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Posts posted by Basara-kun

  1. Thanks man :OhYeah:


    UPDATE 03/05/2016

    Finally finished Phase 2 (SSIII-VI chars only), now seeing the other stuff. I hope to get new links for offline creators (most of them with sites on Freett (RIP)). Of course, if you have a link first, you're free to post it here n_n

  2. On 30/4/2016 at 1:58 AM, miru said:


    23 hours ago, superkingkong65 said:

    Astroman's link leads to Aquaman.

    All done, thanks guys :=D:


    10 hours ago, Darklight said:

    spring man has been made

    I know, by Calamix, but as I said before, no Calamix's offline chars unless you have the link for it (see in PS at the top of the collection). Thanks anyway for noticing it



    EDIT: Added MM4 Metool Boss/Daddy

  3. 5uB021m.png

    Yes, as the title says ;) Rose has been restarted now with Shuma-Gorath as base for her, so I deleted every POTS reference she had (since the code to the FXs) and now has all basics ready, now starting to make her specials and her SND, this is some of the things she will have:


    From previous POTS version:
    -All basic moves ready
    -Megamix of moves from all games she appears, since Alpha series to USFIV
    -Voice of SFIV series as her main one
    -And of course, sprites made by Felo Llop
    -Compatibility with MUGEN1.0+ (data, winquotes, etc)


    From new version:
    -Shuma-Gorath as coding base for Rose
    -Sparks and sounds from Capcom vs. SNK 2
    -A Capcom/SFA more oriented gameplay
    -New palettes more based on her past appearances + some cameos/cosplay palettes
    -As SG, an alternative SND with her voice from SFA series


    There're already 2 moves ready (Soul Spark and Suol Spiral) and 1 on works (Soul Throw, which shares coding right now with SG's Mystic Smash), so I hope to remake and polish those moves, as well finishing her SND and the second part will be done :Irock:

  4. Awesome collection, I didn't think someone all Kulas on the net finally, thanks for the effort ;) also, some notes about this collection:

    -Maybe you should also include the authors' names below every description of every Kula, people in general wants to know who made these chars

    -Kane, Clone Kane, Gelato, Gliz, Another Gliz and En-Eins are male versions of Kula and all of them appeared as "she" in descriptions. Also, Kane (and his clone) looks also more based on K' than Kula, but the latter has involved there

    -I kinow there's one more anime cameo that should be here, but I'm not sure if the char was even finished or becomes something more than a sprite edit: a Kula clone made as Rei Ayanami of Evangelion, but as i said, not sure if that was a thing in the end


  5. 22 hours ago, BrawlTheMan said:

    In the readme, you got the Hard Knuckle's motion wrong. It's "charge Back, Forward and b" not Charge down, forward and b". It also bugs me that the Super damage is inconsistent. When I hit with the Magnetic shockwave close up, the shockwave only hits once, dealing as much damage as a level 1 super. I'll let you know what else I can find.

    It happens with various supers, all depends of the angle in which are affected to opponent. In the case of Magnetic Shockwave, I can hit 3 times to make like 600 of damage, but also I can just hit once, same with the other ones. I'll see what I can do with that and I'll fix it soon. Also yeah, I misspelled Hard Knuckle in the readme :P I'll change that too


    Also, thanks for your comments!! :goodmood:

  6. megaman.gif

    After years of having him as the forgotten and unwanted one from my creations, I decided one day to remake him more as a fighter than a platformer and now finally my efforts got rewarded with this version that finally makes justice to Megaman in MUGEN that isn't come from MVC.


    Copy-pasted from Readme:


    -=[Differences with previous version]=-
    -In general now Megaman works as a MUGEN character
    -Added basics: run, block, punches and kicks
    -Selection of Megaman powers instead having them all
    -2 Modes: button = MM1-6, start+button = MM7-10 + MM&B
    -Powers now will be made as command moves and special moves from fighting games
    -Powerbar activated, various MM weapons now are supers
    -Added Rock Upper (MVC1) as special


    03/22/2016 - Re-release (version 2.0)
    -New sprites and sounds for Megaman
    -Augmented since 4 buttons to 6
    -Added punch and kick buttons
    -Added MUGEN basics: run, block and throws
    -Only 2 game modes instead 12
    -Remade palettes and augmented since 12 to 24
    -New classic sprites for transform intro
    -Added powerbar, now strikers as some Special Weapons use it
    -Added sounds from Marvel vs. Capcom (voices) and Super Smash Bros. WiiU (FX)
    -Fixed various bugs from first version
    -New specials: 
      -Rock Upper (MVC)
      -Rock Ball (MM8 and MVC)
      -Triple Blade (Blademan, MM10)
      -Solar Blaze (Solarman, MM10) -> super
    -Remade specials:
      -Thunder Beam (Elecman, MM1)
      -Air Shooter (Airman, MM2) -> super
      -Rain Flush (Toadman, MM4) -> super
      -Tengu Dash (Tenguman, MM&B)
      -Laser Trident (Splashwoman, MM9)
      -Tornado Blow (Tornadoman, MM9) -> super
    -These specials now can be done in the air:
      -Thunder Beam (Elecman, MM1)
      -Silver Tomahawk (Tomahawkman, MM6)
      -Slash Claw (Slashman, MM7)


    And now, the mandatory screenshots:





    I enjoyed a lot remaking Megaman, I hope you also enjoy him playing with this new version  :OhYeah:


    Chars -> Adaptations

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