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MFFA's Off-topic Thread - Version 2.0


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So wait, Rice did this without even discussing it with the other mods? I get the partial necessity for an off-topic post dump to avoid using the shit thread as a garbage dump (though why simply deleting these posts is a problem, I don't know), but was it necessary to close the old one and make a new one with practically the same name as MFG's? It's not like the old one was causing server issues like the original shit thread did.

FXhJiHL.png XslF5vn.png malcsRF.png

Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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15 minutes ago, GarchompMatt said:

So wait, Rice did this without even discussing it with the other mods? I get the partial necessity for an off-topic post dump to avoid using the shit thread as a garbage dump (though why simply deleting these posts is a problem, I don't know), but was it necessary to close the old one and make a new one with practically the same name as MFG's? It's not like the old one was causing server issues like the original shit thread did.

Agreed...also, on an unrelated note, is discussing shitposting allowed?

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I've found a new way to greatly improve the world's economy again

Basically, just produce high-quality sex dolls of manga/anime characters. Their body measurements should be used.

It'll be a perfect alternative of dakimakura's

Then all the otakus and weeaboos (no offense) will spend all of their money buying all of it




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33 minutes ago, GarchompMatt said:

So wait, Rice did this without even discussing it with the other mods? I get the partial necessity for an off-topic post dump to avoid using the shit thread as a garbage dump (though why simply deleting these posts is a problem, I don't know), but was it necessary to close the old one and make a new one with practically the same name as MFG's? It's not like the old one was causing server issues like the original shit thread did.


Judging from Ryoucchi's post, I'm going to assume he didn't bring it up with any of the other staff. Even if he did, it would be nice if he consulted the general users of the forum to see if they would be happy with the change beforehand, instead of just bringing it into action with no warning whatsoever.


That One Zio said:

a furious as fuck shoto against a dictator that's supposed to be dead but came back for no raisin

The King and the Zio said:

invisible sonic booms are the way of the future

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Since a lot of people are asking why I closed the previous thread, allow me to explain my side of the story.


To put it simply, that thread essentially became a dumping grounds for offtopic posts that were split off from their original threads. In a way, all it was doing was promoting excessive shitposting. While a little shitposting now and then doesn't hurt, there were certain posts that were getting a bit too much. We recently had to remove images of orgies that were posted in the art thread that went well beyond what would be considered within safe limits of what can and can't be posted. I wanted to give the thread a new start to cut down on that (besides that, it was going on over 200 pages). I could have just left the thread open and deleted posts that were split off into that thread, but going through the whole thread and nailing each of them down would have taken way too long and more than likely more than a few of them would have been missed. I felt that creating a new thread was the best solution.


5 hours ago, ゴーストキラー said:

When are you going to stop with your crusade to turn MFFA into a carbon copy of MFG? Seriously, this was extremely unnecessary. If you want to make sudden changes like this, you should at least have the courtesy to consult them with the members of the forum first. 


I'll admit I may have been too hasty, but closing the shit thread wasn't part of some "crusade to turn MFFA into a carbon copy of MFG". If anything, its the exact opposite. The fact that the old Shit Thread existed with that specific name, along with frequent title changes to poke fun at whatever posts were split off into it, was evidence that it was already becoming too much like MFG (which was my fault originally), and I essentially took a step to correct that by closing it and opening this thread in it's place.


Hopefully this clears up any misunderstandings.

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Why are you making a joke about this? The Angry Birds movie being shit is a serious topic, because I really hoped for a good Angry Birds movie, not that piece of shit we are getting now.

I mean, just look at them! They now have legs and arm-like wings! Why the hell do they not like bird balls like they SHOULD?! WHY? WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY???

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1 hour ago, Captain Papyrus said:

Why are you making a joke about this? The Angry Birds movie being shit is a serious topic, because I really hoped for a good Angry Birds movie, not that piece of shit we are getting now.

I mean, just look at them! They now have legs and arm-like wings! Why the hell do they not like bird balls like they SHOULD?! WHY? WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY???


Considering what happened with AVGN recently, I would argue that the Ghostbusters reboot being shit is more of a serious topic than the Angry Birds movie. If the leaked script and the reactions to James's video are anything to go by, then the Ghostbusters reboot has far more problems than just legs and arm-wings. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to take Totalbiscuit's advice and spend my time more productively by watching the original again.

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Ugh, and I hoped I could avoid this Ghostbusters movie review to be mentioned.


I haven't watched any of the trailers, but I really don't want to watch the movies because of early bad reception and the fact that the people behind the movie are ignorant and arrogant feminazis who think that anyone who doesn't like the movie are automatically mysogonists. Trump should ban them from America instead of immigrants that did nothing wrong.

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Assuming Trump wins, which is still too early to tell at this point.


Even then, banning and deporting feminists from the US is just about as dangerous as what feminists are doing right now trying to censor critics, if not more so because of the legal ramifications. Its a can of worms that you really don't want to open.

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What if Trump intentionally acted rude in order to win the presidential race in the USA knowing that there's alot of racists there and when he wins he would apologize to everybody and build a wall around racists and make America great again


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