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MFFA's Ask a User Thread (Ask OxyontheWolf)


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-Ever considered yourself a "fan-favorite" among staff here? :p

-How cold does it usually get over there?

-Current main in UNiB? (And is he/she capable of beating Hilda? ;} )

-Noodles or Rice?

-You've ever made any flash animation before?



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I like how you answered his question with a simple YEP.


there is really an answer to this.

How much wood could a wood chuck, chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?

The answer is "yes."



Why are we so lame?


And why am I too shy to talk to you? ...No homo

- Because you have not mastered the horrid ways of CNS. :P

- You're shy to talk to me? Hmm, I didn't know that. I don't know why. You'll have to talk to me to tell me, lol.



-Ever considered yourself a "fan-favorite" among staff here? :p

-How cold does it usually get over there?

-Current main in UNiB? (And is he/she capable of beating Hilda? ;} )

-Noodles or Rice?

-You've ever made any flash animation before?

- Not really, no. I think people like Ryon more. XD

- It's been 10 degrees or less here before. Winters suck, but at least the bugs are dead.

- Linne and yes I've beaten Hilda before. I don't think she could beat a dedicated Hilda player though.

- I like noodles more, but eat rice more.

- Yep, but nothing public and it was a long time ago. There was a mugen character I made years ago that was cheap as hell, looked awful, and was a drawing dummy (with the lines on his face to denote eye and central feature placement) drawn and animated in Flash using the Bone tool. That thing was a nightmare to work with.


Edit: There's still a little time left for questions, but our next victim is Laharl.



-[Все слова это только слова.]-

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My questions for Laharl:

- Are you going to personally teach the world to fap... person by person? Have you prepared an instructional video?

- Who would you use "PSI Boobs" on and why?

- Would you play the "Bougiest of Beat 'Em Ups," Titenic?

- If you could meet Lonk and Petch, what would you ask them?

- When are you going to finish your current WIP?!

- Who's the sucker you sold Mario Party 10 to and have they complained yet?



-[Все слова это только слова.]-

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LOL! I been waiting for this one


For Laharl:


- What your fav Anime (include Hentai, original, and some popular ones)?

- What makes you a real cool person?

- Why do you have Zone-tan as your avatar? (i'm been surprised on your choice)

- Who your fav pokemon

- What is the main thing you like when it comes to Woman? ( I like big-boobs LOL! XD )


MARVEL VS. TOUHOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :awesome

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My questions for Laharl:

- Are you going to personally teach the world to fap... person by person? Have you prepared an instructional video?

- Who would you use "PSI Boobs" on and why?

- Would you play the "Bougiest of Beat 'Em Ups," Titenic?

- If you could meet Lonk and Petch, what would you ask them?

- When are you going to finish your current WIP?!

- Who's the sucker you sold Mario Party 10 to and have they complained yet?


-Why yes they can all be found at zone archive easy to find no need to teach ppl how it all "cums" naturally.

-Considering the move just kills things uh monsters I guess?

-probably just to laugh at how horrible it is

-Why do you exist

-IDK honestly my motivation keeps switching between things

-no complaints but a few days after selling it I saw it back up on leaptrade could be the same guy rofl.




LOL! I been waiting for this one


For Laharl:


- What your fav Anime (include Hentai, original, and some popular ones)?

- What makes you a real cool person?

- Why do you have Zone-tan as your avatar? (i'm been surprised on your choice)

- Who your fav pokemon

- What is the main thing you like when it comes to Woman? ( I like big-boobs LOL! XD )


-my favorite anime is quite tricky to name honestly I like ALOT you would expect disgaea but really the anime doesn't do the game that much justice. My answer for this would be w/e I feel like watching at the time currently I am staying up to date with the dub of highschool DXD and Durarara X2, I watch ALOT of different ones though. as for hentai... um I don't really watch alot of "series" of hentai but I do play visual novels like the rance series. I don't really have a favorite one of those...

-I have no idea why do you think I am cool? 

-I like her look and her news segments are hilarious.

-Primeape because of nostalgia being I had a level 99 primeape in pokemon yellow hes practically the only one I used tried to level others but when they failed he finished the job he ohkoed practically all of the elite 4s pokemon with a karate chop besides ghosts and dragons.

-I mainly go for their personality as long as they aren't fugly I have no issues.


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-Is Squiggly your main in Skullgirls? :p

-Favorite Zone animation?

-Would you like to pilot a giant robot that destroys everything via Gundam, or walk around in a power armor with lasers and other stuff via Iron Man?

-Swords or guns?

-When can you and Alexei be avaliable for UNiB? Asked, cause I challenge you two and Ghost.



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-Is Squiggly your main in Skullgirls? :p

-Favorite Zone animation?

-Would you like to pilot a giant robot that destroys everything via Gundam, or walk around in a power armor with lasers and other stuff via Iron Man?

-Swords or guns?

-When can you and Alexei be avaliable for UNiB? Asked, cause I challenge you two and Ghost.

-I actually dont have SG atm going to get it when the new one comes out for vita and ps4. I haven't got to try squiggly yet I used to main peacock.

-Juri is pretty damn good also the voice acting is stellar.

-probably would go with power armor robot is to clunky and I have trouble driving a car let alone a robot.

-Guns always


Snails or Turtles?

Turtles I guess snails make a gross slimy trail.


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-I mainly go for their personality as long as they aren't fugly I have no issues.

I like that answer  :goodmood:



-I like her look and her news segments are hilarious.

Me too thats the thing I like about her is when she does the News broadcast. LOL! XD


-Juri is pretty damn good also the voice acting is stellar.

 One of my fav animation from the Zone achieve as well. they were really spot on with the voice acting for Juri :awesome


MARVEL VS. TOUHOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :awesome

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to hentai or not to hentai?

Obviously always to hentai


What's your favorite food?

What do you do when you're bored?

Favorite fighting game?

Nachos or Pizza?

- Lasagna

-Multiple things

-Under Night in birth currently anyways



also I am extending my own time by a day due to the fact site was down for awhile so ryon could change things.


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1. shes ok don't really have a large opinion about her.

2. that is impossible for me to answer lol

3. this is technically not a new version its the same site just an update to the forum :D.


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1-How much you Love/Like me (in "%" scale)?

2 -How much you Hate/Dislike me (in "%" scale)

3 -If you had a 10 list of users from MFFA you would like to keep around who would be on that list (Lets say "If" MFFA gets closed and Ryon retires)?

[would i be on that list? *sad face*]

4 -How good is my english writing now compared to 3/2 years ago (from 1 to 10)?

5 -Favorite "Badass" category  character of all?

6 -When is enoght GRIND!! GRIND!! GRIND!! GRIND!!????

7 -*Slaps you* what you would do?

8 -Fast Food or Home Made Food?

9 -What you would like to do "Right Now" that you cant do "Right Now" but you wish could?

10 -*Brofist?*

Leaving my worries behind, feel the freedom of body and mind


MyDeviantArt I MyYoutube I MyTwitter I

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1. 50%

2. 50%

3. Alexei, Toaster, Ryoucchi, Phantomblood, Zemillia, Kai, Ryon, Dissidia, Sin(artistoflegacy), Sweetfire, Neogeokitsune and rice. thats 12 but yea. (please note I hope nobody gets offended by this I was just naming my closest friends out of them) and no you are aren't on that list whens the last time we even talked?

4. a bit better but you still have work to do.

5. thats a silly question im going to have you just look at my name for the answer.


7. Punch you

8. home made if possible but theres some good fast food too.

9. Bang My Waifu (this is literally impossible sadly)

10. Sure?


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just cause you retired the site does that mean you want to stop talking to me in general? that was his question ppl I would want to stay in contact with if mffa was gone.


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