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Forum Template


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I know all of you love the Current theme. but believe it or not its a heavily edited Playstation Theme, that i turned into what we all now love and see. What i want to do is, Use the default template that Invision Power Board offers us. The reason why is, with every new update, certain features do not carry over, and support for older add on's (for instance the catagory icons) may not work on newer versions, however if we use the default theme, then with every update, the forum will be easy to upkeep. imagine is one thing breaks on the themplate due to a new forum version, it would appear out of whack. So I've begun to look into heavily editing the Default Template that IPB has given us. to make it look and feel like what we currently use. THERE IS NO LOSS IN FEATURES. JUST COSMETIC LOOKS.

- Characters -  / - Stages - / - Screenpacks - / - Lifebars - / - Fonts - / - Full Games - / - Templates -


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Great and thanks cause that is the theme that i use. I can see the difference, but it is not worthy to use this one now maybe. because i used this one because it was a light weight theme now with those images it became like 5-7 KB Heavy.

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Personally, I think the forum could use a little more color, but that's just my opinion. I love the MFFA theme as well, but there are some times where the theme just doesn't 'pull me in'. Sorry if this comment seemed inappropriate..


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I Actually Like This Theme That we have now I say Dont change it Looks Good as far as I can see Maybe with the white one you could Change Some colors Around to Match Some Things But Thats Just me.

http://prntscr.com/qxqslb < My Sig Since I cant use Image Atm


http://anime2013freak.blog.fc2.com Please Visit it Guys ^^ I Update Matches Post pics etc

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well I could keep both. cause the way things look. if i update and shit hits the fan, we are forced to use the white one. since its the default one. (with minor graphic changes) I will make the white one darker though dont worry.

- Characters -  / - Stages - / - Screenpacks - / - Lifebars - / - Fonts - / - Full Games - / - Templates -


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I'm sorry, but I love dark themes. Keeps my eyes calm without all those light substances flashing in my eyes. I'll go with the darker theme, somewhat similar to our theme atm.

Milla Maxwell - Spirit Guardian of Reize Maxia
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I'm sorry, but I love dark themes. Keeps my eyes calm without all those light substances flashing in my eyes. I'll go with the darker theme, somewhat similar to our theme atm.

light substances you say, your eyes will get more damaged if you read something lighter on a darker background. this is just like cmd, i use a White background and Red Letters when i code batches.
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The white theme makes me think this forum is trying to be like MFG rather than its own, unique forum :/ It doesn't help that some of the threads have the same titles/purpose as some of the off-topic MFG ones...

FXhJiHL.png XslF5vn.png malcsRF.png

Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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