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Banned at MMV for saying "feedback is good"


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Wow, so guys, don't ever say that feedback is good at MMV if you like that place. Apparently feedback = insult, and you get banned for it. It's pretty ridiculous.  

"Exterminate all rational thought...that is the conclusion I have come to."

 - William S. Burroughs


sigil triple seven - the debut ep - coming soon - the comix 'zine - drunk squid

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That's pretty ridiculous, it's your opinion but some creators just want to do things their way, you should respect what the creator wants for their character though but I think there's no need for any consequences when all you said is that. They sure are serious about their rules, but drastic measures aren't needed.


I guess this is why Chuch can't improve on his chars. I'm sure I'd be banned if I said that there too, just wait it out and read the rules. Even if a constructive positive comment is apparently over the top by their standards.

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I think I remember something about it not being the forum itself that's the problem, but rather their server handler does not like negative activity on their forums and they're just abiding by their provider's rules.
Correct me if I'm wrong.

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No, you are 100% correct. I did not say anything insulting. You can read what I said in the Hulk Mix thread, I was responding to someone saying that they don't like feedback because it tends to be negative. Volzzilla acted like I insulted his mother, and attacked me personally. I tryed to say I wasn't trying to insult anyone, and to make a not so long story even shorter, he banned me. He didn't even read what I said, because he was reacting to things that weren't there. It's very strange.


Also, not a big fan of the way he uses Adfly to profit from others creations. It's kind of...well...I think it might be illegal. I could be wrong though, I am certainly no patent/copyright lawyer.

"Exterminate all rational thought...that is the conclusion I have come to."

 - William S. Burroughs


sigil triple seven - the debut ep - coming soon - the comix 'zine - drunk squid

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Because I said that the usual response to a release that needs a lot of work is +1 and those damn clapping hands emojis, without any actual, useful feedback. Apparently that is too insulting to allow me on the site. 

"Exterminate all rational thought...that is the conclusion I have come to."

 - William S. Burroughs


sigil triple seven - the debut ep - coming soon - the comix 'zine - drunk squid

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3 hours ago, Dylanius the Kirby said:

So the forum itself isn't the problem, it's the service provider?
Then how come they banned you for something positive, then?

I think he was talking to SSBK65. I think what I could say was already said by other people on here and Mugen Guild.

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Copy and paste from the MFG topic.


A bunch of MMV members were banned cause of "unnecessary" comments, cause of someone who started a discussion, whether good or bad, or simply for no reason.

MMV is one of the first forums which i started to share my edits. I can say that has some nice guys in that forum and people that did such relevant stuff for MUGEN, but in other hand, has people that simply don't accept feedbacks or suggestions to improve and some other that don't want to see a whole discussion and had a simple decision: "Ban him!"

I stopped to post frequently in MMV cause last year, i had a whole discussion with Volzzilla via PM. I was a Global Mod of MMV, and i was involved in some projects of the forum, also share some ideas with the other mods to improve the forum. But between August and September, i started to work and get focused in the screenpack of the DSvSF Project. Besides i had such dammit internet trouble, and that's why i wasn't so active in MMV, here and even in other forums.

Volzzilla send me a PM asking me what happend and i explain the situation, since i report the other mods via PM and they understand. But Volzzilla won't believe in me and don't give me any chance to explain. Also he said that i was "abandoned" MMV cause i ain't still active. Them, he said that i'm still more active here or in MFFA them in MMV and he's trying to prove that showing my activity here at this time (yes, he literally was spying me).

The things get worse when he started to said a bunch of shit about both MFG and MFFA:



not like the guild. they have activity regardless of anything and anyone.
mffa sucks anyway. they have a pathetic staff that only caters to their friends. no one knows that better than me. both it and the guild are all about their clicks, who they think are important or cool. we are the only place that puts the emphasis on all-inclusion for the sake of fun with mugen.


That's really pissed me off!

Not satisfied, he removed my and some others Global Mod or Mod status of MMV with that dammit excuse: "A reminder... Please try and be active in the forum."
In short, if you want to keep "your status" in MMV you have to be active every second of your whole time. This is stupid.
And in the end, he said that he was boring about my opinions.

That's why that kind of attitude doesn't surprise me anymore.

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[...]we are the only place that puts the emphasis on all-inclusion for the sake of fun with mugen.

This is very infuriating. This is anything but "all-inclusion for the sake of fun". Someone voiced a valid opinion about something, and they wound up getting flak and then banned in the end. Why? How is this "all-inclusion"? I only see the exclusion of an obvious concern and the failed attempt at hiding it with a ban. Trying to avoid bashing those involved, a greater level of discussion should've taken place at the least. Both sides should've been willing to listen to the other to avoid any miscommunication, and it's clear that one side has failed to deliver. Thinking about it, though, I wonder if it's because your opinion hurt the feelings of some other users who are less...willing to take feedback into consideration. I also wonder if the mod involved saw that as you trying to alienate them. If so, then MAYBE I could see it being a valid reason to, at most, warn you, but even then, it's kind of gray, and banning someone outright is waaaaay out of hand in this situation. I don't know if there was any private exchange between both parties involved during the incident, but, from what I can see, the mod involved is in the wrong.

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This honestly comes as no surprise to me. After all, we're talking about a site run by someone who, in the past, asked the staff of MFG for OrochiGill's IP address for the purpose of "pre-emptively banning him" from his forums before he could even register (which he had no intention to do so anyway). God only knows what his true intentions were had he managed to get a hold of that information, but considering the animosity he held toward him then (and probably still does now), it's not all that hard to guess.


Volzilla also posted this in response to "other sites";




It never fails, there will be some guy who gets banned, then proceeds to lie about the circumstances at other places all for the sake of drama.




You're an ass.

you don't know how to read, or you are blind to the obvious, or something, whatever.

Sorry, but your kind of attitude makes for a shitty way to run site.




I work too hard at this place, so I have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to name calling and insults. This is why he [rhiggatwat] was banned.



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"Good" excuse, Volzilla!:=D:

Let´s remember, rhiggatwat wasn´t insulting to anybody, he is saying the feedback is the best method for fixing the problems for a any chars.

The problem is this MMV doesn´t have a freedom of expression for saying the char x has a badly made hitboxes, is a spriteswap, etc...

For this reason the majority of the characters from this site are really bad.

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 a reminder to mugen enthusiast never go that website since its been administered by an imbecile named (insert user admin of dat site here)  


masterhand  99% on  that site is utterly bad quality (since most of em sprite swap or messed up hit boxes , etc ) due to so called no feedback policy on their forum


he mention this forum as a bad one oh please atleast in MFFA we care quality products and accepting feedback who ever based here to post their works (and a few garbage lol ) since its like our 2nd home (like MFG )

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A MMV thread is intriguing to me so i just had to take a peak.


I have to strongly disagree about these comments though

On 5/20/2016 at 10:16 AM, Masterhand128 said:

"Good" excuse, Volzilla!:=D:

Let´s remember, rhiggatwat wasn´t insulting to anybody, he is saying the feedback is the best method for fixing the problems for a any chars.

The problem is this MMV doesn´t have a freedom of expression for saying the char x has a badly made hitboxes, is a spriteswap, etc...

For this reason the majority of the characters from this site are really bad.


Last i was there it was okay to outline and give feedback about stuff like this just as long as it wasn't discouraging or in an insulting way. I think that's reasonable, no need to be mean to someone wanting to (regardless if they are good or not) share. Also i think that's unfair to say that a forum's downloads are bad because no one gives feedback there. A character will be any range of quality regardless of feedback given and used; the same goes for it's popularity. It could help but it's not a guarantee that the downloads would be favorable, that's up to the eye of the beholder and his opinion.


Personally i didn't like a lot of the forums policies and I even myself fought a long time to get some of these things changed with little success but I love that MMV will allow anyone the spotlight to shine and even advertise their stuff for them and encourage any and all quality of work. This is something that a mugen community does right. Even as us warehousers know, sharing, even if less spectacular quality, is the life blood of the community.





As for the rest however, well....I can't disagree there. I don't approve of the MFFA bashing at all. Mugen should never be done for internet fame but for the joy of the work itself. I will admit I liked and encouraged competition between forums like MFG but it was all in fun and encouraging ourselves to work competitively harder and provide more fun for others to enjoy by our work results; but yeah Volzzilla has a lot of anger towards a few groups but in the end this is just a hobby and a childrens play thing we call mugen. Nothing to get worked up about or worth bothering for in drama. I always did disapproved of taking things personally in regards to mugen. I've always let him know in our PMs to let it go and make peace.


Once he gets mad he will make it a life long feud. In fact that's the reason he banned me because i didn't want to partake in the drama anymore. I don't blame him though, no one is perfect (especially myself) but I hate getting drawn into mugen drama when i personally hate to waste my time with it. I hope he realizes that getting back at others isn't ever worth it and I hope one day he chooses to forgive instead.




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I firmly believe that everything comes down to the creator's own will to improve & sense of self critique, feedback is just one way to develop it. If they enjoy their content being subpar, then so be it, it's not like you can force them to get better.



I tried that place years ago, but standards & quality of the stuff I saw there were so low, that I just stopped visiting it.

And I'm saying this even when I don't dislike anyone or any mugen place in particular,

never had a problem there & barely remember anyone from mmv, go figure.

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On 5/21/2016 at 3:42 PM, Aℓίcℯ said:

I firmly believe that everything comes down to the creator's own will to improve & sense of self critique, feedback is just one way to develop it. If they enjoy their content being subpar, then so be it, it's not like you can force them to get better.



I tried that place years ago, but standards & quality of the stuff I saw there were so low, that I just stopped visiting it.

And I'm saying this even when I don't dislike anyone or any mugen place in particular,

never had a problem there & barely remember anyone from mmv, go figure.


Fair enough. I see MMV as a creator beginners forum. No doubt it's lacking in the best stuff ever department since it's made up of upstarts rather than veterans but it's not without it's contributions for the community. Webpages like this and others aren't as big as IMT or MFG but they are big enough to merit some level of recognition for what they do. I'm still a fan of the forum, despite past discrepancies, it's an okay place that's still kicking in my opinion.





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Now Mr. Volzzilla started a thread saying how he banned me for for a single comment that he posts out of context (about the lack of feedback for poorly made sprites), without everything else i wrote. And he says he banned me for calling him an "ass", but I only did that AFTER he pmed me that he was banning me, and left out all of the stuff I said about how I was not trying to insult anyone. I said I would apologize for getting angry if he did too, but of course he won't. And that only happened AFTER the ban message. Yes, I got angry he was banning me for nothing, and personally attacking me and deleting my messages. It's great when someone can attack you for stuff you never even said. Volzzilla is a liar, and now I know all of the things I have heard about him through the years is true. 


And they are saying something about me not liking Chuchoryu? that's absolutely NOT true. I happen to really like Chuch, I've always defended him, here and at MFG, and I love the Variasuit Samus he just released. Chuch is a really nice guy and I have always supported him. I'm really tired of the non-stop lying going on over there. It's pathetic. 


I wish I had the free time to just sit around all day attacking people and collecting money from adfly. Oh, right, he doesn't make any money from that...it's purely for aesthetic value.

"Exterminate all rational thought...that is the conclusion I have come to."

 - William S. Burroughs


sigil triple seven - the debut ep - coming soon - the comix 'zine - drunk squid

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37 minutes ago, Masterhand128 said:


Oh, I´m sorry about that!


I heard Borewood had a terrible past when he created characters with specials codes against creations by people who gives feedbacks like Ricepigeon and others, very sad!

I hate when folks go out of their way to make a joke character against another user for stupid reasons like this. The fact that anyone would waste their time doing this just to get back at someone is just distasteful and crude. It really paints a bad picture.


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