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  • 1 month later...

Just like the title mentions it I'm trying to learn how to create characters and stages in MUGEN. I have done a few spriteswaps, palette alternates and voice changes before so I have a very bare bone knowledge of it and I would like to know more.
Aside from that I'm mainly doing SSF2 (Super Smash Flash 2 mods) mods, sprites and other similar things.

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Hello, everyone! I am obviously new to this site, however, I have been playing with the MUGEN engine since around 2008 and have recently taken interest in this community. Personally, I'm not hugely interesting; I like B-rated monster movies, and collect old amateur MUGEN characters for some reason. That's really about it. But anyways, I hope I can be at least somewhat of service to this seemingly civil and charming community. I wish a good day to you all, and a belated happy new year!

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Just got myself permabanned on Mugen Archive most likely due to a comment suggesting other people go Mugen Free For All(MFFA) to download a Mugen character. 😥

The character has a file size larger than 100MB, and the lurkers can't download files larger than 100MB on Mugen Archive. I see a lot of comments said that they cannot download the character due to that limitation. I figured I could help by posting a comment that suggests an alternative to gets the character, which is to download the character through a thread post hosted on MFFA.


However, I am not aware that Mugen Archive antagonized other Mugen communities so harshly. At first, my comment has the word "Free For All", and it got censored. I post another comment to clarify what the censored word is by adding dashes between the letters to bypass the auto-censoring. By then, I should've realized Mugen Archive is filled with egotistic and arrogance moderators. And before I know, I've already got permanently banned, with no reason stated. Going back to that character page, my comment was removed and I see a moderator asking to ban a "spammer", saying "trust me (, it is an) obvious dupe warrior". 

I'm fairly certain the spammer is me, and that is the reason I get this ban.


Why suggesting an alternative to downloading a character from a trusted and major source of Mugen characters is spamming? Who am I duping and what do I gain from that? Unbelievable! Mugen Archive has terrible moderators who clearly disrespect other Mugen communities and its user!


Well, enough ranting. Thanks to that anyway, getting banned on Mugen Archive helped me to appreciate better Mugen communities like Mugen MMFA more.


I loved Mugen and played it for years, every PC I owned had Mugen at some point but never was I am a creator for Mugen. I hoped I can become a contributor to the Mugen community as a thank to Mugen who brings me much entertainment in my life. After the ban of Mugen Archive, I decided to turn to MFFA. Peeking around the corner and I discover this forum. So, hey, hello and good day to you all!

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They're probably right though and you're probably a dupe. Your post sounds way too political and propagandish right off the bat to be a legitimate complaint.


If you wanted to provide an alt link you could have provided the original link (onedrive or anything) rather than mffa, and by bypassing their filter you just proved you were trying way too hard.


MA legitimately shitlisted all sites that have anti-MA propaganda. MFFA has Anti-MA propaganda and so it got shitlisted, logic.


I have no intention of arguing further because people here hate MA with their gust and are in denial, I am not going to start asking proofs again, it will never go anywhere because it's all about pure hate and jealousy. Hateful people don't care about facts and logic, they bend reality to feed their hate, that's all.


TL;DR : Haters gonna hate


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8 hours ago, Jirobou said:

Hateful people don't care about facts and logic, they bend reality to feed their hate, that's all.


I just love how people contradict with themselves. You claim MA is all about facts and logic, yet in their blacklisted wikia website I am represented as an alt;




In "List of Known Discord Alts", it seems I am GarchompMatt's alt. I wonder what kind of facts and logic they used to make that claim. 😏


Anyway, welcome to the mugen community NetherMage!

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Nice, and we're also not surprised by the fact that it's a recurring habit for you to keep dragging this feud since 2016 despite the fact that we have legitimate reasons to limit access to MA from MFFA. There were a risk of getting users exposed to viruses and stuffs from adwares. PLUS, they were trying to make money off free content, which was a no-no. Even if the money was meant to keep the site running, it is still not a decent excuse. And nobody cares whether MFFA is a small community compared to MA, not everything is meant to be of equal size. MFFA never claimed to be the biggest and the best site ever. 


When we try to present our evidence, AKA facts and logics regarding the incident, you dismiss them by saying they're hogwash and victim-blame us instead while white-knighting MA as if your life depended on that forum without actually giving any relevant argument... just like what you just did to NetherMage. By the way, you claim that the site is dead for years. The number of different users who have been online in the span of 24 hours usually varies between 100-150 and it's been like that since 2015 or something. We do not have a giant community, but we have a small one full of friendly and loyal members who have been here for years. You can't really make such a claim if you only come by here once or twice a year while blindly believing in your assumptions.


See you next year around this time in another thread where you'll be bashing the staffs and management again under the pretense of giving a constructive feedback or a personal opinion. Hope you have a good day.


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