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The year is 177X My men and I have grown exhausted and we have nearly run out of tech. The casuals have us pinned by Dreamland and Poke-floats. As of now things seem bleak. General Lombardi and I have come up with a plan of attack. We shall strike before sunrise while they are resting. We will waveshine across the stage and up-smash them. If our plan is to fail send this letter and my corpse to Hax$ my dearly beloved.


Signed, Fox McCloud

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so you hoard ouchi stages hoping for people to get your edit work instead? you're a pretty bad person :angry1:


and you've broken the compat for what reason? some people still use older mugen for various reasons


ouchi did do 32 stages, i'll post a proof if you post the 20 stages you have


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seriously i dont hoard lets say im a lazy person do some stuffs and lol edit? they accurate base on the game itself (since i got MBAACC)


and you have no right to complain  what the hell im doing you cant dictate me what to do since i got those stages long ago before they went offline :redcard:



and its my decision if i want to share it or not...



so deal with it

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