knights of the Forsaken...the heroes that were portaled from other worlds...the ones who died in the slums...Idealis and their journey to Verve... ...and that's it more or less. With all the noise in the slums, it made it to the news. But we're depicted as terrorists. What's funny is that most of us weren't in the Slums last night as far I know at least. But something happened there. We may not be the only group of people who are enemies to the Knights. In fact, there are few HERE that have betrayed the Knight's and have joined us. But I'm not sure why...so yeah. Just another day on the job, bro.
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