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Posts posted by Basara-kun

  1. Yeah, that Ereg-1000 I found it hours before finishing the collection, it's a great addition if you ask me =P

    Also, I didn't get enough time to update more stuff about here and Guild Database, but at least I got online again Cyberspider's X1 Mavericks thanks to Mugen Archive, so it's something :awesome

  2. Indeed, but I found links from other place with his works, in the end those ones failed me. So yeah, I'll replace the red with linksfrom MA in the end...


    OK, I'm in my house now, updating this thread and also the GD collection as well :P

  3. Yep, I checked it out, seems like the hosting site for downloads it's down, not sure if it's temporal or forever. Oh well, changing it as offline by now (also I'm aware also made Reon, adding to the list as offline too)


    12 hours ago, miru said:

    Dorgol made an NES Bootleg Haohmaru.

    Cool!! I'll see that and will be added too added, thanks ;)

  4. On 28/5/2016 at 8:35 PM, Aℓίcℯ said:

    Regardless of the characters being good or bad, it is still just a popularity contest, the winner is chosen only by how many people liked the character,.....plus the buddies/friends you have. 

    Nope, I'm not the most popular guy on Guild ever, and still I won a COTM with my Scott Pilgrim years ago. So I don't think it has to be who's the guy who has more buddies out there, all depends of the character and the reaction the public has.

    I recently discovered here has a COTM too, maybe the lack of news about this could be the reason why this votations aren't so enough. or maybe this forum isn't focused to make things like this, I don't know Also, remember Mugen Infantry started this, Guild later copied it and adapted it to what it is today, but even in MI itself this contest was outdated few time before its closure

    Maybe changing the rules and adapting it about what is doing here, could have better results, IMO

  5. On 29/5/2016 at 9:46 PM, gui0007 said:

    Yep, but i guess that @Basara-kun will do something about that since he's working in the major update of the MFG Database. :)

    Well, Nunor made some sections on KOF games about various MUGEN clones, but mostly K' and Kula. Maybe a new section about KOF clones should be compiled with those ones and from chars like Kyo, Athena and other more which have a lot of edits =P

  6. UPDATE 20/05/16

    Phase 4 and Final is ready, now this collection isn't a WIP anymore :OhYeah:

    -Added Other Games section, included chars from SVC: Chaos and NGBC, based on the existing collections here and Guild Database

    -Added Edited Fighters section, Cerenas' chars aren't included here since they have their own section in this creator's collection (recently created)


    As always, if there's something I miss, don't doubt to post it here to be added :bye:

  7. After working on the remake of my Megaman and specially after working on Megaman Classic collections on Guild Database and MFFA, I've been inspired to make these 2 characters for MUGEN not made before until now. Well, enough of words, here they are:



    1. Quint
    The Megaman from a diferent future brought and modified by Dr. Wily to stand against Megaman of this time. One of the bosses from GB Megaman/Rockman World series and the only character not adapted from these series finally arrived to MUGEN to crush Megaman once for all accompanied with his loyal Sakugarne!! Based on MMII-V as well some of the fangames were made, Quint now is ready to defeat anyone who stands in his way!!






    2. Sniper Joe
    Mass-series robots based on DLN-000 (Protoman/Blues) that were stolen by Dr. Wily and modified to stand against Megaman in every stage he goes. Based on MM1 first appearance, a lot of sprites were especially edited to get all MUGEN basics and fight not just against Megaman. And he's not alone, all other Joe from MM games are present too!! Be prepared for the Joe invasion!!





    Both characters were made at the same time and they inaugurate the new Megaman Series in Adaptations (along with Megaman and Mad Grinder, the latter no more in Jokes/Bosses section). Dedicated to all Megaman fans out there, this is for you :Irock:


    Chars -> Adaptations

  8. On 7/5/2016 at 11:08 AM, superkingkong65 said:

    Changed Ringman link, thanks =D also, I'm aware of that version, but I was thinking to make a Special Edited section about these edits. But probably I ditch that idea and just add it as blue link instead

    7 hours ago, miru said:

    Changed, thanks ;)

    5 hours ago, RobotMonkeyHead said:

    Damn, that OP is gorgeous.  Nice work Basara.

    Thanks, I want a collection like this since a lot of time ago, so I'm glad people like it as I do. So, thanks again :ReallyTruly:

  9. Phase 3 almost done, all stages and resources from Guild Database are here, soon filling resources section with links from Sprite Database and Spriters Resource


    NEXT (and final): Characters from other SS games (SS RPG, Warriors' Rage, SS NGP, etc) and Special Edited Characters (Cerenas' chars included)

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