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Posts posted by Basara-kun

  1. I forgot to put it here, but I got the first video preview of both Bad Mr. Frosty and High Five thanks to Streamable


    Also, this screenshot:


    Since his CF1 sprites are horrible, I'm starting to rip Tiny from CF2 and also using 1.2X MUGEN scale to put him as the same size of normal MUGEN chars and my other CF chars, just like I did with Ice. I hope to get him more advanced soon, as well adding him to my official WIP list in my website along with High Five


    Aaaaaand, I got a Facebook page, so you can follow me there, too 😉 

  2. ZoCvWqU.gif

    First advance of Bad Mr. Frosty!!

    Finally I can get a good and quick method to make his sprites sizable for MUGEN. I made his stance anim as you can see here, but in SFF I only add this, the turn anim and one of his poses (the "Call me Daddy", used for a taunt and a winpose), I'm focused right now to convert the rest of the sprites, and after that I'll add them to SFF, expect some surprises soon 😉




    Starting to work on High Five from Sculpture's Cut, using Jeffry81's Hand SFF to make a proper conversion of this giant hand once for all. The first intent is this shot with one of his new palettes (creepy, isn't it??) but also I'll remake his AIR to get a better conversion, maybe I can get more of this soon 😉 (also, palettes are applied to Frosty too, in the shot with the cover & manual artworks when his iconic hat is purple instead blue)

  3. scwu.gif

    I recently noticed there's no thread about this awesome game, so I started this. I hope you like it, any help here is welcome as always 😉

    Red is offline, Yellow is WIP and Green is edited




    Alex: Basara-kun

    Doraemon: Valgallah

    Rario: Moldredd

    Sean: Valgallah

    Sin: Basara-kun / Valgallah

    TTRO: Valgallah - BrainJem & DragonLord

    Zenka: Valgallah






    Artmoney tables: N. (SCWU Infinity)

  4. 1mKvYen.png

    What a better way to announce this double release that with this screenshot that spoils/resumes all :P



    1. Ice

    Bad Mr. Frosty's evil clone and rival from C2: Judgment Clay comes now to MUGEN not just being faithful to the source game (being his moveset a mixture of Frosty and Ice), as Blue Suede goo he received the 63 1/3 treatment and now he's a beast to play, in his comeback to finally slay Frosty once for all!! As BSG, he has throws, supers, claytalities (compatible with squished/7689 and frozen/7698 (in the main screenshot)) and the combo system (Insane Combos included), all new stuff compared with the source but maintain him related to ClayFighter series. Oh, and it's compatible with MUGEN1.0+ (ice-m1.def). You can find him in Adaptations section in Chars 😉







    2. Blizzard

    To know how to make a good frozen claytality on Ice, I'd to see back to Blizzard... and I found various unfinished stuff I never fixed on him, until now. For those who doesn't know him (he was released 10 years ago, you know), he's a martial artist with ice powers who's related to my shadow character XXX (his younger brother, before he was absorved by shadows), he's very dynamic and full of specials you probably like. Oh, and it's compatible with MUGEN1.0+ (blizzard-m1.def). You can find him in Originals section in Chars 😉

    For those who knows him, these are the new features:

    • Changed frozen compatibility from 7990 to 7698, now he's compatible with actual chars
    • Revisited all damage on him, since normal hits to supers, especially Blizzard Ray (made almost 300 to be a level 1 super, that's too much)
    • New sprite for state 7698 added (as seen in the main screenshot)
    • A bug since the first release fixed: now standing weak kick can chain into strong kick
    • Deleted button c for KO Hit and Sub-Zero, it was unnecessary, now only y+b works

    Screenshots (old):





    Here in the southern part, the autumn/fall is here and the low temperatures are starting to feel (but not too much really), so I made it coincide in a way with this double release. I hope you enjoy them both 😉



  5. hobocop.gifhobocop-stand.gif

    The dream of many who know this game series now has been come true!! HoboCop, the cancelled character from ClayFighter 63 1/3 and Sculpture's Cut now is finally playable only on MUGEN!! I got the PSX ClayFighter Extreme beta from a friend and I could rip his sprites from there, so now you can play with him for first time in history!!
    He's still in beta state but is 100% playable, I made a rushed release to get him ready for this special date, so these are some of his features:

    • Sprites and voices ripped from ClayFighter Extreme beta
    • All his basic moves
    • His 3 special moves: Hopedo, Ho Butt and Lid Throw
    • All sparks and sounds from CF 63 1/3 from my previous characters (announcer included)
    • 3 palettes







    As High Five in Sculptor's Cut, he's incomplete in the beta so not all his moves had been added (like the Combo System and Claytalities) so it' a matter of time to work on these by my own and create from scratch as I did with Blue Suede Goo and what I'm making now with Ice.


    I hope you like this release, this is my gift to you for all these years of support to my work here, I hope you enjoy it!!


    http://network.<BLACKLISTED URL>/basara/chars/hobocop.rar
    (sorry, I made this so hurry that I didn't upload his profile in my website, he will be added during today 😉)


    OK, now I can tell you better about my new AF char made for 2019, this is what you can find here for real:

    • Rips from every gaming magazine I could find about ClayFighter Extreme beta + some video rips
    • Voice from noneless than Shrek (the 3rd palette is the key)
    • The other elements said in the release also are real, so he's 100% playable and with CF sparks and sounds

    I like the result in the end, because, you know, this is probably the only chance for all of us to play with HoboCop for real, or a recreation about how he would be for CF games. I hope you'd enjoy it 😉


    This is the part where you run away
    Characters -> Jokes/Bosses
    (the strikethroughed link still works BTW)

  6. Sure, that's a good update I see, nice palettes and readme you made there 😉 and the bugs noticed before are fixed.


    But, I found other things I didn't noticed before, mostly in her supers:

    -Shinobis Dance appears Roxy hitting first, i think both should start at the same time

    -Teleporting Agression has all the hitsparks in a sole place instead of being in the enemy (he can goes up in the air, but the sparks are still on the ground appearing)


    Apart of that is a solid update and a good release after all. Good job there 😄 also, I changed to your new nickname in Guild, I'll do the same in the SPvTW collection

  7. Sure, I read you want to make a fullgame with them, good luck with that 😉

    Now, here's the feedback:


    Both chars:

    -My creations are made under WinMugen, but the SFF is a SFFv2 so I can't play it there (only in MUGEN1.0+). it's just a detail, but you can make a SFF version later for the few ones still use WinM :) (in Fighter factory, save as MUGEN Beta instead 1.0)

    -I would appretiate to make your own readme the next time instead just use Scott's ones, especially for Roxy

    -In general both feel great and fun to play, thanks for make them and for use me as inspiration, I'm flattered


    Stephen Stills:

    -Although is a spriteswap, Stephen doesn't feel like one, I like that and it's a big improvement of your past version with various bugs fixed from there, congrats 😄

    -There's a move from Scott there, the Hurricane Kick, which can be done with Scott Sprites without a palette

    -I would like to get voices from Stephen in the character, all the voices are still from Scott and the Scott striker has Stephen one (the only I ripped from the movie)

    -Some air punches and kicks repeat themselves after hit the button instead been made once 


    Roxy Richter:

    -I like the girl voices you put on her, but still there're some Scott voices out there in the char

    -The D,DF,F + z gives error message, probably makes the same double ninja super done with D,DF,F + c

    -You said it before, but I would like to see more palettes for her, especially the black suit from the movie (as I changed Envy's red hair for blonde hair as the 2P)

    -In general there's no more problems with her, I like how she plays, good work!!


    And that's all, I've to edit my message since the forum doesn't let me add more lines. But in general that's a good work put here. And I loved the full animated stages, thanks!!

    Also, I made the post on Guild and animate people who also post here to put their feedback. If not, I can report the feedback there for those users that don't post here.

    I'll be waiting for more of your chars and the fullgame, seems awesome!!

  8. Thanks, links added!!


    Plus, some new stuff:

    -Added some Pocket (Megaman Powered Up style) chars in Edited version

    -Added a couple of MM 8-bit edited chars to the list (I still need images for some chars in the list, any help is welcome)

    -Omega32able is offline (his archived website got his downloads down), so marked all his creations as offline (except a couple of links I found apart)

  9. Well, I'm still working on Ice and I got some more advances, let me explain you:

    • All his basic are ready now, including normal punches and kicks
    • Added some of 63 1/3 common moves: Launcher, Overhead Attack and Combo Opener
    • Now Ice has his CF2 voice thanks to N. in Guild
    • 3 of his 5 planed specials are ready: Blizzard (snow projectile), Sneaky Punch (a run+punch move) and Rising Ice (Frosty's anti-air, also the move used for Combo Breaker)

    Now waiting to get the Snowball sprites to get his other 2 specials ready, also thinking in his supers, claytalities and combo system for him, as well adding the 63 1/3 FX for him. At this way, probably I would release Ice before march ends, I hope so 😄 (soon screenshots and maybe a video, i hope so too)

  10. On 12/3/2016 at 12:27 PM, XXXAstartesXXX said:

    CVS styled characters. I used to like the gameplay then I got bored with it

    Same here, especially the "POTS-style" chars. I liked them when thi started but later got oversaturated of them, and not just Capcom chars, even toon or stickman chars have POTS-style, which makes me reject this "CVS-like" gameplay for real. Not to mention my intent to jump into the bandwagon with Rose and other chars I tried to make in this style, but I couldn't manage it and later stand it, so I ditch out this template from my chars for good.


    Anyway, I still enjoying some creators with this style like DivineWolf, but not much as before as said above

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