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Everything posted by LightFlare_Da_Realest

  1. He'll explain... The bouncer stepped aside and pointed towards the rear of the club...
  2. The Bottom...a large and popular night club. Full of people dancing, drinking and doing whetever else they were wild enough to do. The party was jumping and the music was thumping. There where 2 lines. One really long line...and another that didn't seem to have anyone in it just a bouncer waiting just beyond the entrance to the building lobby. The long line was for the people who came to party. The other...was for the ones who came to fight. The bouncer sees the gentlemen in glasses approach him... He speaks into his communication devise. He then responds to the man in glasses... Go inside. Follow the signs to the back. Talk to the man with "tall" blonde hair. He knows you're coming. He'll be in front of a large elevator door. There are cameras that will follow your movements. If you deviate too much or appear to be using this line only to cut and get in the club faster, you will be "ejected." Understand? The bouncer awaits the man's answer. If he understands, the bouncer will step aside and allow him to go past the lobby, into the main room of the club.
  3. I like this, homie. Different from the rest. We need more trill screenpacks like this...
  4. Welcome to the Free For All. Sounds like you had a bad first impression of mugen. Why not just download an empty mugen and add you own characters one by one?
  5. Hmm...so the true Werewood has returned. Good to see you pushing forward.
  6. (I broke through...now to...) LightFlare doens't have time to celebrate. He hears Etomo frantic plea. Having struck Penelope, he turns to see Joyce's Phoenix projectile coming right at him. He couldn't "just defend" it. It would most likely crush his guard. And he had no time to focus and it may be to powerful to parry. And with no time to warp, his only hope would be...to negate the attack... (Here goes...)
  7. The battle is in full swing. The defense team makes the first move but are quickly countered by the lighting fast Etomo. Agni shows of his agility as he finds a camping spot with a birds eye view of the arena. He sends a volley of missiles towards the defense...much to Darkflares' displeasure. Meanwhile, in the center a major standoff begins as the fighters begin to show their true colors. Ludger...decides its time to go all out and beat Joyce to the punch. But before they collide, Joyce sends an attack that blocks LightFlare from easily advancing to her position... (That attack created a small firey gap. I could cross it but I'll be open...that is...if i were to jump...maybe I'll just...) Before LightFlare could advance toward the middle he looked to right and could see the smoke clear from the missle attack. Penelope was still standing but she was visibly shaken from the last attack. LightFlare could also see 5T, 13P and Byakuya. Now that he had visual confirmation he was able to distinguish the 2 robots apart and had pinpointed Byakuya as well. LightFlare looked straight across... (Emilia...she's taking the right side...just like she said...then ill take the left...it's now or never...) Hugh...I know you may not trust me...but i need your help. I'm going to do a move that may leave me open to an attack. But if it's successful...it will turn the tide and possibly seal the victory for us. Please cover me... @Mister Fael LightFlare does a short dash into the left entrance...and prepares for his signature move...) No holding back....
  8. LightFlare leaps next to Kirimuru, Ludger and Etomo. He begins speaking in a low volume so only Kirimuru, Ludger and Etomo can hear him... There's 4 here. Just behind the small room is Penelope. She's most likely closest to maid. The 2 androids are in the rear but i can't distinguish one from the other right now. I just know their position. As Byakuya...I'm having trouble locating him. But I'm sure he's in the rear as well. We could stick to our intended counter parts, but i think it would be best for me to continue towards the maid. I'll signal for Hugh, Emilia and Rokurou to follow me towards the rear. Get ready... LightFlare looks at Hugh, Rokurou and Emilia. He cuts his eyes and motions his head toward the rear and suddenly dashes towards the left entrance in the rear...
  9. One of my all time favs. I'm glad to see Goro get some love. Nice work.
  10. Without a doubt. I'll try to communicate the positions of the other team as best I can. I'll begin moving towards that first opening on the west. If possible, try to stay within my eyesight. But only if it's strategically possible. When I am able to locate someone, I will use hand gestures to motion towards danger. But first and for most use your OWN instincts and awarness to help one another. We all need each other if we want to succeed. Emilia...if your friend uses a barrier, I may have a technique to break it. I wont have any problem getting past it without it, but I'll be all alone on the other side. So if she creates a barrier...it must be broken. Your instincts are sharp. So i know you'll be ready... LightFlare moves towards his first position using his senses to begin locating the other team...
  11. Roger that. I'm sure it was going to happen either way... LightFlare meditates on the plan as he waits.
  12. LightFlare smiles as he speaks to the young assassin... Lol! You're right, Kiri. I will be the soldier that I'm meant to be. But a general I am not. I must say you made the best of your situation. You held your own against multiple enemies. Nice work. LightFlare extends his fist and bumbs Kiri's...
  13. You did well. It was a good match...despite my mistakes. LightFlare extends his hand to shake Yui's but is met with a strange surprise... (What..?!) We got work to do...especially me.... LightFlare walks over to Etomo and Ludger... Guys...I'm sorry. You were under my leadership. And I failed you. I can't change that...but I CAN learn from my mistakes. No excuses from me. Just a promise to do better.
  14. Yui's attack struck as LightFlare as he dashed towards Ryuko. It looked like a clean hit...but it passed through his body as if it he were an illusion. He instantly stops right in front of Yui... (A valiant effort...)
  15. Above you Hugh... LightFlare warns Hugh as he glides from under the attack towards Ryuko.
  16. LightFlare gIides across the ground at 13p and Hugh's but instead of striking 13 he positions himself just in the path of Ryuko's Drive just behind Hugh, with Hugh and 13p obstructing his back from Joyce and Yui in the distance... (I've got your back Hugh...)
  17. Yui and Hina are unaware of the attack from behind and are pelted with multiple fireballs... The large fireball is powerful but too slow to reach LightFlare's attack... The Dragon Breath instead collides with Byakuya who is focused on Kirimuru... (Looks like they stopped holding back...so be it...keep fighting Kirimuru...) The Dragon Breath, the large fireball and the missiles all close in on LightFlare. No longer visible to his atrackers he seemingly disappears in a blinding flash of light as all the attacks converge into a huge explosion the covers the center of the arena. Whatever water that is left on the ground is either evoported or spread to far to matter.
  18. Having finished firing at 13P, LightFlare has walked back towards the opening leading towards the south where the mech and the other defenders are. He points the hand he used to fire at 13P towards Joyce and quickly uses the other hand to fire rapid shots pushing through Ryuko's attack in an effort connect with Ryuko herself. (Only a momentary victory...but I'm still outnumbered...) Having back up, LightFlare cuts his eyes to see Kiri is severely outnumbered and cornered... (Kirimuru...he needs to head threw the rooms...) (No...wait what is he...?) (Hes out of my line of fire. Nows my chance...Keep fighting Kiri...) LightFlare uses the hand he was pointing at Joyce and quickly swings it in the direction of the fighters closing in on Kiri and begins firing rapid shots to distract or even make contact with the attackers. red = area within LightFlare's attack yellow = direction of arc
  19. LightFlare is surrounded. His trap did not work. Ludger moved quickly but was not prepared for Ryuko to close the gap on him so quick. Etomo and Rokurou where soon eliminated as well. LightFlare and Kirimuru were all that was left of the frontline...and LightFlare hadn't seen Kirimuru since he entered the room... LightFlare simply looks at a Ryuko and slowly lifts one hand, opening his palm and pointing it at Joyce. Although his eyes are on Ryuko...he was very aware of surroundings... He slowly walks backwards planting each foot frimly as he walks. While maintaining eye contact with Ryuko and his one hand pointed at Joyce, he quickly points his other hand aiming at the point where 13p was headed. He began firing rapid shots from his hand while quickly arcing his aim back towards 13p to intercept his path.
  20. (She repelled the water...well done Hina...well done..you will be a force to recon with when the time comes....) 13p was caught by the surge of electricity from LightFlare's trap. It arcs threw his body striking him 3 times...the pod is caught well. The surge is too much and causes the pod to malfunction incapacitating it for the rest of the round. LightFlare takes cover as the bullets wiz by his head... (To close...Ludger...) (No...tried to take them all down but couldn't...) LightFlare calmly puts foot in the water and fires a Light Burst at the wall Ryuko was standing on. If it connects it will shatter the wall. (She's fast...just like i thought...but Yui still blocked it. She's fast as well...) Joyce lands on the electrified box and is caught in the surge of electricity...
  21. The rain of bullets would cover the area surrounding the faucet, striking it and sending water out in a countinuous stream covering the ground. Soon the middle west and central area surrounding the tower was covered with a thin layer of water. That's how you get it done. Now we wait. They have to rescue the mech...so they'll come to us. LightFlare remains low and uses his heightened awareness to sense the oncoming attackers. (Stay alert guys...stay alert...)
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