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Everything posted by LightFlare_Da_Realest

  1. (Man she's as quick as I remember) Huuaah! LightFlare fires a Light Bursts straight at Ren.
  2. (She recovers fast..but so do I) Hmph!! LightFlare executes his RISING Dragon uppercut when Ren is in close range.
  3. Uhhgg... LightFlare hits the wall and the ground but immediately tech-rolls behind Ren and fires a blast at point blank range. Light Burst!!
  4. (Here we go!) Hmmph... LightFlare waits till he's close to Ren and rolls low toward Ren.
  5. Then let's go. Ma'am could you lead us to an available Arena?
  6. Well, well. It looks that faith has truly bought us together for this very moment. Whattaya say, Ren? I'm ready...you?
  7. LightFlare overhears this... Soundz legit to me, Tommy. You and Edward up for it? Come on, Tommy! Show me your skill! You got this! (He's toast...his only hope is probably Edward...there's something about him)
  8. It is quite the..."warriors hangout". How you been making out. As LightFlare talks to Ren he waits on the response form the maid...
  9. Ok. I would like for you to see if some is available... Just then LightFlare sees a "very" familiar face... Ren...so you're still stalking unsuspecting victims I see...heh... LightFlare knew he was playing with fire...but he couldn't resist...
  10. Yes. I'd like to reserve that arena. What steps do I need to take. LightFlare points to a vacant arena to his left...
  11. Hisui...it's good to...oh. (She's slightly different. She didn't refer to me as "Light-san...must be a " generic" maid) Yes! I'd like a tour of your fine facility. I'm sure the others will need one as well.
  12. Thank you. LightFlare noods his head and walks in the facility. He wonders for a bit just taking in the sites... (Hmm...not sure where to begin...I wonder where Darkflare got of to. I figure he'd at least send a tour guide for the first time visitors...) @Darkflare
  13. That's a pretty good price. Here you are ma'am. LightFlare gives the clerk 40 Pomp's and sits down to fill out his registration form. He returns a few minutes... Here you are ma'am. LightFlare hands the clerk the registration form. (Now comes the fun part...)
  14. Your welcome. Oh, and a bit of advice. Try not to get on Darkflare's bad side. He can be a bit...grumpy. Heh...
  15. Heh...well if it isn't Tommy. I guess I've been generous up till this point. Darkflare said this cost is on the house, but if really need some Pomp's, then just ask when you need something. So you wanna train too?
  16. (No need to wait around...) Agni, you guys gonna sit out here all day? I say we go in and see what my old friend has been up to... With that, LightFlare walks in a goes up to the registration table... Excuse me, I'd like a registration please.
  17. Lol! Fair enough. I guess that's what I get for living right here in Candor and not paying you a visit yet. But now seemed like a good time. I guess I do fill honored. Ren is a warrior if I ever seen one. But if Grant is gone and Ren is..."hunting" perhaps...then there is one other man I never got to meet personally but I've been told he's the king around here...his Royal Highness... ...Ky Kiske. But...I know that's out of the question. At least for a fight. But a warrior such as him is world renowned. And for that... I have much respect for him. If HE trained here, then maybe I SHOULD give your methods more consideration...oh...and also because your "kinda" strong yourself. LightFlare smiles and gives a quick but light jab to Darkflare's bicep...
  18. Ren. She was...intense. I still remember when she chased down a clone. He was on a bike. She...was on FOOT! Glad she was on our side. Although for whatever reason she seemed..."interested" in me. But not necessarily in a good way... Registration? You really have gone official. Ok...I'd like to register as well. Then you can give me the "brother from another mother" tour, eh "Dorkflare"?! LightFlare pats Darkflare on the back really hard...
  19. Indeed. It was a nice warm up...but the real fun was underground. Speaking of which, where is Abel, excuse me..."Grant" these days? With all this success I'm sure he stuck around for his fair share of the benefits.
  20. ((Ok,ok...that handshake was a bit OP...my bad...maybe that was how it felt internally.)) It's that obvious huh? You know me, always looking for a great match. But if you've gotten so strong that I'm no match for you I appreciate the concern. LightFlare was being a bit as sarcastic, but deep down he knew Darkflare's reasoning for what he said... How's the facility? It looks like business is booming. I'm happy for you. I know underneath that tough exterior is still the same guy who's real passion is pushing others to their full potential...trust me... ...I know first hand. LightFlare was glad to see his old friend. He'd wanted to visit his old friend for qute some time, but didn't want to do so until the time is right. And now it seemed like the time was indeed right...
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