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Imma read it!


And hello there!





LOL! yeah its a cool habit. ^_^


I like to greet new people who joins the MFFA club.  :goodmood:


I wouldn't join any club that would have me as a member.


After this was pointed out, I went back and double checked and I guess you're not a mod? I got a hello from an Admin (HIHI! ^o^) but no mods. Hmm... usually it's the mods who choose to slog through the intro threads, but you're doing this totally of your own volition. Interesting. Either you really like being welcoming or you have ulterior motives... >:3c

If you clash with the character of another, it has to be that way. You are not a dollar bill to be liked by everyone.

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I wouldn't join any club that would have me as a member.


After this was pointed out, I went back and double checked and I guess you're not a mod? I got a hello from an Admin (HIHI! ^o^) but no mods. Hmm... usually it's the mods who choose to slog through the intro threads, but you're doing this totally of your own volition. Interesting. Either you really like being welcoming or you have ulterior motives... >:3c

LOL! even if i'm not a mod or not I always have that motive of making people "feel right at home" You know what I mean. :goodmood:


MARVEL VS. TOUHOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :awesome

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Yo wuddup everybody.. my names Babymamadrama or you could call me Oblivion or whatever gibberish you can manage to say .relatively new to this kinda stuff. 

Im really bad with the technical and scripts but aim to get better at them. Im really bad with people I tend to do things that

no-one else thinks is funny and enjoy laughing at by myself. I estimate I'll try to make the reader of this post laugh 3 times

before they're done reading this. but yep I digress. My initial reason for joining this forum in the first place is because I was having

problems with customization in Mugen that Im still trying to get fixed right now.(If your good with MUGEN, i need all the help I can get so feel free to check out my 'help me' post)

This is actually the first Forum Ive ever joined to... So yes Im no longer a Forum virgin.[cricket sounds]

I hope that you all wont find me TOO annoying because god knows I can be...



oh and by the way...if you have some sort of weird attraction to the way I type things check out my Velma X Scooby Fanficts at this link here.




oh yeah and my other YouTube Channel Also:



Oblivion Signing Out,


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Im really bad with people I tend to do things that

no-one else thinks is funny and enjoy laughing at by myself.

I suffer from the same thing myself lol. Hi and Welcome

"One pill makes you larger, And one pill makes you small, And the ones that mother gives you Don't do anything at all"


Peppy Hare>>

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Tsk tsk. I only got a chuckle from the name. >:( I've been lied to and now you shall face my administrative wrath!


'Sup? (I've removed the two X's at the end of your name which had nothing to do with creating a second account that used your original name that was still validating... yeah)



-[Все слова это только слова.]-

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Galvatron/Noobie has a tendency to be overly nice to anyone even if they don't deserve it to the point its kind of sickening... I digress though that had nothing to do with you. Welcome to MFFA Please read our rules and enjoy your stay.


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Tsk tsk. I only got a chuckle from the name. >:( I've been lied to and now you shall face my administrative wrath!


'Sup? (I've removed the two X's at the end of your name which had nothing to do with creating a second account that used your original name that was still validating... yeah)


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Confused you, have I? No worries. I saw that you had created two accounts. I guess because you never got the email from the first time, as it was still validating. I deleted the other account and gave your account the name of the old one, because I figured that's what you were going for. Just some info for you in the form of a poorly-executed joke.

Anyways, welcome to the forum!



-[Все слова это только слова.]-

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Galvatron/Noobie has a tendency to be overly nice to anyone even if they don't deserve it to the point its kind of sickening...

Good lord man, come off it. Let the man be and don't derail threads mister Global Mod.



-[Все слова это только слова.]-

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Interesting. What other game engines have you dabbled with? What languages are you best familiar with? CNS is like none of them, lol. I wish you luck on your game with custom characters. That's a huge undertaking and I hope you persevere. Feel free to ask in the Help section if you need any assistance or are stuck with something. CNS can be tricky at times and mugen has many limitations. Welcome to the forums!



-[Все слова это только слова.]-

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