Popular Post Mr. KOtik Posted June 11, 2016 Popular Post Posted June 11, 2016 [ITS FINALLY HERE!] OVER 400 STAGES AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD! Direct Onedrive Link to Project:ExShadow (NEW) MEGA LINK COURTESY OF NEON 7 (Project ExShadow contains all of the stages listed below in the topic, including Screenpacks and Lifebars!)-2007- Spoiler [1.][Jubei's Dojo] [2.][Blood Reign] [3.][Heaven's Path] [4.][The Lost Tomb] [5.][VYN's Temple] [6.][Gundam] -2008- Spoiler [7.][Final Destination] [8.][Demenssional Vertex .V.] [9.][Inside Bison's Mind] [10.][Ability Test] [11.][Angelic Temple] [12.][Path To Arcadia] [13.][Chaos Realm] [14.][Crystal Cavern] [15.][Crystal Mines] [16.][Crystal Abyss] [17.][Dark Moon] [18.][The Darkness] [19.][Realm Of Decay] [20.][The Decisive Battle] [21.][Devastation] [22.][Planet Diffusion] [23.][Relentless Fortress] [24.][Golden Sun] [25.][Great Fox] [26.][Hyrule Castle] [27.][Darkness Illusion] [28.][Mesh Horizon] [29.][Deviant Dreams] [30.][Lyn's Village Sunset] [31.][Magma Cavern] [32.][Moon's Path] [33.][Nightmare Dream Land] [34.][The Outer Limits] [35.][Phantom Castle at Night] [36.][Phantom Castle] [37.][Pyramid Rain] [38.][Sazaku Winter] [39.][Space Port] [40.][Below the Surface] [41.][Beyond The Wastland] [42.][Angelic Destination] [43.][Evening Bliss] [44.][Crimson Stream] [45.][Blue Planet] [46.][Brinstar Depths] [47.][The Cave] [48.][Crimzon Horizon] [49.][Shadow Temple] [50.][Death Valley Mountain] [51.][Spacial Collapse] [52.][Inner Space] [53.][Super Mario Stage] [54.][The Forbiddon Cavern] [55.][Olden Range] [56.][Plasma Factory] [57.][Darkness Shadows] [58.][Battle Tower] [59.][Tokyo Night] [60.][Satan's Trench] [61.][Virtual Training Station] [62.][Gundam Wasteland] [63.][Yoshi's Island] [64.][Hien's Hideout] [65.][Hien's Secret Hideout] [66.][Fusion Lab] [67.][The Dark World] [68.][REALM OF DECAY] [69.][Pyramid Sunset] [70.][Miasma Stream Pt1] [71.][Forest Remains] [72.][Tokyo Night Brawl] [73.][MMX Remix Stage] [74.][MY CHERIOS] [75.][Temple Of The Dragon] [76.][Board Walk] [77.][Vanishing Point] [78.][Strange Vertex] [79.][Sword In The Sky] [80.][Swamp] [81.][Battle In The Stars] [82.][Stealth Base] [83.][Crystal Shaft] [84.][Sfz Remix Snow'Ryu'Temple] [85.][Paraphrase Abyss] [86.][Particle Rift] [87.][Orochi State] [88.][Mountainous Binding] [89.][The Mansion .V.] [90.][Realm Of Meriths] [91.][Luminous Strive] [92.][Flame Cave .V.] [93.][Kinetic Distortion] [94.][Impact Crater] [95.][Aww Yea Stage] [96.][Sky Bridge] [97.][Moonlight Ecstacy] [98.][Brisk Moon] [99.][Moonlight Ecstacy Pt2] [100.][Destination Of Truth] [101.][Clashing Demensions] [102.][Crystal Cavern] [103.][Broken Portal] [104.][Moon's Path] [105.][Drought] -2009- Spoiler [106.][Planet Urithia] [107.][Old Planet] [108.][Sector AQA] [109.][Aqua Sector .V.] [110.][Space Pirate Base .V.] [111.][Fusion Jungle .V.]2 [112.][Everest Lights .V.] [113.][Temple Roof .V.] [114.][Castle & Fortess] [115.][Pynes Waterfall .V.] [116.][The Tunnel .V.] [117.][Sulpfur Obsession] [118.][Extravagant Mist] [119.][Elusive Central Entrance] [120.][Mountainous Overpass] [121.][Scorching Desert .V.] [122.][Metroid Base] [123.][Ice Secter .V.] [124.][Golden Trail .V.] [125.][Alpha Base] [126.][Crimson Gateway .V.] [127.][Train Factory] [128.][Fusion Station .V.] [129.][Ship Entrance .V.] [130.][Castle Of Wisdom .V.] [131.][DreadFUl Castle] [132.][Dragos Cliff .V.] [133.][Desolate Region] [134.][Cybernetic Realm v2 .V.] [135.][Cybernetic Realm .V.] [136.][Quantom Solice] [137.][Chozo Overworld .V.] [138.][The Rumble .V.] [139.][Adrenaline] [140.][Corp Hiryu] [141.][Atmosphere Stablisers] [142.][Ziberian Desert] [143.][Heat Pressure] [144.][Library] [145.][Lunar Despair] [146.][Neon Rush] [147.][Sky Ship] [148.][Solaris] [149.][Top Gear Australia] [150.][Pit Of Doom] [151.][Sector ARC] [152.][Midnight Air Ship] [153.][Sector AQA H2] [154.][Chozo Depths] [155.][Corneria] [156.][Desolate Region .V.] [157.][Frost City] [158.][Ying Yang Temple] [159.][Sector NOC] [160.][Sentinal Destruction] [161.][Sands Of Time] [162.][Dry Cayon] [163.][High in the Sky] [164.][Snowy Mushhooms .V.] [165.][Subway] [166.][Ice Cavern] [167.][TMNT Subway] [168.][Sector TRO] [169.][Rainbow Road] [170.][The Cathedral] [171.][The Wilderness .V.] [172.][The Wilderness'O .V.] [173.][Mr Spider] [174.][WOOOOOOO!!!] [175.][Death] -2010- Spoiler (WARNING NSFW)[176.][Sexy Jaden Lee](WARNING NSFW) Below image is not actual stage preview [177.][Mute City] [178.][The Ghetto] [179.][The Abyss] [180.][Age Of Darkness] [181.][Arcadia] [182.][Downtown Network] [183.][Escape Hatch] [184.][Exodus Ritual] [185.][Lava Circuit] [186.][Fortress Of Solitude] [187.][Holographic Surveillance] [188.][Hyper Drive] [189.][Kart Fighter - Lava] [190.][IN MAI MOUFFF] [191.][Neo Saint Petersburg] [192.][Pipe Line] [193.][Rainbow Road] [194.][Chamber Of Secrets] [195.][Space Station] [196.][Techno Bass] [197.][Forest Temple Entrance] [198.][Thunder Bridge] [199.][Moonlight Battle] [200.][Fake Tvc Train] [201.][Vague Underground] [202.][USA Mugen Ring 2010] [203.][Valley Of The Falling Spirits] [204.][Magma] [205.][Wave Generator] -2011- Spoiler [206.][Asteroid M] [207.][Colony] [208.][Sector PYR H2] [209.][Riverside] [210.][Pirate Pub] [211.][Portal] [212.][Portal] [213.][Noon Density] [214.][Phobos] [215.][Crimson Mansion] [216.][Mute City] [217.][Manji Valley] [218.][Rainbow Temple] [219.][Lava Cavern] [220.][Temple Grounds] [221.][Rose Garden] [222.][Digital Travel] [223.][Creepy Forest Night] [224.][Crystal Cave] [225.][Zest Research Facility] [226.][Coliseum of Roses] [227.][Cemetery] [228.][Burning Wasteland] [229.][Pooka Cafe] [230.][Avengers Headquators] [231.][Crimson Breeze] [232.][Absolute Zero] [233.][The Abyssal One] [234.][Mother Brain's Lair] [235.][Sound Room] [236.][Amazon] [237.][Coliseum Of Roses] [238.][Glass Prison] [239.][Frost Cave] [240.][Final Destination] [241.][Sheol Gate] [242.][Our House WTF] [243.][Lylat Cruise] [244.][Spacial Training Room] [245.][Chinese Waterfall] [246.][Train Station] (WARNING NSFW)[247.][Table Sit](WARNING NSFW) Below image is not actual stage preview [248.][Spin Off] [249.][Rocky Cavern] [250.][Rave On] [251.][Realm Of Punishment] [252.][Mountain City] [253.][Mountain Warzone] [254.][Mothership] [255.][Hyper Blast2 2K4] [256.][Hayakka Dojo] [257.][Epyon] [258.][Space Battle] [259.][Bad Apple] [260.][Quater Deck] [261.][Xcalibur] [262.][Tower Bridge] [263.][Endless Wormhole] [264.][Vermillion City] [265.][Video Works] [266.][The Cemetery] [267.][Sylph] [268.][Training - SFIV] [269.][Sun Shower] [270.][Scarlet Lobby] [271.][School Bus] [272.][Rooftop] -2012- Spoiler [273.][End Of the Universe] [274.][Asteroid Field] [275.][Pirate Ship] [276.][World Of Shadows] [277.][City Daytime] [278.][Fountain] [279.][Japan Mountains] [280.][Inner Balcony] [281.][Railroad Crossing] [282.][Delusion] [283.][Pool] [284.][On Stage] [285.][In Da Club] [286.][Fusion Facility] [287.][Inner Basement] [288.][Heat Ray] [289.][Cold City] [290.][Rankin] [291.][Deck 3] [292.][Glacier] [293.][Anima Mundi] [294.][Boondocks] [295.][Iron Dust] [296.][Golden Fish Castle] [297.][The Earth As We Know It] [298.][One Life One Deate] [299.][Summer House] [300.][Bikini Bottom] [301.][Wiley Base] [302.][Marble Stone] [303.][Gravekeepers Anger] [304.][Dinosaur World] [305.][Clock Tower] [306.][Ice Cavern] [307.][Modernism Street] [308.][Seal Palce] [309.][Arctic Sea] [310.][Vegatable Juice] [311.][Back Alley] [312.][Airport] [313.][Bridge Ruins, Cathedral Dark, Cathedral Outside Dark, Cathedral Outside, Cathedral, Central, City Ruins, Clock Tower Top, Clock Tower, Industrial, Library, Military Base, Nature Preserve, Riverside, and Underground] [314.][Amusement Park, Canyon, Castle Ruins, City Lights, Highland Castle, Highway, Inner City, Lunar Castle, Mansion, Mount Fuji Dragon, Mount Fuji, Mountain Shrine, Pirate Ship, University, and Village] [315.][Midnight Skyline] [316.][Cultural Festival] [317.][Cultural Festival] [318.][Fire Place] [319.][Bored In Bed] [320.][Gothic] [321.][Vaux Hall] [322.][Compressed] [323.][Felicia Stage Darkstalker] [324.][Flux 2] [325.][Hallogram Generator] [326.][Skull Chamber] [327.][Skull Bridge] [328.][PD Temple] [329.][Immulsion V2] [330.][Immulsion] [331.][Old Locomotive] [332.][Old Locomotive v2] [333.][Nezumi Land] [334.][Clock Tower] [335.][Death Valley Mountain] [336.][Dragon City] [337.][Juno] [338.][Magma Castle] [339.][Abyss Lair] [340.][2019] [341.][Khrono] [342.][Unbroken Seal] [343.][France] -2013- Spoiler [344.][Balcony Night] [345.][Abandoned Beach] [346.][China Town] [347.][City Lights] [348.][Midnight District] [349.][Schoolyard] [350.][Celia] [351.][China] [352.][Clock Tower] [353.][Nairobi] [354.][New York] [355.][Cyber Zone] [356.][Distractobile] [357.][Space Dust] [358.][Factory] [359.][Fantasy Falls] [360.][On The Move, Blast Tunnel, Space Colony, Ship Ride, The End, Desolation, Desert, Twin Mountains, Ice Canyon, Hangor, and Hangor v2] [361.][Hynes Forest] [362.][Lightning] [363.][Creepy Mansion] [364.][Mushroom Kingdom] [365.][Desert Day] [366.][Desert] [367.][Rainy Day] [368.][River Ways] [369.][Darkness Shadows] [370.][The Slums] [371.][Stadium Night] [372.][Tallon Overworld] [373.][Trevi Fountain] [374.][Tron] [375.][Cavern] [376.][Urban Jungle] [377.][Valley Day] [378.][Verdant] [379.][Vex Training Room] [380.][Village] [381.][Windy Canyon] [382.][Winter Horn] [383.][Brazil] [384.][Aensland Mansion] [385.][Airship] [386.][Virtual Space] [387.][Aqua Palace] [388.][Ascenseur] -2014- Spoiler [389.][Acid Rain] [390.][Geothermal Powerplant] [391.][Industry Line] [392.][Midnight Moonlight] [393.][Field] [394.][Peach Swamp] [395.][Marvel vs Capcom2 Training Room] -2015- Spoiler [396.][Space Lift] [397.][Battlefield] [398.][Space] [399.][Lost World] [400.][School Mountain Area] [401.][Swamp] [402.][Carnival] [403.][Outlander Cave] [404.][Pacland] [405.][Airport] [406.][Norfair Depths] [407.][The Cataract] [408.][Neon Night Lights] [409.][Alpha Base] [410.][Pokemon Gym] [411.][Old China] [412.]The Garage] [413.][Lylat Flight] [414.][Factory] [415.][Final Brawl] [416.][Luminous Strive] [417.][Train Factory] [418.][City Front] [419.][Hills, Field, Space Lift, Magma Flow] [420.][Big Blue & Mute City] -2016- Spoiler [421.][Battle Field Meta] [422.][Wiley Base] [423.][Snow Life] [424.][Sky House] [425.][Metroid Research Facility] [426.][Adrenaline NX] -UNKNOWN RELEASE/UPDATE YEARS- (I was unable to confirm/verify the dates of release/update for these stages) Spoiler [UKWN1.][Colony] [UKWN2.][Zepp] [UKWN3.][Frasco] [UKWN4.][Colony] [UKWN5.][London] [UKWN6.][Lightning Storm] [UKWN7.][Babylon] [UKWN8.][China] [UKWN9.][Paris] [UKWN10.][Testament] [UKWN11.][Russia] [UKWN12.][Slayer] [UKWN13.][May Ship] [UKWN14.][May Ship] [UKWN15.][May Ship] [UKWN16.][Collosus] [UKWN17.][Sector PYR] [UKWN18.][Automotus Action Unit] [UKWN19.][Inner City] [UKWN20.][Star Colony] [UKWN21.][Sky Fortress] [UKWN22.][Evening Mist] [UKWN23.][Dark Region] [UKWN24.][Shallow Village] [UKWN25.][Static Field] [UKWN26.][Storm Clouds .V.] [UKWN27.][Crimson Stream Pt2] [UKWN28.][Dark Cliff] [UKWN29.][Orochi State] [UKWN30.][Toxic Seahorse .V.] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -MISSING STAGES!- (Lend a hand in helping me acquire the stages listed below! The hyper links are just for reference to prove the stage exists.) Spoiler [MISSING1.][Desert Winds][Filename:XX'DESERT'XX] [MISSING2.][???][Filename:???] [MISSING3.][???][Filename:???] [MISSING4.][Curse4 2K4][Filename:???] [MISSING5.][Playroom][Filename:???] [MISSING6.][Headquarters of Evil][Filename:???] [MISSING7.][???][Filename:???] [MISSING8.][Shaq Fu - Wasteland][Filename:???] [MISSING9.][Realm Of The Meriths Pt2][Filename:???] [MISSING10.][Power of the Moonlight][Filename:???] [MISSING11.][Last Demenssion][Filename:???] [MISSING12.][Cyber City][Filename:???] [MISSING13.][Lyn's Village Night][Filename:???] [MISSING14.][Bison Style Pimpin][Filename:???] [MISSING15.][Fox's Ship][Filename:???] [MISSING16.][Distant Vastness][Filename:???] [MISSING17.][Above the Clouds][Filename:???] [MISSING18.][ChinaTemple][Filename:???] [MISSING19.][Forest Temple Entrance][Filename:???] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THANK YOU TO THE FOLLOWING PEOPLE FOR HELPING MAKE THIS A REALITY. [Laharl] Without Laharl tasking me to put together the collection at the time, there simply would have been no way I could've put it together in the way I did. Photobucket and Imageshack were both just in the beginning stages of deleting free uploaded images from their servers.Had I attempted to try to make the collection, a few months after, it would have been impossible with all the dead picture urls. [The Magic Toaster] For being a great friend since I came back to Mugen in 2013. He mentioned my name to Laharl, that I should be the one to put it together. He also provided me with a few stages for the collection that I still haven't see anywhere else aside from my collection. Aside from the stage help, he has always been my right hand man when it comes to obtaining Mugen content. [Demitri(Formerly known as Genesis)] Another good friend. When he gave me the privilege of having the position of Administrator on his Tier 1 forum, I had felt the motivation to continue spending hours on this collection because I now felt for the the first time, someone had appreciated my presence in the Mugen Community I've been part of for so long. He also provided me with a few stages, that were still offline everywhere prior to this collection. He has reportedly retired as of not too long ago. [Hayonik] A long time friend who always has my back when it comes to helping me acquire near impossible to find Mugen content I don't have. Provided me a with few stages for this collection that I was missing. [TotalDramaXtremist] Without TotalDramaXtremist, this collection topic would have most likely never been made. Aside from providing with me stages for the collection, he pushed for me to share this collection with everyone. He also was the only one who offered to make the awesome collection topic logo! [Ryoucchi] Ryoucchi has always been there to help to me when it came to anything Mugen related. He also helped me obtain stages for the collection. [Che Clarke] Without Che Clarke's ExShadow collection, I would have been missing tons of stages and my collection would have been put together much slower were it not for it. The effort he made to make the 1st largest ExShadow collection after the massive file takedown was a great feat and and should be recognized. [Electrocaid] Electrocaid is another great long time friend and without a doubt, many stages would have been never seen again were it not for him providing me with so many of them. He even provided me with almost all of ExShadow's first stages! [ExShadow] The legend himself. Arguably the #1 most dedicated and skilled stage creator of this game engine. In all international Mugen communities his name is synonymous with quality content(I've seen it literally mentioned in that way in a Korean Mugen site). Had he not decided to remove all available Mugen content in 2014, the idea of having this collection put together would have never been conceived. I don't question the action he took, but I am only grateful that I was able to gather and share the majority of the content he has released in almost a decade. 00EccoTenshi, SSBKing65✯, Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ and 15 others 18
sonikun Posted June 11, 2016 Posted June 11, 2016 I've got 2 stages for ya: Hiryu Corp: http://www.mediafire.com/download/l89e6v1kjv93zmi/XX%27SH%27CORP%27XX.rar Hien's Base: http://www.mediafire.com/download/k8mk84bkm0k78kk/XX%27HIEN%27S%27BASE%27XX.rar Good luck on the collection, mate. Mr. KOtik 1
Vibrant Posted June 11, 2016 Posted June 11, 2016 Those crap 2007 stages though gui0007 and Mr. KOtik 2
Mr. KOtik Posted June 11, 2016 Author Posted June 11, 2016 Thank you very much Sonikun, although I already have the stages. I suggest everyone wait to help me with missing stages once I put up the list of whats missing, since I know exactly which they are. @Vibrant I bet you weren't expecting to ever see your first stage again lol.
TotalDramaXtremist Posted June 11, 2016 Posted June 11, 2016 This is coming along nicely. :) Mr. KOtik 1 http://totaldramaxtremist.deviantart.com/ http://totaldramaxtremist.tumblr.com/
sonikun Posted June 12, 2016 Posted June 12, 2016 10 hours ago, Mr. KOtik said: Thank you very much Sonikun, although I already have the stages. I suggest everyone wait to help me with missing stages once I put up the list of whats missing, since I know exactly which they are. @Vibrant I bet you weren't expecting to ever see your first stage again lol. He he, no problem, mate. Mr. KOtik 1
Masterhand128 Posted June 12, 2016 Posted June 12, 2016 @Mr. KOtik Here is more Exshadow´s stages for you! Nezumi Land: http://www.mediafire.com/download/r6a98dwx77y3et0/XX%27NEZUMI%27XX.rar#! Midnight Skyline: http://www.mediafire.com/download/6d9vhjm11bz1xcs/XX%27SKYLINE%27XX.zip#! Edit: Nevermind, these stages are hosted in your skydrive, sorry. Anyways good job! I think you should put all the missing stages from your skydrive in this thread for avoid any confusion. Mr. KOtik 1
Mr. KOtik Posted June 12, 2016 Author Posted June 12, 2016 @Masterhand128 I do intend to put up the list of the missing stages soon. I have putting up the stages from my onedrive, it's just been taking a little longer for me to do it than I expected.
gui0007 Posted June 13, 2016 Posted June 13, 2016 'BOUT DAMN TIME!! :D :D@Mr. KOtik I think you'll find more here and here. Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ and Mr. KOtik 2 Reign of Kreation // POTS/POTS-ish Edits // MUGEN Duels // Collections: Characters - Stages
Solid Snivy Posted June 13, 2016 Posted June 13, 2016 As a bit of a suggestion, maybe you should label which ones are only for 1.1, and/or ones that are compatible for both 1.0 and 1.1. Mr. KOtik 1
Mr. KOtik Posted June 14, 2016 Author Posted June 14, 2016 @Solid Snivy I appreciate the suggestion, I'll definitely think about doing that. @gui0007Thanks man, its a shame it took me so long to realize I should have made the topic a long time ago. Also those are Che Clarke's and Navana's collections, I already have everything off of them, thank you anyhow man.
Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ Posted June 14, 2016 Posted June 14, 2016 On 6/11/2016 at 10:17 PM, Mr. KOtik said: [203.][Riverside] Mr. KOtik 1
Mr. KOtik Posted June 18, 2016 Author Posted June 18, 2016 Some updates; - I have finally finished uploaded all the stages I have from my one drive onto the collection topic. - Provided a direct link to my Onedrive, so if someone wishes to, they can download the entire 6.55gb collection in one shot. - Provided a list of missing stages with reference links. Whats left to do. - Organize the stages by either alphabetical order or by date of release. - Add Mugen version compatibility description to each stage. gui0007 and Masterhand128 2
PlasmoidThunder Posted June 18, 2016 Posted June 18, 2016 Maybe I skimmed over them, but I don't recall seeing EXShadow's first versions of Mute City and Final Destination, made in 2010 and 2008, respectively. Images if necessary: Spoiler Mute City: Final Destination: EDIT: Oh, I see how you've handled this, with V1s bundled with V2s. Gotcha. Pity they don't have the music with them :s Mr. KOtik 1 Project LG said: God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.
Mr. KOtik Posted June 18, 2016 Author Posted June 18, 2016 4 hours ago, GarchompMatt said: Maybe I skimmed over them, but I don't recall seeing EXShadow's first versions of Mute City and Final Destination, made in 2010 and 2008, respectively. Images if necessary: Reveal hidden contents Mute City: Final Destination: EDIT: Oh, I see how you've handled this, with V1s bundled with V2s. Gotcha. Pity they don't have the music with them :s You actually pointed out 2 big inconsistencies. I only bundled the versions with similar sprites, that mute city should not have been bundled with the hi-res variants. I also had that final destination in my database, but didn't remember to upload it for some reason. Thanks so much man. I know some people are going to be bummed that I removed the bgms from every upload, but aside from saving space, I did it to preserve the files in the long run so that they don't somehow get taken down for having copyrighted mp3s in them.
Kazagami Posted June 19, 2016 Posted June 19, 2016 Hey man, i've added this to the collection directory. Mr. KOtik 1 WaifuLaifu Discord Server / Twitter / MUGEN releases
C.R.O.M.verydannyboy Posted June 19, 2016 Posted June 19, 2016 http://www.mediafire.com/download/a858azhqvmmag02/xxcolonyxx.rar http://www.mediafire.com/download/xkjn5ekztu9rlu3/mags_by_ex_shadow.rar If you find this picture offensive or scary contact : Ryon
Mr. KOtik Posted June 19, 2016 Author Posted June 19, 2016 6 hours ago, C.R.O.M.verydannyboy said: http://www.mediafire.com/download/a858azhqvmmag02/xxcolonyxx.rar http://www.mediafire.com/download/xkjn5ekztu9rlu3/mags_by_ex_shadow.rar Thank you so much for the Magneto stage! Also I already have the colony stage, its listed as the first stage under the "-UNKNOWN RELEASE/UPDATE YEARS-" section.
Demitri Posted June 20, 2016 Posted June 20, 2016 @Mr. KOtik holy- wow you released it. i thought you were gone again! haha dat shoutout Spoiler im somewhere between retired and not. i keep moving mugen off my hdd, then back on, then off, then back on, working on stuff on and off in between the times I do it. I want to stop. I really do. THE STRUGGLE :'^) fun fact number 95 used to be called Ghey Smiley stage before it got released =) that Planet Urithia stage is on MA (uploaded by che clarke funny enough) http://mugenarchive.com/forums/downloads.php?do=file&id=15340 it doesnt follow the same filename format because Ex was pretending to be someone else (i forget why, most likely a stage contest thing) I'm 90% sure the filename for that Shaq Fu stage is just XX'WASTELAND'XX(.zip presumably). I had/may still have the beta to it somewhere, not likely that i'll have the final version though since i was pretty anti-lowres and prob didnt download it. LOL I REMEMBER THE CHEERIOS STAGE man this brings back memories. i know i had access to some of this beforehand but now that its all here, its just....nostalgic. I dont even remember 80% of those 2007 stages tbh (i dont think i'll ever forget Vyn's stage to everyone: i feel obligated to say use this as inspiration for.....well anything. Ex made garbage back in the day, but he wasnt afraid to get creative. Look at him now. Like, just stay at something and you'll get good at it, period. old guy lecture over @Vibrant I know you hear it all the time one way or another, but it really has been a honor to watch you grow from back then till now bro. Mr. KOtik 1 If you want my released works, go here.
C.R.O.M.verydannyboy Posted June 24, 2016 Posted June 24, 2016 On 6/19/2016 at 3:25 PM, Mr. KOtik said: Thank you so much for the Magneto stage! Also I already have the colony stage, its listed as the first stage under the "-UNKNOWN RELEASE/UPDATE YEARS-" section. np on the magneto stage . i wasn't sure which version of colony it was. i just saw i had one and just tossed it on. If you find this picture offensive or scary contact : Ryon
yaminogun Posted June 25, 2016 Posted June 25, 2016 if you don't know the stage date release why not just see the sff Date modified? i just compare the mediafire link i give to you which is more original and the one you have on colony stage. both sff and def is different in size and date modified. who the heck edit both files that far. so the unknown year release mean it was edited version? i guess you better host both original and edited version now. just use the link i give to you in pm room and you'll know some of these stage original release date. Mr. KOtik 1 Signature removed for violation of rules.
Mr. KOtik Posted June 25, 2016 Author Posted June 25, 2016 8 hours ago, yaminogun said: if you don't know the stage date release why not just see the sff Date modified? i just compare the mediafire link i give to you which is more original and the one you have on colony stage. both sff and def is different in size and date modified. who the heck edit both files that far. so the unknown year release mean it was edited version? i guess you better host both original and edited version now. just use the link i give to you in pm room and you'll know some of these stage original release date. The simple answer to the question is because I'm not 100% certain of the release date and file modified dates have proven to be unreliable. Something I noticed which was very common when putting together the collection is that some of the .def and .sff of certain stages did not match their release/update dates. I can understand .def in case people want to change music, but I don't understand why some .sffs had different dates. In fact I went looking for stages I already had to see if I could find some with the original .sff dates, some of which I could not accomplish. One example is the Final Destination stage GarchompMatt provided me above. If I'm not mistaken, the sprites used for that version of the stage were only released in 2008, yet clearly that archive has it as 2010. Also, thank you so much for providing me with the Basement stage and pointing out that the Colony Remix stage was in Navana's mediafire. I was pretty loose-handed when it came to the GG stages simply because of how many times ExShadow updated/re-released them.
CC MUGEN Posted July 9, 2016 Posted July 9, 2016 Hey guys, I'm back! Can you make Flamekyo's stage collection?
ArcBeast Posted June 19, 2017 Posted June 19, 2017 the golden fish castle stage seems to be missing or get delete
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