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Posts posted by Basara-kun

  1. Hi guys, I want to tell you 3 things:

  2. Hi guys, I'm back!!

    Well, I was really back in january XD but I'm back for real with this thread and making news about my actual and future WIPS for MUGEN.

    As you could see before, I'm stuck with ClayFighter series (yes, I should retake my past WIPS as Rose, I know u_u), but I' m very interested to make things like this thanks to the success of Blue Suede Goo. And now, let me show you what could be my next project!!


    Ice, the evil clone of Frosty in C2: Judgment Clay!!
    I was trying to make something easy with him, but then it converts in something else. This is what I got right now:

    • Sprites from ShadeDBZ's Frosty sheet with a change of colors (Ice is darker than Frosty in the game)
    • Almost all basics ready (finishing the hitposes like KO and recovery)
    • 12 palettes (only the hat as in the game)
    • All his poses from C2 (1 intro and 2 winposes) + 2 new ones (common 63 1/3 intro and a taunt)
    • Both big and small portraits from C2 (small one was recolored as you can see and edited to be 25x25)
    • Base from Blue Suede Goo (the actual alpha still says OH MOMMA! and stuff XD)

    I found the sheet is incomplete, so I'll have to rip various sprites by myself, like the stance pose I ripped already (first shot) and possibly the other exclusive sprites like standing strong punch as well Snowball special that wasn't in the sheet. Also, since C2 sprites are smaller than the media, I applied 1.2X MUGEN scale just to test... and it looks good. Hmmm, maybe should I pick 63 1/3 sprites and make the same instead of give them a resize via Photoshop and stuff??

  3. 3 hours ago, The Auditor said:

    Oh, should I change then or...?

    Yes, you can do it AFAIK (or at least in Guild is possible to do that)


    3 hours ago, GarfieldfanMUGEN said:

    A lot of people think Camren's creations are garbage. I personally think they're sub-par (aside from being a style copier), but not good to be voted character of the month.

    Don't state for which one you shouldn't vote, every user can nominate the character he/she wants, no matter how good or bad it is. Also, if it's bad as you say, I don't think it gets another vote or even classify for the votation


    Also, thanks for voting for Blue Suede Goo, I didn't expect that (or at least being of the first candidates here) =D here're my votes BTW:

    Haruhi Suzumiya by Nep Heart - 1

    DIO by Warusaki3 & Mr. Giang - 1

    Earthworm Jim by DrKelexo & IanMcRacoon2000 - 1

    PXZ Lady by Betaille - 1


    (sorry, I would include my Jim on the nominations, but I can't do it because I'm the creator, is in the rules)

  4. Good to hear that news, I'll be waiting for Stephen then. And don't worry for Kim, I still have a lot to do so no problem if you release your version first. And about the stages, i've been reintegrated to MUGEn since january so I'm very unupdated to the new releases, so if you got the link for your stages (or the release link), just post it here so I can add them to the collection (same for your characters if you make a public release of them)

  5. Thank you very much @bzior!! :ReallyTruly: I'm glad you like my characters and that makes you create your own!! I hope to see those SPvTW chars of yours, especially that Stephen update and Mr. Chau  :OhYeah:

    Also, can you reupload Stephen?? Since the SFF appears as wrong and I don't know why (I couldn't test it either), so I can include him in the collection

  6. Got it, thanks!!



    -Added both KFM links to the collection

    -Deleted Rimusin Ruruki and Shin Rimururu from the collection, both were originally made by Ainotenshi (my bad, I always thought they were made by Cerenas)

    -Added Devil Bird Sadist (Nana Owada's cheap version) from A120% collection

  7. Hi guys!! I've been absent all the past 2018 for personal reasons, but now I'm back with these creations from ClayFighter franchise (and to honor its death and Interplay's in 2016) I've been worked all this summer (yes, here in the southern it's summer) and now they're finally ready to be launched. Let me introduce you my new stuff:



    1. Blue Suede Goo
    The Elvis impersonator from the first game is back to MUGEN with this new version, which is faithful to the first ClayFighter and CF: Tournament Edition from SNES (since basic to special moves are accurate to the source) but made under the 63 1/3 engine made for Earthworm Jim, as well added various of the features from this game (since sounds and sparks to moves like Overhead Attack, Launcher, Claytalities and the complete combo system, Insane Combos included). I like the result of this character and I hope you enjoy him as I did creating him... OH MOMMA!!




    2. Earthworm Jim
    The favourite videogames worm is back with a vengeance!! I finally can add all the sprites I needed to get a more complete version of him (adapted and modified from the spritesheet by Random Talking Bush). These are some of the major changes from this update:

    • Various anims (since basics to specials/supers) now have more sprites, so now Jim is more fluid than before
    • He had just one before, now Jim has all the 6 Insane Combos (Ultras) from the game!!
    • Finally made the intro (supersuit falling from sky) and winpose (Jim shooting to himself) from 63 1/3
    • Added his 2 throws from the game
    • Added 2 new Claytalities from the game: Launch from MUGEN and Squish Claytality, completing 3 in total!! (only 2 more should be made to get him all of them)
    • More voice samples added, included the hitsounds
    • Compatible with these custom states: squished/splatted, burnt, stuck in the ground (DrKelexo's Deathmask) and cheap KO
    • Compatibility with MUGEN1.0+ (data, winquotes, etc), just choose "ewj-m1.def" and that's all (Blue Suede Goo also has this BTW)


    Screenshots (new ones):

    Cow From Sky and Squish Claytality are compatibles with anim 7689 (splatted/squished) as you can see in the 2nd pic with Panty 😉



    So here they are, I hope you enjoy them... and I hope to make more characters from ClayFighter 63 1/3 (Bad Mr. Frosty and Boogerman are in my chars-to-do list), as well adapting from the first 2 games as I did wth BSG (if you like the result of BSG, I'm interested to revive Tiny in a future). So, download them now!!


    Chars -> Adaptations




    I forgot to say it... I made my own custom state so you can add it to your character via AIR without put a code in the CNS. Let me show you:
    5305 -> Pre-Claytality pose
    A state based on what I did with Jim and later with BSG, it's a simple anim you can add in your character to make him/her compatible with the pre-Claytality state (for normal chars, it goes to 5300/dizzy state BTW). Only 2 sprites getting down with time 5-6 and the last one on its knees with time -1, all of them with clsn2. If it's a KOF/CVS char, you can use part of the cheap KO sprites to make the anim, but always you can improvise as I did with BSG.
    I hope this could be useful, maybe in a future experiment more with custom states and make the cutted-in-half state as in CF series without coding as with Shadowtak's characters 😉



    03/08/2019: Both chars has been updated!!

    Both chars:
    - Dampered damage, since normal hits to supers and combo system
    - Added a special CMD for MUGEN1.0+
    Earthworm Jim:
    - Fixed bug on Cow From Sky for chars that doesn't have the 7689 anim
    - Made minor fixes on throws
    Blue Suede Goo:
    - Fixed some stuff in readme (now is in full english :P)
    - Fixed splatted sprite on 7689
    - Fixed infinites on normal hits as well unguardables on normal kicks


    03/13/2019: Jim has been updated AGAIN!!

    Earthworm Jim:
    - FINALLY Fixed bug on Cow From Sky

    -Added more time to afterimage for Insane Combos

  8. Hi guys, I'm back!! And the first I want to make to mark my comeback is to update this thread with all the new links sent by Eduardo Merenda, and following his advice, I checked it out the old thread and there're various links I didn't add before, so now there're more available chars!! 😄


    The bad thing, I see the MA ban is still there, since all the links from there are unlinked automatically by the forum. So, I left them in red as offline until I can download and reupload them so they will be readded soon.


    That's all guys, I hope to update my other collections here in MFFA, good to be back again!! :fuckyea:

  9. logo.gif
    Powered by DE-MOLE-ITION


    Not a release made by me, but another rescue for MUGEN community as I did with Luvly Angel's chars. Calamix was a controversial figure in MUGEN history, but his contribution to the community with his Megaman chars is undeniable. His last public release was this fullgame with Megaman Arcade chars from those 2 games (Power Battle and Power Fighters), as well original adaptations from other MM games, which were unable to use because the game is moleboxed...


    Until now.


    I tested DE-MOLE-ITION on this fullgame thinking this won't work on it, but it did. And I checked them and all files work on normal MUGEN: characters (selectable and secret), stages and even the screenpack and music, so I unmoleboxed all the content and made separate downloads to everyone can use them. All the content is untouched but tested on my normal MUGEN and it works without problems.


    Some screenshots to prove this:
    Because of the release date (2007 aprox), this fullgame was made under WinMugen, but I think it's also compatible with MUGEN 1.0+, it's up to you to test there. This was a so huge discover that I'd to make its own website apart of mine.


    I know there's a lot of MM fans out there that wanted more Calamix chars available, so you'll appreciate this as I do. Enjoy this release, this was made for you ;)




    PS: Mods, if you think this doesn't belong here, feel free to move it to another section, thanks

  10. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3 Turtles released!!

    No, it's not your idea, it isn't a joke either.
    This was a secret project I got since months ago and finally achieved during these days (started after I released Robot Chuck). Yes, the Turtles we all know and love now with the 8-bit treatment!! Different from other Turtles released on MUGEN, these ones plays almost exactly like in TMNT 3: The Manhattan Project on the NES, with only 3 buttons to use (punch, throw and special move) and a lot of features you can catch on the readme. Each Turtle have their own folders and each of them is compatible with MUGEN1.0 (data, winquotes, etc)





    So, get out of your sewer, grab your slice of pizza with you and download them now!! :Irock:

    Chars -> Classics -> 8-Bit Series

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