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Excahm`s Sprites


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Thanks! @All


U make me jelly Ex XD


Love those gym uniform and the bloomer <3


But i cant draw and you can >: Me jelly too!


And yes! i want to make more of those! <3 Bloomers looks so cute!

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  • 1 month later...

REVIVE!! Finished another sprite:



This is a sprite of Blanc from Hyperdimension Neptunia (my favorite character) with her outfit of her game Extreme Dimension Tag Blanc :D

Same style quiet around DBFC and UNIB with some personal tweaks and stuff ya know :P atleast was able to do the skirt correctly.

The only thing kinda anoyed me was the legs shading and highlight couldnt decide so just went random with it.


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i liek and dont like all at once



Anyway other sprite:

This was a small collab with a friend from DevianrtArt he used a 3D model with a outfit her draw for the model and made the pose then i made it into a sprite.

THE face isnt as nice as i wanted but was hard converting from the 3D to 2D so yeah thats the best i could do.


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Did other but same character tho for reasons~


Feels nice to mix two animes/Videogames you like for no real reason~

In this case just made White Heart (hyperdimension Neptunia) wearing Yugo´s Duel Outfit (Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V) with slighty changes~

The duel disk was  pain to sprite but atleast didnt ended so bad (?) 


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  • 2 months later...


Did other but same character tho for reasons~


Feels nice to mix two animes/Videogames you like for no real reason~

In this case just made White Heart (hyperdimension Neptunia) wearing Yugo´s Duel Outfit (Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V) with slighty changes~

The duel disk was  pain to sprite but atleast didnt ended so bad (?) 


lovely work done bro!!!! This one i like the most. Looks like DA person  Onika style i also follow. You did an outstanding job here man. Keep it up!!



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  • 2 months later...

Necro! (Not really)


Some sprites i did meanwhile...


>Yugioh 5Ds themed (loved that season <3)


sprite__bunny_blanc_by_excahm-d9dxo4u.pn    sprite__bunny_white_heart_by_excahm-d9dx

>Bunny Versions because was Halloween and was a request from a few so...







>Spoiler because a little NSFW.



>This one is Half of a Art-Trade at DeviantArt...


Yeah i know all are sprites from the same character (Blanc/White Heart) why? Because shes on my favorite list and on a very high place!

But these are the last sprites about her i will be doing for now since i have other sprites from OC and anime characters to finish so...Until then i that enoght.





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Good to see you back in action, Ex. Those sprites all look top-notch.


Can't wait to see more!


That One Zio said:

a furious as fuck shoto against a dictator that's supposed to be dead but came back for no raisin

The King and the Zio said:

invisible sonic booms are the way of the future

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  • 3 months later...

Been doing random stuff (tho haven´t finished anything) 


Updated my 1st HD sprite of My OC "Angel"





Not EXACTLY a big change buuuut looks more close to what i was aiming.

>I have NO idea how to make a HD cap so just did that one randomly.

>just noticed the colors of the Cap are wrong *facepalm* should be mainly white like this older sprite:

>NEED a better palette coz i suck at coloring stuff.


(Don´t plan to add the belt on the HD ones)



Been working on the Fighting stance.


NOTE: Highly unfinished! But shes basically done in terms of proportions and stuff Oh! And didn´t add the skirt for now because i plan to animate this

(someday ¬.¬)

but basically the pose i´m trying to make here is similar to Cassandra from Rage of The Dragons BUT

she instead is mean to just crouch foward a bit and move her arms a bit while closing her fists and stuff like thats.


WELP thats all for now until i finish the stand (and fix some stuff)

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29 minutes ago, Ex☆Cham said:


NOTE: Highly unfinished! But shes basically done in terms of proportions and stuff Oh! And didn´t add the skirt for now because i plan to animate this

(someday ¬.¬)

 :awesome Oh! i don't mind it being skirt-less  It looks nice and well done Ex-cham


MARVEL VS. TOUHOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :awesome

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  • 4 months later...



$5 Sprite comission by SSJ-DarkWarrior from DeviantArt about his Mabinogi character..


May need to fix the coat end a bit but i´m done for now.

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Looks great, man. I think you should define the nose better, possibly with some shadowing, but it's only a minor thing.


That One Zio said:

a furious as fuck shoto against a dictator that's supposed to be dead but came back for no raisin

The King and the Zio said:

invisible sonic booms are the way of the future

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  • 3 weeks later...

Random (not so random) sprites (unfinished tho) 



^It´s random but not so random if you have saw this page already...




(Wip char maybe?) Don´t know what the hell i´m doin´ here but tried to edit a screenshot from Neptunia U (and looks kinda nice imo) and already have 2 very basic animations from the 3D model (Which i need to convert to sprites) from some DA SFMaker which are fans from the series.


Dunno... This may be interesting and besides doesn´t take too long (that took like 2 hours tho...)...Except for the Axe which obviously gonna be a pain to edit so i may cheat a bit...But if i can really have that much time free and i´m fan enoght (Kinda) then i may end up making atleast some basics...She doesn´t crounch, punches or guard (for most) soo... Who knows and besides i already have some sprites (that you can see on this page) made that could speed up a bit this (the bunny one for example since has a detailed hair and accurate face that just need little edit to fit with the new sprite.


But again... Just if i have the time and mood too because i don´t feel like making stages anymore. :P


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On 23/9/2016 at 4:32 AM, GarchompMatt said:

The only thing I can really complain about is the banding on the transitional shade between the dark and light shades.




Yeah, was thinking on those small details too so i decided to skip them and see if certain spriter i know wanna tag along (If i get to do more spriters) for now i just focus on a simple conversion.

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  • 1 month later...
On 9/22/2016 at 9:42 PM, Ex☆Cham said:

^It´s random but not so random if you have saw this page already...



(Wip char maybe?) Don´t know what the hell i´m doin´ here but tried to edit a screenshot from Neptunia U (and looks kinda nice imo) and already have 2 very basic animations from the 3D model (Which i need to convert to sprites) from some DA SFMaker which are fans from the series.


Dunno... This may be interesting and besides doesn´t take too long (that took like 2 hours tho...)...Except for the Axe which obviously gonna be a pain to edit so i may cheat a bit...But if i can really have that much time free and i´m fan enoght (Kinda) then i may end up making atleast some basics...She doesn´t crounch, punches or guard (for most) soo... Who knows and besides i already have some sprites (that you can see on this page) made that could speed up a bit this (the bunny one for example since has a detailed hair and accurate face that just need little edit to fit with the new sprite.


But again... Just if i have the time and mood too because i don´t feel like making stages anymore. :P


Very Hight Improvement....Nice job EX(hope you make the complete sprite cuz i have done my own White Heart Sprite)


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  • 1 month later...

Stuff i did during these few days off i had.



^A fucking dogoo... Best Villain ever.


oc_sprite__angel_pantsu_1_by_excahm-daq5 sprite__blanc_pantsu_1_by_excahm-daq5j5s 

^1st one is my OC and the 2nd is Blanc from Hyperdimension Neptunia.

A friend asked me to do Blanc using the same sprite i did for my OC so... Was easy and fast.


No panties version (NSFW):



I can sprite butts now so yay? :P

bloomers_white_full_nopatsu_nobg_by_exca blanc_white_08_nobg_by_excahm-dars4bn.pn 

^I made these to maybe use them on a stage like... Here:



^Just an idea....




^My OC and a Friend´s OC doing... The Oniichan thing.

Took me 2 days to finish (And gonna fix some stuff i just noticed...Later)


Welp... That´s all i have right now... Waddaya think?


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  • 3 months later...

More stuff:



Updated my OC "Angel" stand Sprite by using a 3D model a friend did for me.

May need to fix one or two thing with her arms and chin but so far i like the result.



$5 Sprite Commission by gamefreak202020



$5 Sprite Commission by ragefulhunter



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  • 3 weeks later...

It's a nice sprite, but there's a few things that seem a bit off with it:

-You can see the bottom of the bat's handle, but you can also see the flat top of the bat itself; given the angle of the sprite, you should only be able to see the former.

-There's a lot of banding between shades, which ruins the overall smoothness of it.

-Though for the most part the lightsource is consistent, the bottom of the bat's handle should be fully highlighted since the lightsource would be hitting all of it.

-The way the shoes are angled makes it look like she's standing on the sides of the soles instead of being flat to the ground.

FXhJiHL.png XslF5vn.png malcsRF.png

Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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