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Posts posted by Basara-kun

  1. Those things will be done, so don't worry ;) Also...



    As you can see in the pic:

    -Lynette fully functional as part of Envy's movelist (instead just a simple striker)

    -SFA hitpsarks added to Envy, the same ones used on Scott and Nega Scott

    -Palettes done, this one with Envy cosplaying Mai Shiranui


    To be done:

    -One more Envy's move, a kick that resembles Adon's Jaguar Kick

    -Supers in general

    -A BG for Envy, already added to SFF and AIR now should be coded

    -Todd and Gideon as strikers (Todd with a Blanka-like move aka Electricity, and Gieon with his pixel projectile)

    -A couple of voices to be added

  2. I'll be waiting for them then. At least I'm glad you're still working on them, I hope you can release at least one character.


    Also, found Lorenzo The Comic's Envy (probably made before maverick PK's rips) downloaded from MA. It would be great if someone can reupload Jango's and z0mbie's stages to be added here (and eventually to Guild Database)



    Hi people, I'm back not just with my WIPs, also I'm back with MUGEN collections, and I come back with the beat'em up adaptation of Scott Pilgrim comic books by Bryan Lee O'Malley in its own MUGEN collection as it is now. As always, anything to be added here is welcome, and I'll update my other collections as soon as I can, so don't worry 😉

    Red is offline, Yellow is WIP, Blue is edited, Green is another gamerlay, Purple is for collection purposes only and * needs an image.




    Main Characters

    Scott Pilgrim: Basara-kun (normal - joke) - Zior - AwesomeBlue / Jeremiah Ball / Evilasio da Paz (Sumin Imitation) / Ultra Fatality

    Kim Pine: Basara-kun / Zior

    Stephen Stills: Zior / Basara-kun / Ultra Fatality

    Ramona Flowers: Jeremiah Ball

    Wallace Wells: Ryon & Ultra Fatality

    Knives Chau: Ryon & Ultra Fatality



    Evil Exes

    Matthew Patel: Ultra Fatality

    Lucas Lee: Ultra Fatality

    Todd Ingram: omegadx

    Roxy Richter: Zior

    Gideon Graves: CamChao

    Super Gideon Graves: Oliver as Latias

    Missing/To be made: Katayanagi Twins



    Bosses/Stage Enemies

    Nega Scott: Basara-kun - awesomeano123 (Basara's Joke Scott edit)

    Envy Adams: Lorenzo The Comic / Basara-kun / Ryon & Ultra Fatality

    Lynette Guycott: Basara-kun

    Robot Chuck: Basara-kun

    Robot-01: Oliver As Latias

    Missing/To be made: Mr. Chau, stage enemies in general



    Original/Adapted Characters

    Zack Tough: Kiske Otoko

    Gallegos111: Gallegos111 (Basara's Scott spriteswap)

    MAAU (youtuber): mige208


    Other MUGEN stuff

    Stages: Itanori / Zion / Jumbopaulo (UFO Green Screen) / z0mbie / Jango / Zior / GarfieldfanMUGEN (Dodge Ball) / ShiroTori (Orbital Subspace City)

    Screenpack: Jeremiah Ball

    Fullgames: Ryon & Ultra Fatality (Scott Pilgrim Versus, IKEMEN Go)

    AI Patches: DarkLuigi (Oliver As Latias's Super Gideon Graves)

    Palettes (Basara's Scott): ZombieBrock/Lord Batros / Rosh / GarfieldFanMUGEN



    Sprites: Paul Robertson (gifs) / Stephanie Boutin (stages) / Basara-kun (Scott resprited) / Teenpioxis101 (Nega Scott) / Maverick PK

    Portraits: Squallsoft / Ehat / NDSilva

    Music: Video Game Music (OST - OST+extras)

  4. Quote


    Well, here he is. My first MUGEN character: The 7th Evil Ex. The G-Man. The Asshole. Gideon Gordon Graves.
    I actually feel like I finished him up too soon... like, there could be more I need to do. I already implemented every single attack he has in the Scott Pilgrim game, including the attack he does when you come near him while he's lying down. Eh...

    Anyway, don't expect a lot from him because this is only my first character, and he doesn't even have that many attacks in the Scott Pilgrim game.

    Known issues:
    -When the intro is skipped while the background is black, the background stays black for a couple seconds.
    -When the intro is skipped, the background sound isn't stopped. (But it still fades out at the end of its duration, because that's part of the sound itself)

    I'll most likely update him with these issues fixed if I learn how to fix them. And with better AI if I learn more about that as well.

    V 1.01
    -Removed the "camerapos" from one of the states, so there shouldn't be an error about it in MUGEN 1.0.
    -Cropped the portrait and moved the bigger version to 9000, 2 so it displays at the victory screen. The 9000, 1 portrait still doesn't fit the frame perfectly because the original sprite isn't "tall" enough.

    Thanks to Basara Travers for bringing the camerapos MUGEN 1.0 error to my attention.

    Included in the download is a readme with credits and a (very tiny) movelist.


    Download: http://www.mediafire.com/file/dhah1cx6wdupew0/MUGEN+Gideon+Graves.zip

    Original thread: http://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/gideon-graves-released-181137.0.html


  5. Hi guys, I'm back!! :meme2: after my little retirement of... 9 months?? I'm not sure, maybe it was 10, whatever... anyway, I'm back in MUGEn and I'm working in some of the projects I left, mostly this one:



    Envy Adams (& Lynette Guycott) is back to MUGEN!!

    Since both girls haven't enough moves top get them separately, and because Envy & Lynette are already a battle team in SPvTWTG, I decided to make them together, with Envy as the main character and Lynette her assistant, which will be called by special moves instead normal strikers (think about Yamato Nadeshiko as part of R. Mika's moves in SFV). Originally I was to start on Kim Pine, but Envy got more advanced than her, so I prefer to focus on her and finish her as soon as I can. By now, apart of basics, she has almost all he special moves ready, including the ones with Lynette as seen in the pic. Now coding one more special move then I'll start with super moves, one of them including both of them fighting at the same time

  6. pepsiman.png
    My return this 2017 is with this revamp to Sutenko's Pepsiman character, now with more moves, new specials and supers!!
    For WinMugen only of course, DOSM is too VAPE for you ;) (you can try it in 1.0 if you aren't プリペアド enough)

    Also, I made a stage to accompany him, another Vaporwave stage, this time based on Pepsi that comes with the character in the same pack, also with SUPERJUMP as the other pack, also for WinMugen.






    Now a separated release, you can find it in Stages section


    So, enjoy it, just like a ice cold Pepsi and a Cherry Pepsi BGM ;)


    The choice of a new generation

    Characters -> Jokes/Bosses -> April's Fools Series

  7. アプデートUPDATE: MUGEN1.0 versions added


    I make a break of my "retirement" (it was more from my duties in the forum than from MUGEN itself, BTW) to bring you this A E S T H E T I C pack of 3 stages based on Vaporwave, my new drug right now, all of them with (of course) Vaporwave songs and with S U P E R J U M P, presented by デアドポオル and エアルドヲルムジム



    And to complete the combo, I added some N O S T A L G I C palettes for my characters: Eric, Blizzard, Shelly, Mad Grinder, Another k9999 and Frosty Ninja

    I hope you like this P A C K, it was intended to be released at April Fools Day, but I prefered to release it last night instead. Maybe something related to this maybe done for that day, but for now, just relax and enjoy ;)







    PS: If you want to know about Vaporwave songs, these are the songs I used:
    -V A P O R W A V E 1: MACINTOSH PLUS - リサフランク420 / 現代のコンピュー
    -V A P O R W A V E 2: Saint Pepsi - Better
    -V A P O R W A V E 3: Home - Resonance


  8. Thanks a lot for all the reports, @fxfreitas :joyful: added almost all of them to the main post...


    ... and I mean almost all since all links from mugenfull (especially Gustavo's chars) only can be seen by members of the forum, also the thread about Alex D. X4 (but here I found various of his chars and there're links for them already... and I changed his nick too to Alex instead)


    PS: have you think about get a DD account (MediaFire, MEGA, etc), make a website or host your chars with someopne else to be online again in one place?? It would be great to see all your creations in one place and downloadable :OhYeah:

  9. Well, finally I can release these girls, both part of a little experiment I called as "Doppelganger Project". One has been released before (and updated), now it's the turn of the second one and a third is coming soon. Enough talk, let me introduce you:

    1. Roxy
    The other girl who was part of Mad Gear organization along with Poison, now joins MUGEN to get some fun with the boys and girls. Originally as a possible SFA Poison, her development ended with Roxy, who has a megamix of MUGEN's Poison versions and Capcom's official Poison appearances (Street Fighter X Tekken and Ultra Street Fighter IV), always using Dampir sprites, mostly the first set which emulated SFIII (the later set is CVS-like), and also borrowed some anims from Hugo's poses aren't used in actual Poison versions. More details in her readme ;)




    2. Shelly Tarlar
    The rival of Tia Langley is back with a vengeance. Basically almost all her bugs has been fixed, some few details has been added and now she's fully compatible with MUGEN1.0+ (data, winquotes, etc), just choose "shelly-m1.def" instead"shelly.def" and you got it ;)




    Doppelganger Girl Power is here, so go for them!! Soon new projects to be unfrozen (like False Yuka, also for Doppelganger Project) as well some surprises ;)

    Chars -> Experiments

  10. On 12/6/2016 at 2:36 PM, Basara-kun said:

    As an interesting note, after Gai I was planning to make B1 Ryo (Mr. Karate II) way before SNKP did it with NGBC, and as Gai using CVS sprites edited from Ryo. But in the end the project never was concreted and there were a few chunk of sprites that aren't enough to make a basic character. Maybe later I can post some of them :P

    Found some sprites I upload out there


    It would be beautiful to concrete this, who knows...


    46 minutes ago, Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ said:

    I love this collection. It's Baki the Grappler and Chuck Norris and Kraven the Hunter :Irock:

    Thanks :ReallyTruly: Also Van Heyting (ProWrest character, not mugenized yet) is Goldberg all the way XDDDD

  11. A new character is coming!!


    Roxy from Final Fight. An old WIP I secretly have where instead just adapting Poison I made her as parto of my Doppelganger Project, along with Shelly (prototype and mirror match for Breakers' Tia, first char released from this project) and False Yuka (Yuka Takeuchi's clone from Saturn's Advanced Variable Geo). Unlike other similar chars out there, I'm making her a megamix of past Poison MUGEN chars and the official adaptation of her/him for Street Fighter X Tekken and Ultra Street Fighter IV. All basics ready, 24 palettes and 2 moves already done (Handcuffs and Love Me Tender). Roxy will be my next character to release, I hope this time I get more attention than with Megaman's Quint and Sniper Joe u_u


    And now, the shots:





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