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Does this Exist whos the author of this creation



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Oh, OK. Thanks. Although, is it really cheap? From previous experience, it looks like most others there are really cheap...

Everything close to me fades away. (Insert emoji here)


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Yep, that's the one,   found one of the stages from an old archive then after using Google , I found the other one and some cool chars on that Geocities link, I'm glad they weren't lost forever. Now, I have my favorite stage, but can someone reupload this gem? I would love to fight here, and having something made by the admin himself would be marvelous. : nzir76.png

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Well damn, I really hope his Blaziken is good enough then.

From all the Dshiznet POKéMON characters I had (Lucario and Gardevoir), his Lucario was fine, but his Gardevoir had missing FX (resulting into cheap things like invisible projectiles), and I really don't want to deal with that in his Blaziken...


EDIT: After taking a closer look, I would like to know about the quality of the following:

*difference between the authors Yogoroneko and Naoki2534 (because they bot made always the same identical chars, and want to know, if any of them are good)

*difference between the authors ShowBuySpirit and AbsoluteYveltal (both made the same one single character with the same sprites and nothing else, and I want to know, if any of them are good)

*the SSF of Omegabro56's Mewtwo (looks very SSF2-like to me)

*the SSF of Monday-Night-War's Mewtwo(looks very SSF2-like to me)


Would like answers there. Thanks in advance!

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*Naoki2534's Eeveelutions are edits of Yogoroneko's because the files were damaged in a server crash.

*AbsoluteYveltal makes cheapies. Need I say more

*Mewtwo by OmegaBros and Monday Night War use the same sprites, but MNW's version is a KFM swap that is missing sprites and uses a glitch version of KFM's port. OmegaBros's version isn't half bad.

Youtube Channel: Here

Website: Here


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Thanks. Now I know what to download. :3

EDIT: Tried out Omegabros' Mewtwo. If you call such an awful mess "isn't half bad", then I really REALLY do NOT want to know how bad MNW's version would be. Omegabros' Mewtwo is bad both spritewise AND in terms of gameplay.

Thankfully, Dshiznet's Blaziken is good enough.

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