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Everything posted by LightFlare_Da_Realest

  1. LightFlare dodges him...but is immediately struck by another one...but grabs the creatures arm upon contact. Ahhh! (GET it together...) You shouldn't be so predictable! LightFlare pulls the creature in and opens his palm expelling a powerful close quarter blast...
  2. Before LightFlare could continue the assult on his current foe, he notices the calling flames... What the... HAAAAA!!! Without time to dodge, LightFlare fires a LightFlare Cannon straight up at the approaching fire balls.. @A person
  3. (Dang...no time for talk...) Another creature comes at LightFlare... ... OH NO YOU DON'T! HAAA! LightFlare fires a blast directly at the creature lunging at him...
  4. LightFlare tenses up a bit... (This is why I didn't wanna hang around too late...) No matter...LOOKS LIKE I GET A WARM UP! HUUUYAAAH!!! LightFlare physically assaulted the slow moving creatures crippling them with pinpoint strikes... Leaving them immobilised.
  5. LightFlare shakes her hand... Hello. Nice to meet you. You are an apprentice of Magio? It seems my past is slowly creeping up on me. It also seems I've gone into the "tour guide" business. @DarkflareHeh...Hisui...I'll follow you I suppose..
  6. @Darkflare Heh...Indeed. My training can be a bit..."unorthodox. " But if Darkflare needs help, then I'm at your disposal. We have quite a crowd here. (Some of them seem a bit suspicious)
  7. LightFlare pauses. He looks at the young lady with slight curiosity. She appears to be prepared for battle but, she is qute polite and seems to be just lost. (I don't sense any malicious intent) Hello, young lady. You are In the La'Mure Forest. It's rather large. And can be a bit of a maze. But for you to make it all the way here your either extremely lucky....or you don't come on foot. Are you OK?
  8. That's why I missed it, homie. I knew you were working on something but I was looking for it in the R.O.K. section.
  9. O...m...g! It's true! Why is this not in the R.O.K. section? Brock you might be the only character coder in the clique. Dude! This show was awesome! Can't wait to try him later.
  10. Thanks. You make a good point. That theme would fit nicely. Might try that actually...
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