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Everything posted by LightFlare_Da_Realest

  1. Hmmm....Yea. I know of him. He has a place in Candor City. He used to be head of a mercenary group. But now he expanded into this huge training facility. It has some high tech training rooms, robot maids running all over the place and even uses the same technology as the arena here. This place is great, but the one thing he has this place doesn't are the his special training arenas. They can look like any environment you want from what I hear.
  2. The fighter was throwing punches while looking at himswlf in the mirror. An obvious narcissist, he answers Lilith as only someone of his demeanor would... Hey cutie...I don't know this "Dorkflare" or whoever, but maybe if you're nice to me I'll help you look for him. He throws a couple jabs to try and impress Lilith...
  3. As Anwalt and Raina battled in the arena, the training room was full of fighters and trainers alike. There were all types of equipment and utilities available to the participants. Several people were punching bags and practicing their grappling and jujitsu skills as their trainers provided instructions on counters and escapes. Some of the fighters were doing strength building activities using free weights and other exercise equipment. There was a particularly large man who was lifiting what looked to be hundreds maybe even thousands of pounds. There was also an octagon shaped ring with a cage surrounding it. Inside the ring, two fighters sparred as they grappled and slung each other around the cage seeking the opportune moment to take the advantage. On the mat in a corner a man sat indian style in a meditative state, seemingly detached from his surroundings. In another free corner Kirimuri continues his staff training. Others had stepped into the shooting range and were practicing their projectile proficiency. One fighter even decided to go hand to hand and destroy his targets by lunging accross the range and attacking with powerful strikes. Meanwhile back in the arena... This is getting good! Anwalt is without question a deceptively strong fighter! And quick! But Raina moves across the arena almost as if she's dancing! So graceful...yet dangerous! Those blades came close to giving Anwalt an unwanted haircut! But it's not over yet!
  4. Looks like these guys aren't holding back! This should be a good one! As the audience enjoyed the show live. A monitor displayed the fight from inside the training room...
  5. And hailing from Fantasia... Fighter number 6...Raina! The crowd cheers as the two fighters stand face to face... Ok! Here are the rules. Since this is only an exhibition, we will use the three knock down system. Knock your opponent down three times and they are eliminated. If the fighter is unable to answer a 10 count he is eliminated. You have one 5-minute round! If a winner is not decided within 5 minutes we will enter sudden death. At which point the winner will be the one who scores the next knock down. Fighters ready!?
  6. Ok! Let's give a warm welcome to Fighter number 1...ANWALT...VERMILIOOOON! The crowd cheers... Now! Fighter number 6! Report to the middle of the arena!
  7. Excellent! That should be it. Now if you want to... Before she could finish, an announcement for the start of the exhibition came across the intercom. Well...looks like it's time to start. You just made it in. Head into the double doors on the right. Once inside you will hear your numbers called when it's time to report to the arena. Good luck everyone! Inside the arena the announcer was getting the crowd hype. He could be heard on the intercom in the lobby and in the training room... Ok! Looks like it's time to start! We have some tough competitors in the back and they're ready to fight! Tonight is gonna be another epic show! Evryone stay seated as we activate our barriers. We wouldn't want any innocent paying....uh...I mean "loyal" audience members to be hurt during the show! Crank it up, fellahs! A moderately loud mechanism activates and a slightly blue tented barrier forms seprating the battlefield of the arena from the spectators. There we go! Now! It's time! Fighter number 1! Please report to the middle of the arena! The crowd roars as the anticipation for the upcoming bouts comes to a boil. Within the training room are signs that point to various parts of the facilty. The fighters can simply follow the directions that lead down the hall to the arena.
  8. Thanks! Good luck! That will be fine, thank you! Take the double doors to the right and prepare for battle.
  9. Thank you! You can head through the double doors on the right and prepare yourself for battle. We have a wonderful training facility. But before you go, please pick a number between 1 and 6. Excluding 3. That one is taken. She speakes to the others... As for the rest of you, be thinking about your number as well...
  10. You still got it ex. I see the progression man. Nice work.
  11. As they go through the doors. They enter a hallway. Down the hallway, several doors can be seen and the crowd can be heard cheering just on the other side of each door.
  12. Thank you. Just head through the doors on the left. There are several doors down the hall. Just enter any one of them and you will be in stands of the arena. I suggest waiting on your friends to finish if any of them are joing you. The arena is quite large but I'm sure you'll find a seat young lady.
  13. The large door shuts and the elevator descends to the bottom floor. Some time after the elevator stops. The large door opens and the receptionist can be see waving them over to the front desk. Hello everyone! Please step this way. Everyone who is here to participate in the exhibition match, please fill out these forms. There are chairs to the right. Feel free to have a seat and complete the forms. If you are here to watch the show then you will need to pay the fee of 20 gil per seat. Once you've paid, take the double doors to the left. The receptionist begins handing out forms to the fighters.
  14. The bouncer speakes into his communication devise and responds speaking loud enough for all Lucent and his friends to hear as well... The entrance to the arena is right behind me. You and your friends take this large elevator down. Once you get off, the receptionist will be waiting on you. She'll explain the rest. He opens the elevator and directs them all to step on...
  15. The long line is for the clubb'n...the short line...is for the fight'n. If any of you are here to party get in line. If you're here to watch or participate in the fights then step this way. The arena is pretty packed, so a lot of people have already seated themselves in the arena. That's why the line is so short. Just follow the signs and look for the man with the tall blonde hair. The bouncer speaks into his communication devise and steps aside...
  16. 3 it is! I'll notify the match organizer. Head threw the double doors and you'll see the training facilty where you can prepare for battle. Some of the other fighters and few who have already fought today will be there as well. Prepare yourself and good luck. The receptionist smiles and continues with her work.
  17. The receptionist reads over the forms... Ok...Mr. Kirimuri. Now all you have to do is pick a number between 1 and 4. Once you pick, I will give that number to match organizers. This number will be used ro determine your opponent. When you fight will be determined when registration has closed. So...chose your fate. The already smiling receptionist raised an eyebrow at Kiri as she awaited his answer...
  18. Ok. If you are here to participate in todays Exhibition Matches there are a few slots left. Please fill out these forms. Once you've done so, bring them to me and you will be assigned a number. This number will determine who your opponent is. After that has been determined you may proceed to preparation area to await your scheculed bout. There's a sitting area to your right so you can complete the paperwork. The receptionist hands the man the forms...
  19. A receptionist calls out to the man in glasses... Sir! In the glasses! Please step over here and we can begin the process of registry. I'll explain more once we get started.
  20. The elevator stops and opens. It was the bottom floor. The place where the warriors came to party. It was not as loud as the upper floor. A crowd cheering could be heard in the distance. Noises of fighters preparing for battle can also be heard. A registry can be seen just outside the elevator door...
  21. The bouncer speaks into his communication device and responds... Actually you will take yourself down. Step this way into the elevator. Once you get off register and they will give you further instructions. As you can see is pretty noisy up here so it's best that you get more explanation down there. The bouncer opens the large elevator and directs the man to step in...
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