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Posts posted by Basara-kun

  1. voltman.gif
    Hahahahaha, you don't expect this, do you?? XD
    Yeah, one of the 3 Robot Masters of the first PC/DOS Megaman and the first character from this shitty series for MUGEN. A project made just because XD I like it and I just made it, so don't blame me XD
    So I got the sprites, used Quint as base and ripped the sounds from one of the YouTube gameplays and voilá XDDD





    Well, I don't know what to say... so enjoy it XD


    Chars -> Adaptations

  2. OK, now I give me the time to upload all the images, so now all the edited chars have their image now, yay!! =D


    But sadly, I found that Pocket Marco's link just had the DEF and not the complete character. And since in his archived site can't be downloaded, I left it on red u_u

  3. hkDNAfN.png

    Another collection I wanted to make since time ago. Following the example of the OC Shotoclone Collection, here I'll compile all the MUGEN adaptations of shotoclones who came from Street Fighter's backstory, as well other chars who became part of the SF mythos, as well some adaptations from further games in 3D that were adapted into 2D for this engine. I hope you like it 😉

    Red is offline, Yellow is WIP, Blue is edited from the source and * needs an image. Enjoy the collection!!

    See also: OC Shotoclone - Ryu EditsSF Edited


    Gou Hibiki

    Dan's father, also known as Mr. Saikyo and Oyaji

    sfa_gohibiki.gifenxcAqx.gifUZkN4Tg.gifsfa_shingou.gif1YSoRfu.gifcvs_mrsaikyo.gifMajor update for Gou Hibiki from Street Fighter!!! Gif11svc_shingou.gifsvc_saikyo.gifGouHibikiSF2_zps6a74149c.png4ucMjLJ.gifGouHibikiSF1_zps66dc66de.png

    SFA: N-Mario (Normal - Oyaji) / ElJosho1000 (Shin Gou) / Bask / Mike Obrecht / Ryou Hei (Oyaji) - Ayustat

    CVS: Marancv (Mr. Saikyo) - Mistah Jorge - SpazMaster

    SVC: Mr.X-File (Shin Gou)- Duracelleur / Dj-TuGa-b0y (Mr. Saikyo - Shin Mr. Saikyo) - Duracelleur (KOFA)MDK & Listening (Secret Master)

    SFII: Mugenmonkey / DarkMasterS (Old ver.)

    SFI: Mugenmonkey



    Akuma's brother and Ryu & Ken's master, recreated for SFIV series


    SFA: Slayer & Khadgar / Dripht

    SFII: Guille_N_Roll / varo_hades / ELECTR0 / DJHannibalRoyce

    SFIII: Alexlexus (Old - New) - bloodriotiori - Blagoy - Ghost Killer / Flamekyo - Axellord - varo_hades / Neji / AngelM / MGMURROW

    SFI: Mugenmonkey

    SVC: Aragan - 119way - EMU-win - Duracelleur (KOFA) - AnimugenZDiego Cutrim

    NGPC SVC: Traveller of the Future

    SFIV version: Infinite - Hélder Santos (HD) / KarmaCharmeleon



    Gouken's master and the creator of Ansatsuken Style


    SFA: AngelM - Colosse (Old - New) / Shadow Blade

    SFIII: Failure

    SVC: Duende Macabro & PuskasYashinDuracelleur (KOFA)


    Sheng Long

    Mentioned in SFII Ryu's quote and became an AF character by Electronic Gaming Monthly magazine


    SFII: Cypher44

    SFIII: Vyn & Angelm & MemoryCard21

    CVS: xSnow - Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

    SFA: NAE & Cipher444 / Hulk1215

    SVC: PuskasYashinDuracelleur (KOFA)

    SFII NES (Bootleg): Bia


    Evil Ken

    Ken Masters brainwashed by M.Bison in the SFII Anime movie, recreated in SVC: Chaos and Ultra SFII as Violent Ken


    SFA: Reu & KingTigre / Mantovão & ShinAkuma2003 (Psycho Ken) / SG-666 (Orochi Ken)

    SFII: Guille_N_Roll

    SFIII: bloodriotiori (Riot Ken) - V2 - V3

    Pocket Fighter: Reu (?) / Renzo & Roy HunterRibeiro & Darkgouken

    NGPC SVC: Traveller of the Future / Freezell

    SVC/KOF: Ryon (Raging Ken) / Don Drago & Iori YagamiBR (KOFM) - Duracelleur (KOFA)

    CVS: MetalFreekz13 / Meta Gouki (Furious Ken) / Victorys (Old New) - RagingRowen - Totaln00b (MvC) - Ryu from StreetsBurningSoul - SWAGaming98Moldredd (God Ken) / Atice (Revenant Ken) / Trololo



    The mythos of Akuma being one with Satsui no Hadou, also known as Oni Akuma, recreated for SFIV series


    SFIV: Chuchoryu - LESSARDDuracelleur (KOFA)

    CVS: Mr. Ansatsuken (as one of Akuma's modes): 1.0 - 1.1EtalkingUnknown / ANONYMOUS_data_Demon / 玩遊戲 - Kurt Rencel / MDD & MC2

    SFII: IAteMySink

    SFIII: Vampiro83 (Shin Oni)*

    Pocket Fighter: Vampiro83*



    Ryu's "brother" from SFA Anime OVAs


    SVC/KOF: Zero Oh - Lucas9999 (Anji Sakazaki)

    Adult Shun: Water & PuskasYashin - Duracelleur (KOFA) / Unknown



    Anthropomorphic despiction of Satsui no Hadou, recreated for SFV series

    jprcpsv.pngCvS Kage7Shadow Ryu Upgrade Cv-S-Kage-Ryu-by-chuchoryuxRxFgZe.png

    CVS: Vyn

    SFIII: Chuchoryu / LESSARD - Mr.Giang - Chaosbringer

    SFII: IAteMySink



    Former Gouken's helper converted into Shadaloo cyborg, exclusive character from SFIIV manga


    CVS: Ahuron - Duracelleur (ToSix) Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ (Sheng Long)



    Sprites: AngelM (SFA Sheng Long - SFA Goutetsu) / G.M.Spectre (SFA Sheng Long)

  4. Thanks!! =D all were added + these things extra:

    • I got sprites for the shotoclones that don't have images, now all are shown in the collection
    • I forgot Jun also made Ogre EX, so I added to the list, also, I remember he got A LOT of edits, I only could find one, the latest by ShotokanEditor, so if you know more, tell me to add them here
  5. Another little update:

    • Added the Neo Geo Pocket section with Kurai Naito
    • Found Byaken, a SFII shotoklone

    I'm gonna upload some stuff here soon, mostly images for the shotoklones and I think I got Blackjack in my own collection, if that's so, then I'll upload it for the collection. Also thinking to make the Recreated Shotoclones Collection, where you can see Gou Hibiki, Sheng Long, Ryu's brother Shun and other more, expect that soon ;)

  6. Tiny update:

    • Added KOF R-2 stages by CozySquirtle (I forgot he made them too XD)
    • Found M8B fullgame (oh, what a memories =D), changed the red mark for the link
    • Added stuff by HadeS (still needs to find his own char Hapok, but the only link I could find is on MA)
  7. Little update:

    • Since it's a WIP of mine, added Pocket Ukyo sprite for the NGPC section
    • And as I already released few days ago, added the couple of NGPC stages I made from Pocket SS games
    • Added SSII Genjuro by Tatu (offline)
    • I made it in one of my collections and I replicated here: added a new color (purple) for incomplete chars or for collection purposes only, marked some chars of the list that are like this
  8. ss-pocket1.pngmorrigan1.png
    As I said you in my WIP thread, I'm working in some new Neo Geo Pocket chars for MUGEN, one of them is Ukyo Tachibana from the second Samurai Shodown for NGPC (port of SS64-2). But when I was playing the game and ripping his sprites, I noticed the beautiful 8-bit stages made for this game, so I adapted the first stage for MUGEN, in both Day (round 1) and Night (round 2 & 3) versions.


    Also, these are the first stages I made since years, I think the last one was in... 2017 maybe?? I say 2012 without the Cybaster's Stage Maker, nevermind XD
    Two simple but beautiful 8-bit stages for your NES/Pocket/Chibi/8-bit characters. If you like it, maybe I could make the others, who knows ;)


    Just go to the Stages section, pal. Ippon!!


    PS: I updated my WIP section with my NGP WIPs, Morrigan and Ukyo BTW =P

  9. eJ4454C.png


    More advances on Morrigan (since I got her entire SFF, you know XD)

    • Now she has moves!! Added Soul Fist (ground and air versions) and Shadow Blade, as well her flying dashes as seen in the first pic
    • Taken the SND and make it work her voice, and added some Capcom sounds for hits
    • Also added a couple of command moves and a winpose where she transforms into Lilith instead just changing clothes XD
    • Now working on her throws (included her Vector Drain special) and the her supers

    Apart of her, I made a couple of Samurai Shodown! 2 stages, the Day and Night version of Approaching Evil (the first stage), being the latter in the first shot, I hope to release them during this week ;)

  10. And it finally happened...


    After managing too much the NGP Collection, I got the urge to make more NGP chars for MUGEN, and so I picked up these two: Ukyo and Morrigan. The latter was created after getting the awful version of Tanicfan22, so I took her SFF and SND and started her from scratch, plus some SVC:MOTM sparks I ripped to get her more accurate. In the former, my taste for Ukyo and this spritesheet (partially ripped) makes me take the step ahead since there's only one char from Samurai Shodown! games (Kazuki, which is offline... since Haohmaru is the MOTM version). Apart of getting back with my 8-bit chars, these two are my second chars from Samurai Shodown (after Gen-an) and Darkstalkers (after Bishamon) respectively.


    Now, here're some shots:





    Both have all basics and all their punches, kicks and slashes ready to use, so they're playable betas until now. I hope to get them ready soon, so I'll get busy until I can ensemble the rest of Frosty sprites for the SFF (the reason why I didn't advanced too much on him these weeks). i hope you like them =D

  11. Thanks a lot!! =D added all of the last post, except Ryo since Junior Chillage = Silver (unless it's a previous version, idk)


    About the previous one, yeah, they were a lot from other pocket games not from NGP but I added all from NGP already. Thanks for both posts, very appreciated =D

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