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What do you hate/don't like in a Mugen Char?

Mister Fael

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When a character wins and you can't skip the win pose. Shin Chun-Li by mast-chen has this. Imagine this on a character that has a long win pose. I hope I didn't just give an evil creator ideas.

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  • 2 months later...

A character with little to no combos. I tried out Sousou by suigin and found out she cannot combo off of her jabs into her other normals and special moves. She can combo her standing medium normal into that spinning move and the usual Street FIghter jump heavy normal into standing heavy and that's all I know. She's almost like a one hit at a time character. Maybe I'm missing something? Do I have to be frame perfect? I went to watch a high level match of the source game which is "Shin Koihime Musou: Otome Taisen Sangokushi Engi" thinking the author must have not implemented her combos and found out during the majority of the match, both players were not doing any combos, which means it's not a combo heavy game so it's not the authors fault. I'm still going to use her more since she seems like an underused character in mugen.

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I think I have a new pet peeve: I have a hard time playing with characters with 2 button gameplay or less... Also, I can't stand when the Start button is used for other things aside from taunts, and actually has some specials mapped to it, like... Ogre, the Akuma edit? Well, most specials on Start with him are just other taunts or joke specials, but he's the only real example I can think of, sure, a few, like both Segares and Roysquad's Pac-Man have Start specials, but they only have one. Point is, I don't like Start attacks...

Everything close to me fades away. (Insert emoji here)


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Characters with cheap pallette modes. Seriously, when you have it set to where the AI will randomly choose a color in Arcade mode, and you happen to fight a character with a cheap pallette selected, it tends to ruin the entire arcade run. Another one is characters who don't stay down when KO'd. This makes matches so much harder in Simul mode because the character might bounce around and attack you, or you'll be focused on the KO'd character as they're bouncing around, allowing their partner to attack you freely. M3's Angelia does this sometimes, and you can at least knock her away, but 2580shota's Steamboat Willie always does this and it can result in the team he's on winning because he can't be knocked down due to his super armor, you will focus on him, and he will loop the attack he's doing.

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1 hour ago, A person said:

Characters with cheap pallette modes. Seriously, when you have it set to where the AI will randomly choose a color in Arcade mode, and you happen to fight a character with a cheap pallette selected, it tends to ruin the entire arcade run.

In 1vs1 Arcade you can try pressing F2 to lower your health to 1 and let the enemy kill you and win. Then you can fight the character again and hope it picks a palette you can beat. But in Team Arcade you're pretty much screwed if mugen picks a character where it's too cheap to be in 2vs2 in every palette, if you don't have a broken character on your side. Team Arcade requires a balanced roster to be fun. My roster is broken so it's not worth it unless I pick one of the overpowered characters to be my teammate.

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12 hours ago, A person said:

Characters with cheap pallette modes. Seriously, when you have it set to where the AI will randomly choose a color in Arcade mode, and you happen to fight a character with a cheap pallette selected, it tends to ruin the entire arcade run.


Well, good thing, like you mentioned briefly, there's this lovely piece of code:


AI.RandomColor = 0


I love this one soooooo much...


Speaking of Arcade mode...

I can't stand having to fight MKP characters, or characters that actually abuse their flaws... I guess this can be lumped in with severely glitchy/broken characters, or cheap A.I. but still... They ruin Arcade, too.

Everything close to me fades away. (Insert emoji here)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Here are several things I hate:

1. Characters, that don't stop attacking after a round has ended, for example Zero by Otto and Hammer Bro by KingPepe, which are otherwise great chars.

2. When a character has that one glitch, which always gives him full power (most of the MKP chars have that issue).

3. Characters, that are really disturbing *cough*  Gurospooo *cough* (seriously, why is Gurospooo a thing?)

And lastly, chars that have a unbeatable A.I., like all of MUGENX's, BaganSmashBros's, SNS's and Doomguy II's chars.  I would like them much more, if I wouldn't have to press th F1 buton every time I run into these chars.

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7 hours ago, MissingLuigi said:

And lastly, chars that have a unbeatable A.I., like all of MUGENX's, BaganSmashBros's, SNS's and Doomguy II's chars.  I would like them much more, if I wouldn't have to press th F1 buton every time I run into these chars.

You can ban characters from appearing in Arcade mode by putting order=0 next to their name in the select.def file. At least that's what I heard. For some reason that doesn't work for me but I wouldn't like to ban anybody anyway, except for those few characters that has no AI that I use.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I don't like when a character's AI needs to be reactivated in the second round and you have to wait again for them to start fighting. Does it have something to do with bad AI coding or something? It can be annoying having to wait every round. I want to attack immediately.

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  • 1 month later...

I hate when a creation is overcreated or when they create things that are not nothing about the source..like Iori Nikaido..they had NOTHING related to them..Kyo Yagami sounds better...there are many who never was ripped or created like Ralf 95, Heidern 95, Iori 96...

-cheapness, infinites..lack of basic attacks...like that guy who created C&D chars..they do not have crouch attacks then they are not competitive against others  even KFM..

-when they ruin their source gameplay like Masquer SS chars..they are nothing about the game..with alot of infinites, unguardable attacks....was hard to find a good SS4 Charlotte since his cheap invincible version was the only one available..

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Hoo boy.


1. Lack of sprites in a character. If your total amount of sprites is under 50 and it's not meant to be a boss character, off you go.

1.5. Repetitive sprites in a character. Dip n' flip, put Xs on eyes...(I'm looking at you, Emily Elizabeth)

2. Kung Fu Man death cry. This REALLY feels out of place on characters that aren't some variant of KFM.

3. Misaligned sprites. These really tick me off.

4. Clashing sparks. For example, Infantry00's DoodleBob has KOF superpauses, a MVC2 super jump spark, and a MVC2 Hyper Combo Finish background.

5. Big portraits that aren't 120x140 AAAAAAAAAAAA

6. EOH template. Enough said.

go back up!

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...many things were said...

another is the lack of necessary basics to make the char at least competitive...like No crouch attacks, not jump attacks..except Igniz or Motaro they are enough powerful...but like Mustapha or Vice T by Maniac..they would be better if they have crouch attacks...when they fight against smaller chars or when a crouch attack is needed they become really weak..

I expect somebody one day creates them better..that was the third update for each of them and the author never add crouch attack...

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On 7/1/2016 at 1:08 PM, Weiss_Circal said:

When a character has a level one fullscreen. (am looking at you Ciel and Roa)


lol, the Ciel by Shiroto will do that annoying super when you push a button. Fortunately I have found a way around it by staying near her and blocking then attack her when she does a backflip. By doing this I can play the whole match without worrying about that super. That super is broken in 2vs2.

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