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[GR Style] Ten characters updated (11/25/21, Thanksgiving Update)


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Made you a Sm.Port (Its the least that I can do for all the help that you've given me in the past (Squirtle) ).... Its not the best, actually it was kind of hard to make, but I like a good challenge every now and then... Enjoy! Its based of her SWR render (P.S I used the temp provided in the WIP Thread)



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Made you a Sm.Port (Its the least that I can do for all the help that you've given me in the past (Squirtle) ).... Its not the best, actually it was kind of hard to make, but I like a good challenge every now and then... Enjoy! Its based of her SWR render (P.S I used the temp provided in the WIP Thread)


So wait, we can still contribute new sprites to RicePigeon's Marisa?

If that's the case, then RicePigeon, please finally asnwer to me:
Do you need the Marisa sprites that I made? Yes or no?

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-EX Version of Miasma Sweep/Broomyuken (yes, I'm calling it that) is somehow weaker than Hard Broomyuken (147 on hard, 117 on EX)

Other than that, nothing else to note. Pretty solid, overall.

Partially intentional. Originally the damages were going to be 160 and 140, respectively, but I ended up nerfing the move as a whole at the last minute since she was able to dish out some pretty damaging combos with this followed up by Master Spark (bordering on the 400 range). The increase in damage in the Hard version is, I feel, compensated for by the fact that not only does the EX version gives her full invincibility until she starts falling, as opposed to only startup invincibility that the hard version has, but also that the hard version deals significantly less damage if she doesn't make contact on the 1st or 2nd active frames of the attack.

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Marisa updated, please redownload.


Changes from Version 2015.09.30:

Added 10/02/15:
- Final Spark: Fixed issue where beam would persist if Marisa is hit during attack.
- Dragon Meteor: Fixed issue where beam would persist if Marisa is hit during attack.

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Reimu updated



10/07/15 - Version 2015.10.07


Changes from Version 2015.03.08

- Projectile attacks no longer recieve counterhit bonuses

- 2x: damage reduced: 30 -> 20, proration increased: 80% -> 92%
- 4x/6x: damage increased: 50 -> 55, proration increased: 80% -> 85%
- 5x: damage reduced: 30 -> 20, proration increased: 80% -> 98%
- 2y: damage per hit reduced: 25 -> 16, proration per hit reduced: 92.83% -> 92%
- 4y: damage reduced: 70 -> 60, proration increased: 80% -> 85%
- 5y: damage reduced: 70 -> 40, proration increased: 80% -> 90%
- 6y: damage reduced: 70 -> 60, proration increased: 80% -> 85%
- 6y: no longer hits overhead if cancelled into from 5x or 2x
- 2z: damage reduced: 90 -> 70
- 3z: damage reduced: 90 -> 70, proration increased: 80% -> 85%
- 5z: damage reduced: 90 -> 75
- 6z: damage reduced: 90 -> 65
- j.5x: damage reduced: 40 -> 30, proration increased: 80% -> 85%
- j.5y: damage per hit reduced: 25 -> 16, proration per hit reduced: 92.83% -> 92%
- j.5z: damage reduced: 90 -> 70, proration increased: 80% -> 85%
- Ascension Kick: Damage reduced by 10 on all versions
- Hakurei Amulet: Fixed bug where damage proration was not being applied correctly.
- Rain Dance: Damage per hit reduced: 30 -> 25, proration per hit increased: 85% -> 95%
- Rain Dance: Can now be used in mid-air.

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Marisa and Reimu both updated.

Marisa Changes:


10/08/15 - Version 2015.10.08


Changes from Version 2015.10.02:

Added 10/08/15:
- Fixed mini portrait not displaying proper palette on select screen.
- j.5z: Horizontal hitbox size reduced. Hurtbox size on hand increased.
- j.5z: Startup time increased by 1f.
- Witching Blaster: Projectile hitbox size on non-EX versions slightly reduced.
- Witching Blaster: Projectile velocity on X and Y versions reduced.

Reimu Changes:


10/08/15 - Version 2015.10.08


Changes from Version 2015.10.07.1

- C button can now be used as a shortcut for X+Y+Z


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  • 2 weeks later...

Reimu updated


10/20/15 - Version 2015.10.20

Changes from Version 2015.10.08

- 2x: Startup time increased by 1f.
- 4x/6x: Startup time increased by 1f.
- 5x: Startup time increased by 1f.
- 2y: Startup and Recovery both increased by 2f.
- 2y: Hitbox horizontal size decreased. Hurtbox horizontal size increased.
- 2y: Number of hits reduced: 3 -> 2
- 2y: Damage per hit reverted back to 25 (from 16)
- 2y: Horizontal hit velocity increased.
- 2y: Proration reduced: 92.5% -> 87%
- j5y: Startup time increased by 1f.
- j5y: Hitbox horizontal size decreased.
- j5y: Number of hits reduced: 3 -> 2
- j5y: Damage per hit reverted back to 25 (from 16)
- j5y: Proration per hit reduced: 92% -> 90%
- 3z: Startup time increased by 1f.
- 6z: Startup time increased by 1f.
- 6z: Horizontal hurtbox size increased.
- Hakurei Amulet: Startup time on ground versions increased by 1f.
- Fantasy Heaven: Damage reduced: 675 -> 450

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Komachi and Sakuya updated as well


Sakuya changelist:


10/24/15 - Version 2015.10.24

Changes from Version 2013.10.13

- Fixed issue with cancels from backdash.
- Sense of Thrown Edge: Recovery time on ground versions reduced by 4f.
- Sense of Thrown Edge: Amount of time knives remain inactive reduced by 40f.
- Illusory Sign "Killing Doll": Knives no longer destroy themselves if Sakuya blocks an attack.
- Sakuya's World: Startup time reduced by 6f.
- Sakuya's World: Timestop duration increased by 60f.


Komachi changelist:

10/24/15 - Version 2015.10.24

Changes from Version 2015.06.21

- Can no longer cancel medium normals into heavy normals.
- Walk and run speeds reduced.
- 6y: Fixed issue where attack did more damage if cancelled into.
- 5z: Startup time reduced by 1f.
- 6z: Startup and recovery time increased by 1f.
- j.2z: startup time increased by 1f.
- Spirits of the Firm: Startup & Recovery time increased by 1f.
- Spirits of the Firm: Vertical asecent velocity slightly reduced.
- Spirits of the Firm: Hit velocities on vertical ascent reduced.
- The Endless Way: Startup increased by 1f.

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Small update to Komachi, which fixes one of her combos that was broken by the last update;

Komachi Changes:

10/24/15 - Version 2015.10.24.01

Changes from Version 2015.10.24

- 2x: Hitstun increased by 1f.
- 5x: Hitstun increased by 1f.
- 5z: Startup time reduced by 2f.
- 6z: Startup time reverted back to pre 2015.10.24 timing

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