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ideas for victory quotes

Magical Klara

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"Yeah, then I'll be all like GET BACK TO WORK!"


Harry Potter

"I'm the boy who LIVED!"

"You've never had to face HIM, didn't you?"



"Chaos is a wonderful thing."



"What a worthless gesture! I can't be defeated so easily!"


Severus Snape

"Silence! I assure you that were you in Slytherin and your fate rested with me, you would be on the train home tonight!"

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-- Utsuho Reiuji --

"lunatic" victory:  "Finally, a challenge!  Now, get over there with the rest of the slaves!"

vs. badly made chars:  "You dare to mock me with your broken mechanics?!  Enjoy the salt mines!"

vs. Cirno:  "Don't do that again, Cirno!  You're too important to the plan!"

vs. Rugal Bernstein:  "Waste my time, will you?!  The world needs to know all about phonies like you before it's too late!"


-- Velvet Moonflower --


random:  "The sword is really just here for show.   I'm at that age where deception is my deadliest weapon."

vs. Kouryu or Rugal:  "This is the reason why great power should never fall into the hands of the weak-minded.  It's a complete and utter waste!"

vs. Mizuchi or Orochi:  "Your cure for Earth's malady is to destroy it?  You are a prize fool!"

vs. Vega (matador):  "Your problem is not vanity but the colossal hatred that you cling to which keeps you a slave."

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Some quotes for Super Ultra Mecha Mega Hyper Robo Omni-Psych Evil Shin Omega Perfect Future God SSJ1337 Manly Possessed Crazy Berserker Orochi Gold Jesus Destroyer Violent Final True Man 3000 Lvl. 9001 B.C. 4.0 Beta (bitch)

Or any character for that matter.


"Birds fly, grass grows, and buddy, I hurt people."
"Pills. :3"
"If I could insert my own music here just for this quote, it'd be Guile's theme."
"Sticks and Stones may break my bones, but I'm Dovahkiin, words will fuck you up."
"You are already....shit I forgot the rest."
"You are currenty reading: Victory Quote (9)."
"bitch i saved the world"
"What you just witnessed, Player, was The Worf Effect."
"You got blood on my suit."
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"Did you really think you could beat The Great And Powerful Trixie?!?"



"You're going to LOVE ME!"



"I can't believe you made yourself a bigger target. You really thought bigger would be better?"


Twilight Sparkle

"Dear Princess Celestia, today I discovered new spells in MUGENverse."

"Dear Princess Celestia, the power of friendship proved to be more than a match for that over-the-top monster of the week."



(vs Jewel Man or Crystal Man) "Dear Princess Celestia, today I beat a robot that throws gems."



"You shall regret ever having defied me!"

"Drown in the empty vastness of space!"


Simon (Gurren Lagann)

"My name is Simon, leader of team Dai-Gurren. If you're going to be a wall that stands in my way, I have something that will open a hole in you every time. And that something is MY DRILL!"



"SPOILER ALERT: Snape kills Dumbledore."

"It took me over 9000 years to master this."

"I already won once I met you."

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Myself (TDX) To Angela Anaconda: "Personally, I always thought your show confused the crap outta me." To Monokuma: "That loss must feel just a little bit despairing, eh Monokuma?" To CM Punk: "As a consolation prize, I offer you the best in your future endeavors.......away from MUGEN." To Giygas/Noroko/Rare Akuma: "You tried to make me run away in fear, which I considered, but decided that kicking your ass was a better idea." To Spongebob/Homer/Bart/Krusty/Peter: "You're not as funny as you were back in the day, but you up a good fight, I'll give you that. To Enzo Matrix (ReBoot): "This User guy sounds pretty intent on messing up your universe. I think I might have a few choice words for him. CM Punk To Pepsiman: "(Points at Pepsi tattoo) Where's my endorsement money?!" To Asuka (Evangelion): "Beast Mode? That's about as crazy and convoluted as me admitting that Chris Jericho's the Best in the World!" Angela Anaconda To any character of French nationality: "Unlike that Nanette Manior, you sure do have some respectful respect for where your from." (Note: The redundancy was intentional, as Angela tends to do that on the show) To Leonardo/Michelangelo/Donatello/Raphael: "My friend's family owns a pizza joint. Who knows, you might enjoy it!" To Renamon: "You know, me and my friends went to go see the Digimon Movie, and we ended up in the wrong theater!" Malin To Cody: "A simple switchblade isn't gonna cut out here bud, so get a move on!" To Dan: "You should stop making a mockery out of the Sakazaki name and just spare Yuri the embarrassment." To CM Punk: (Referring to her unorthodox methods with her weaponry) "Hey, it's not cheating if the ref, or even the player doesn't see it!" To God Orochi: "Wow! Even a fake deity couldn't beat me!"
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-....what a pain. -oy, I just accepted the fight, all right? No hard feelings. -I'm a bit off my prime, but I guess I still have it. -Not bad. Some more training and you may get me one day. -.....you really should be better than this.

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Oh well, since that's how it's going to be.... Vs. Lightflare - You changed your name to show you're the opposite of me? You don't even know me. - All that talk about respect and you're the very thing you supposedly despise. Nothing, but a false hero. - A disgrace to the real Ryu...

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Oh well, since that's how it's going to be.... Vs. Lightflare - You changed your name to show you're the opposite of me? You don't even know me. - All that talk about respect and you're the very thing you supposedly despise. Nothing, but a false hero. - A disgrace to the real Ryu...

That might be true if Ryu was 100% good. But he isn't.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Random: "I can smell colours now" "This is a giant spoiler,but the Endless Mugen series will end one day" "Bro,bro,bro,bro,do you even pose!?" "It's not gay if its on the moon" "So ronery" "There are 2 things that come from Texas,and i got one" "Better count yo' prime numbers bitch" "Your existence has been undone" "And now,showtime" "I never say Ni!" Sasuke: "Saying what like what?" "I have defeated you in a ninja duel,you are now my bitch" "I have defeated you again and you're still my bitch,bitch" "You look like you're dead.I hate when people look like they're dead.It reminds me of the time my brother played dead" "This reminds me of the time my brother bought me a puppy and then killed it" "You can't beat me,i can climb trees" "We did it, David Bowie!" Naruto: "OH MY GOD ITS THE ROWER" "I need to stop smokin ciggaretes" "Again,I AM NOT DENNIS THE MENACE" "DAVID BOWIE SENSEI SEMPAI SAMA KUN!" "Shhhhh I'm trying to hear the nudity"  


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