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Everything posted by LightFlare_Da_Realest

  1. LightFlare finally arrives back the Hangout. As he's walking up he sees some old friends...some new faces...and some unfamiliar faces...as well. He notices 5T, and that he was telling the truth. Agni is ok...but what else has happened he wondered... Hello everyone! Agni...it's good to see you are ok. @Agni Blackheart
  2. The Cyber Knight turns a hard right and leaps of the the side. The other cyber knight, still on the ground has come around in front of the card slinger and lunged upward with his shield and sword in front at the card slinger. The projectile is sent back at the knights. They leap down as the projectile collides with edge of the roof. Pieces of it crumble down behind the Knight's as they follow the 2 Knight's ahead... ... meanwhile the 2 Knights are unavailable to intercept the black knight the game to or the Lucina. The 2 Knight's suddenly dart in the other direction.
  3. 1 of the cyber Knight's leaps onto the building and closes the distance on him and the card slinger... The 2 cyber knights launch the projectile at the black knight and the girl. The other 2 leaped down and ran behind the building in an attempt to flank them.
  4. The 4 Cyber Knights block the swords coming back them with their shields. The larger projectile flies between the 2 other Cyber knights as they split in different directions. It hurls far out of the range of the battle and explodes without damaging the heroes of the guards. All 6 cyber Knight's switch from thermal to radar. 4 cyber Knights scatter behind the buildings to the right. The cards would connect with the guards and the car causing the cars to explode and send the guards flying to the ground, incompacitating them. 2 cyber Knights lock on to where the cards came from. They quickly dash around a building in the rear. The 4 Cyber Knights leap into the roof of a building. 2 begin charging particle energy into their swords as the other 2 guard them.
  5. 4 cyber Knight's split into 4 directions leaping outwards while slashing their swords and sending 4 particle slashes at the black knight. The 2 cyber Knight's simultaneously leap up and backwards simultaneously as if in sync with one another, as they hurl the large particle sphere at the black Knight. The swords missed the Cyber Knight's as they leaped out during the attack on the black knight. The other three swords hit the cars the guards were hiding behind but the cards connected with 4 guards exploding on contact and stunning the guards.
  6. The 4 rockets and the gunfire from the 4 guards hit their mark. The cyber knight connects with the barrier extending the crack. The other cyber knight strikes the top of the barrier one last time at the weak point as it shatters. The 3 Cyber Knights reunite with the other Cyber Knight. 1 guard tosses a grenade. The 4 cyber Knight's place their shields in front of them and leaped backward to join the 4 guards behind them as the grenade rolled between the leader and the robotic knight. 1 guard shoots the grenade. It explodes and smoke covers the battlefield. The 4 Knight's and the 4 guards switch to thermal vision. 2 of the guards fire rockets at the Robotic Knight. The 4 cyber Knight's stand beside each other, 2 Cyber Knights hold their shield in front while pointing their swords forward protecting the other 2 Cyber Knights. The other 2 Cyber Knights point their swords in the air touching them together as the charge particle energy. A large ball of energy forms. If the attack launches it will create a massive explosion creating a large blast radius if it hits an object causing damage to anyone caught the attack. If it hits anyone directly it will cause major damage to the target as well as minor damage to anyone around them. Backup arrives... 2 more Cyber knights arrive and stand next to the other 2 guards with their shield I front and their swords facing forward.
  7. As the heroes descend into the sewers, Shadow Wolf watches from a secluded location... (Looks like our targets have escaped. Only for a moment. I think our point was made. Once the people see that we are their protectors, we'll have no problem achieving our "other" goals as well. Heh...it seems they've even drug Darkflare into this. Just as well. Once we make our final move...the Royal Government will be involved.) Shadow Wolf continues his reconnaissance throughout the slum...
  8. The 2 cyber Knight's on the outside of the barrier hit their intended target and connected with their downward strikes to the weak point of the barrier. 1 of the cyber Knight's stands on the barrier and stabs it repeatedly with his charged particle sword. The other watches for oncoming attacks. The cyber Knight blocks the card with his shield. It explodes upon contact slowing him down a bit. Smoke flows of the side of his shield as he pushes forward slashing his sword sending another particle slash at the barrier. He charges shield in front with his sword reared back Flowing with particle energy. If he reaches the barrier he will strike the weak point. The 4 guards take cover behind cars and open fire on the barrier. 2 guards fire 2 rockets a piece and 2 guards fire their machine guns at the barrier. The Large Knights plasma shots connect with the barrier at it's weak point. The cyber Knight covering him sees the incoming attackers... (Enemy at 12 o'clock and 6 o'clock closing fast...I have the 6!) (Then I have the 12...) The large Knight spins in place locks onto the barrier girl and fires a missile at her and barely has time to put his shield up from the incoming attack from the robotic attacker. The cyber Knight covering the large Knight sees the girl charging and quickly sends a quick slash at the Large Black Knight standing in front of Hugh... ...the cyber knight then rushes in front of the girl and puts his shield up to block the attack.
  9. The valiant hero, Joseph...he layed on the ground. Pulled from his own world to defend another, a cruel l twist of fate. He smiled his last smile...as 2 rockets and a particle slash collide with his prone body. Joseph is consumed by the explosion...and meets his end. The 4 guards focus their attention on the approaching Cyber knight. The cyber knight stops. He sees that that Joseph is dead. He motions to the guards and points at the barrier. He immediately turns around and fires a particle slash at barrier as he advances with his shield in front. 2 of the guards open fire on the barrier in a different spot then where the other Knight's are attacking so as not to hit any of the guards or Knights that are attacking the weak point. 2 guards maintain position and lock onto the enemy . They both fire 1 rocket a piece at the Barrier Girl and the Commanding Girl. If the previous attacks break the barrier, the rockets will continue on to their intended targets. Backup arrives in 2 turns...
  10. The smoke still covers the area. The bullet rain hits the grenades exploding them in mid air. The shrapnel rains down on Ludger. With the glyphs gone, one guard fires at Ludger from behind a car, 2 guards around Ludger's right side using cars as cover as they move. 1 guard moves behind Ludger using cars as cover and rolls a grenade toward Ludger's let side. Backup arrives in 1 turn. (Fine by me...) Backup arrives... 4 cyber Knight's arrive. They switch to thermal vision. 2 swing their swords and and a particle slash projectile is sent at Ludger as they jump down to the ground with their shields in front. 2 cyber Knight's walk across the building the tracking Hugh. The Large Knight fires a missile as he boosts across the top of Ludger with his shield in front of him, shooting plasma blast at Ludger.
  11. The smoke still covers the area. The bullet rain hits the grenades exploding them in mid air. The shrapnel rains down on Ludger. With the glyphs gone, one guard fires at Ludger from behind a car, 2 guards around Ludger's right side using cars as cover as they move. 1 guard moves behind Ludger using cars as cover and rolls a grenade toward Ludger's let side. Backup arrives in 1 turn. (Fine by me...) Backup arrives... 4 cyber Knight's arrive. They switch to thermal vision. 2 swing their swords and and a particle slash projectile is sent at Ludger as they jump down to the ground with their shields in front. 2 cyber Knight's walk across the building the tracking Hugh. The Large Knight fires a missile as he boosts across the top of Ludger with his shield in front shooting plasma blast at him.
  12. (You are indeed quite fast...and clever...but my missiles are a bit different...) The 3 rockets miss but suddenly the one rocket that The large Knight shoot exploded just as it went under Hugh causing the others to explode. The Knight Fires plasma shots at Hugh while simultaneously boosting up and across the top of the area where Hugh is traveling landing on a roof. Backup arrives in 1 turn. The grenades on the left and right explode releasing smoke across the battlefield. The guards switch to thermal vision and throw 4 grenades over the wall of glyphs so that they go through the open area above Ludger. The remained behind the cars they were behind. Backup arrives in 2 turns. Because of the smoke, Dante's attacks do not hit the soldiers, but instead hits the cars they were behind. The last strike caused the car to explode damaging Dante and the Guard behind it. One of the other guards call for back up. Backup arrives in 4 turns. Joseph fails to get behind the car and his body is bombarded with bullets. The guards reload and continue shooting him.
  13. The Guards are shocked unconscious... (I'm not the one they're aiming at...) The Knight waits till the last moment and simply sidesteps the 2 rockets, locks onto Hugh and fires a rocket from his back launcher while boosting backwards. He calls for back up... Backup arrives in 2 turns. The four guards behind the car begin to attack. 2 guards roll a grenade on the far left and far right. 2 guards circle the left and right parameters as they call for backup. Backup will arrive in 3 turns.
  14. The large Knight collides with Hugh's uppercut. His shield protects his face and the sheer size and velocity he traveled due to his boosters, allowed him to power through and pin Hugh to the ground between his shield and the road stopping his chant. The other guards made it around the building and move into position behind a car. They lock on to Hugh and wait for the large Knights command. With Hugh still dazed from the attack, the large Knight grabs Hugh and tosses him towards the other guards while giving then the order to fire. He points his plasma rifle at Hugh's flying body and fires a large concentrated blast at Hugh while launching a rocket at Hugh simultaneously. The guards fire 2 rockets at Hugh's flying body. The guards scatter behind a car and take cover. The smoke clears. The missile goes up but maintained target lock and arcs behind Ludger to hit there intended target. The grenades stop in place but explode sending small sharp fragments at Ludger and Dante traveling at extremely fast speeds. Dante's shockwave knocks the guards down and they attempt to retreat behind a car. Joseph's technique blocks the missiles in front of him. Because he was focused on his front, the 2 guards sneaking up behind him open fire shooting him multiple times in the back.
  15. 6 of the guards notice that Hugh is knocked out of the smoke. They decided to focus on Ludger. 3 rolled grenades on the ground threw the smoke at Ludger while 3 guards provided cover fire while Ludger was focusing in the direction of the "shadow". The guards were knocked down by the shockwave. They tried to recover. The large shadow barely flinched. He noticed Hugh had been knocked a great distance but decided to pursue him regardless. He locks on and fires a single rocket at Ludger as if it came from his back and leaps out of the smoke. As he jumps a rocket booster sound could be heard... ...the large Knight lands on the roof of the building Hugh was behind...he contacts the guards carrying RPG'S... Target spotted. Proceed around the west side of the building I am located. Once in position, fire when ready... The large Knight leaps and dives down with his shield in front. If successful he will tackle Hugh with his shield attack and proceed with a follow up attack. So Etomo...I'm sorry if I'm not the "hero" you hoped for. I've been in some hectic battles, but I wasn't always alone. I can tell you're strong, but we were gonna be heavily out matched. We need more backup. And I know Darkflare can help in that department. He's come to my aid before. I know it seems like I get on his nerves...but deep down he cares about me. Lol! But he'll never admit it. Heh...he's actually a good guy. He didn't even mine waiving the fee. Except for me of course! Lol!
  16. The grenade that landed behind Hugh exploded and smoke began to cover the area. It made it hard for the heroes to see the guards or each other. 3 of the guards were still down. 4 guards were struck from Hugh's attack. They began to crawl on the ground to the nearest car for cover. If they make it to the car, they would thermal goggles locate and fire at the heroes. This is done using the special heat signiture given of by the nanomachines in the soldiers to distinguish the guards from the heroes. The smoke still covers the field as the large blast barrels toward the guards. A large "shadow" appears and blocks the blast. Guards in the distance see the battle and stop. They switch to thermal vision to identify the heroes. 4 guards take aim with their Rocket Launchers and lock onto each hero shooting 1 missile a piece. Joseph escapes the smoke. His blast hits the car causing it explode. 4 guards are knocked out from the explosion. 2 guards switch to thermal vision and move behind Joseph. The grenades and bullets miss Dante but he grenade explodes and releases more smoke into the battlefield. Because of the smoke, Dante misses the guards. With the smoke still surrounding them and Dante, the guards switch to thermal vision and fire at Dante. Meanwhile Team 1 make it through out of the slums.... Looks like we're out. Let's head toward the Hangout. I'm sure Darkflare will be thrilled to hear what we found out...
  17. ...checkmate. 5T failed to detect or evade the rockets the guards shot at him. It was his last mistake. The 4 rockets homed in on 5T exploding on impact. He...and his pod are blown into pieces. His body parts scatter across the surrounding area. The ground now covered in fire and debris...the two guards approach the detached head. It sat in the middle of the street. Some visible signs of functionality remained. But they were only glitched spasms and jarred fascial expressions. Suddenly a figure jumps from the abandoned building and lands right behind the two guards. It was a couple of stories high but he landed as if he didn't feel a thing. He slowly walks up to the remains of 5T...
  18. 2 of the guards lay in wait near the previously mentioned abandoned building. They were different from the others. Slightly more durable armor. The were equipped with radar and sonar jammers. The were here holding smg's but switched to RPG'S once 5T came into view. These RPG'S were equiped with 4 rockets that will lock onto its target. With the other guards still on his tail, 5T was trapped. The two guards fired the RPG'S. They both locked onto 5T and fired 2 small rockets a piece.
  19. He should be here soon...get into position...make sure your jammers are activated... The soldiers and their commander wait near an abandoned building. Meanwhile at the facility the Knight's who fired a 5T were seriously injured and could not give Chase to 5T. THAT LITTLE METAL MAGGOT! WE SHOULD HAVE DISASSEMBLED HIM A LONG TIME AGO! I NEVER TRUSTED HIM! Everything is under control. I squad of Knight's is on his trail as we speak. They should intercept him shortly. One they have him, his downfall will commence. And I have a special treat for him AND the remaining "terrorists" as well. Soon after 5T escaped, 6 guards had managed to close in on 5T shooting at him as they gave chase. Meanwhile Team 1 continues to move threw the Slums... Stay out of sight guys...we got some Guards up ahead... @Mister Fael @Tony Redgrave Just as Team 2 were about to head North, what looked to be more than 20 guards scrambled from the surrounding streets. They had been alerted to their current position. The quickly spotted the team and began to open fire.
  20. (I gave you one last chance...and you failed) Before 5T could leave a group of guards swarmed him, surrounding him and blocking the exit. They aim at 5T. Hakumen and Ocelot enter the area... "5T" is it? When I asked was there anything else to report...you seem to have conveniently left out the part where you called of the guards and conversed with the enemy...TWICE! I know because the man who killed the two "terrorists" witnessed the whole thing. He has been watching you all for me. I have given you too many chances...but that ends here. FIRE! The guards all fired at 5T...
  21. Good. I don't exactly trust the man from before. But we definitely have to be alert. The ground is gonna be crawling with guards. However, the person that took Kyosuke out is most likely on high ground. Given all the obstacles, it might be difficult for a sniper to strike from ground level, but not impossible. Still, since we will be already watching things on the ground we might as well cover all our bases. Keep your eyes peeled and your head on a swivel. Where heading North... LightFlare and the others head north. Meanwhile at the Knight's Facility... Watch your mouth you arrogant little brat of an Android! That's enough Ocelot! ...tch... That is all Type T. You are dismissed.
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