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Everything posted by LightFlare_Da_Realest

  1. LightFlare and SK take the bus to the Warrior Hangout. LightFlare and SK step of the bus... (Hmm..it's been a while. Time to pay a visit to my old friend...as well as my new ones...) LightFlare sees a very familiar face...and calls out to him.. DarkFlare! It's been a while my friend! I see your popularity has skyrocketed! Lol!
  2. LightFlare leads SK to an alley near the bus stop... Hurry! While no guards are around. We can get on the bus. But first become visible so we don't spook the driver... LightFlare let's go of the artifact and becomes visible. Lets go... LightFlare pays the fare for him and SK and tells the driver his friend is right behind him...
  3. LightFlare grabs the artifact and becomes invisible. Ok! Quickly follow me! LightFlare leads SK out the door...
  4. If all you need is distilled water, I've got some in the fridge. LightFlare shows SK the distilled water in his fridge..
  5. @OxyontheWolf LightFlare finishes changing clothes and comes out ready to go...
  6. Those weren't city guards. I don't know who they were, but they weren't here when I left. I thought there might be guards here, but not those guys. They were acting on their own accord. There's a bus stop nearby. When we leave we'll use your invisibility to get to it and catch a ride to The Warrior Hangout. I've gotta figure out what's going on but I may have to return when the heat dies down. I've gotta fresh'n up first. I'll be back... @OxyontheWolf
  7. LightFlare and SK arive at LightFlare's home... We're here. Come with me. I've been gone for some time. I gotta check things out and fresh'n up. Have seat and watch some if you want. I be back out I a moment. How ya feeling? @OxyontheWolf
  8. SK's Dusk Knuckles smashed the guard threw the window of a parked vehicle... Nice moves, SK! I'M Lucky you're on my side! One more to go... MEN DOWN! MEN DOWN! THE ENEMY WAS STEONGER THAN WE THOUGHT! RETREATING NOW! The remaining Soldier ran of....
  9. @OxyontheWolf LightFlare and the Knight crept by the soldiers... My friend, I hope this unbelievable ability of yours lasts little longer. We're getting close... LightFlare could see his house about a block away...
  10. (The Knight followed me...I guess it cant be helped...) Well, if it isn't the valiant Shovel Knight! It seems curiosity has gotten the best of you. I'm on my way to my house. I didn't want to bother the others with an unnecessary trip. Also...my house...in the Northwest part of Candor City. So you can imagine it might be a bit rough. But I can handle myself. Who is Aline?
  11. LightFlare travels threw the emmense city. He likes the scenec route. His home is a bit far from the exit into the La'Mure Forest. But doesn't mind the walk. He's done quite a bit of walking in his lifetime. Those who know him well could tell you that... (Candor City...been a while. A short while...but a while. I hate to leave my friends hanging but I'm sure they'll be fine. I have my reservations about Melina, and Agni. But who am I to judge. I didn't tell them where I was going. What's worst is where the place is located. It's for their own good. They need to find a way back to their homes. That's their top priority. Well...on my way...if I'm lucky the welcoming committee will be waiting....) LightFlare felt kinda bad for not being completely honest of where he was going. But he was heading home. Which would be fine except...
  12. I say we pay my old buddy Darkflare a visit. I haven't seen him in a bit. We've just gotten busy I guess. I think it would be a great spot. Whattaya say Hisui? @Darkflare
  13. @Agni Blackheart LightFlare was pondered what she said...he new what it meant. But what does it say about Agni? And how long before she "shows" him exactly what he little phrase meant? @A person He hears what the guard said... A bit late for the warning but thanks anyway... LightFlare walks past the guard into Candor City.
  14. (Hmmph...she's about to leave?...I wonder why Darkflare only had her bring us this far. He could at least invited us over. Heh...I seem to remember him being more hospitable.) @A person Nemesis! Hold on a min. Maybe I could help... LightFlare approaches the guards... Excuse me. I just came through here a few days ago. I live within the city limits. I was out I the wilderness training but I wish to return home. Me and my friends would like to enter. Is that possible? What's going on?
  15. @OxyontheWolf I'm sure you're just being modest... I can sense great spiritual energy within you. A sort of nobility...kinda like Magio himself. I didn't spend as much time with him as I did with Agni, but I know a warrior when I see one. LightFlare cuts his eye at Melina... Melina...you remained in a safe place during the battle. You seem like a worthy advisory. I would've like to seen you skills. Well...at least while I wasn't getting stabbed! Heh...I saw you were hiding blades. They aren't for filing your nails, right? LightFlare is usually not one to be overly apprehensive, but he is a bit weary of Melina... and much to his regret...his friend Agni as well...
  16. @Agni Blackheart @OxyontheWolf Looks like you may have a fan, my dear friend... LightFlare pats Agni on the back...then turns to Lucina... Lucina...so you're the apprentice of Magio? You must be skilled in various arts as well?
  17. @Trinitronity Well I can't tell you much. These creatures weren't here when I came a few days ago. I come here to train quite a bit. But I've never encountered those before. @Agni Blackheart LightFlare looks at his chest and noticed his wounds slowly begin to heal... Thanks Agni. Heh...I guess I got little ahead of myself. I've got to train my mind as well as body. But I'm glad you're okay. @Darkflare Hisui...you ready?
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