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Rosalina by Stable-Tec released


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This weird thing happened where a voice clip kept repeating while she kept jumping in the air, and I somehow knocked a larger rosalina out of her, which was also jumping. The big one stopped jumping when I walked away from them, but the little one kept going. Everytime I attacked the two, they received no damage and continued to merrily jump in spite of the vampire throwing fireballs at them. I was curious to see if she would recover, but she never did. Also, she had a KFM death cry.


Today was a good day.


Edit: I think the glitch happened because I kicked her Luma and she was in midair. Hm.

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Why you guys don't believe it's a Tech Demo? You amuse me xDDDDDD


She will be a full character soon according to the author.


I honestly don't expect much improvement from the author, considering both Borewood and Chuchoryu are kissing the creator's ass over on multiverse, despite this character being less functionable than a rear-ended Ford Pinto. I will give the author credit for actually asking for feedback, but I don't expect much improvement.


If it turns out I'm wrong, then I'll be damned.

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I was going to post this, but I couldn't figure out why my Mugen wouldn't load her .sff every time...



After using her in 1.1, though, I hope she gets updates.

Everything close to me fades away. (Insert emoji here)


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