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[WiiU/3DS] Who you voted for being the next Character DLC for SSB WiiU/3DS? (Final Opinions)


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maybe they can give Pac-Man an alt character (Ms. pac-man) just to reserve space. 

Anyways Here hoping for K.Rool and Shantae. I know for sure they got a good chance.


MARVEL VS. TOUHOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :awesome

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Looking through alot of polls (even some troll/fake ones) i think I have concluded that any of the 3 out of these 5 characters will have a great chance for DLC:

1. K.Rool

2. Wolf O' Donnel

3. Shovel Knight

4. Shantae

5. Rayman

Though knowing Sakurai he might try to surprise us by having a character that wasn't part of the polls (or troll us as people would say) but I think this might be the characters we going to expect for DLC soon.


MARVEL VS. TOUHOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :awesome

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I don't understand why you guys use this guy like a punching bag. I mean seriously, does that  sht make ya'll feel good? I understand hazing and constructive feedback, but you guys have hit this dude with -17 rep for not fixing an issue you don't like. Y not just avoid using the character or make it a boss character? I mean Ax is whatever he is, but at least he tries to contribute to the continued existence of mugen even if his chars aren't an Class-A effort. Dis you guys consider he just might not be as talented as Ry, or Pots, or whatever the fuck Werewood is calling himself now? Some of you muthafuckers are getting old or bogged down with real life sht like work or parenthood, but if you bash the sht out people for trying and failing according to your extensive knowledge, there may not be a new generation of creators and mugen will fade. If you don't like the fucking char DL it, open up fighter factory, fix it, upload it, and show the man how its done you dicks. Gotdammit I hate fucking bullies man.

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Shouldn't that have gone in the other thread? Y'know, the one that was created to stop these from showing up here :L


@Dhillon521:    and just to remind you can post that crap here:  http://mugenfreeforall.com/index.php?/topic/24581-ssb-series-fakephotoshop-leaks-video-and-pictures/




MARVEL VS. TOUHOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :awesome

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But that wasn't a leak.


I don't understand why you guys use this guy like a punching bag. I mean seriously, does that  sht make ya'll feel good? I understand hazing and constructive feedback, but you guys have hit this dude with -17 rep for not fixing an issue you don't like. Y not just avoid using the character or make it a boss character? I mean Ax is whatever he is, but at least he tries to contribute to the continued existence of mugen even if his chars aren't an Class-A effort. Dis you guys consider he just might not be as talented as Ry, or Pots, or whatever the fuck Werewood is calling himself now? Some of you muthafuckers are getting old or bogged down with real life sht like work or parenthood, but if you bash the sht out people for trying and failing according to your extensive knowledge, there may not be a new generation of creators and mugen will fade. If you don't like the fucking char DL it, open up fighter factory, fix it, upload it, and show the man how its done you dicks. Gotdammit I hate fucking bullies man.

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Anyways, im keep hearing online that alot of people wants the Inklings from Splatoon  to be playable. I mean I have nothing against that idea but personally I would save them for the next SSB (if their will be  another one). No offense but I think its not time for them to be in a cross over type game. :-P


MARVEL VS. TOUHOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :awesome

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Anyways, im keep hearing online that alot of people wants the Inklings from Splatoon  to be playable. I mean I have nothing against that idea but personally I would save them for the next SSB (if their will be  another one). No offense but I think its not time for them to be in a cross over type game. :-P

that honestly sounds like bs


-play gaem, gaem iz kul

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Having the Inklings as DLC would potentially ruin any hype there might have been for their inclusion in the next Smash Bros.

Do remember that the DLC characters haven't exactly gotten the same trailer treatment as the newcomers included with the base game, and providing they do the same thing next time, it'd be a missed opportunity if they were included as Smash 4 DLC.

FXhJiHL.png XslF5vn.png malcsRF.png

Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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Having the Inklings as DLC would potentially ruin any hype there might have been for their inclusion in the next Smash Bros.

Do remember that the DLC characters haven't exactly got the same trailer treatment as the newcomers included with the base game, and providing they do the same thing next time, it'd be a missed opportunity if they were included as Smash 4 DLC.

I would agree, considering Splatoon just began their stardom in this current Video Game generation, it would be better for them in the next installment of Smash. I rather prefer video-game characters that has been around and well known (like Shantae) to be DLC for Smash4. Its makes better sense.


MARVEL VS. TOUHOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :awesome

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here is something:

A new fan-made intro for Super Smash Bros for Wii U which includes the DLC characters and FIGHTING STARS.
Now if only someone would draw the animation for that, then we would finally have a real anime opening for Smash Bros...

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Damn! thats tripped out. that would be a more better Intro then the original. They should had made an intro for the 3ds-version but we know how that goes about.. :-P


Anyways Still no news yet of the DLC winners from the Ballot. Sakurai and his team sure taking they'er time. Hope to hear something about the results next week.

All this waiting is starting to get to me now. :heeee:


MARVEL VS. TOUHOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :awesome

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  • 2 weeks later...

[Topic bump]

As Egnaro stated yesterday A new Nintendo Direct will be coming up tomorrow (or midnight for some of us) so we more likely will expect an announcement for upcoming DLC characters and stages. Can't wait to here who the new character will be. :goodmood:


MARVEL VS. TOUHOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :awesome

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I hope it's who I picked, you don't get rid of a trademark villain like that, whoever it is, it's going to change the game for everyone.

I hope it be the one i picked as well even though she may have a low chance but hell! if not Crystal Fox then give us Shantae   >:-)



MARVEL VS. TOUHOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :awesome

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HOLY Crap! O_O

I never thought to see the day that Cloud Strife would join in this.

I almost cried....

I cant believe Square-Enix would allow this

this is so damn awesome! :awesome

But woah that adds another sword-fighter. I thought they won't add another on of those in the roster but oh well...... :-)


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