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Buzz Lightyear beta 1.0 by Adrian released {7/3/14}

Mr. KOtik

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This is just too much win. Oh gawd that face. I didn't even know people still made stuff like this.

Everything close to me fades away. (Insert emoji here)


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I have no problem towards people using a video camera for MUGEN video recording........not everyone is comfortable with/capable of "straight on-screen output capture" (heck I don't know the exact technical term)..........unless it is done by intention to show off or hide something........(?)

"I still care to share because I believe in Sharing is Caring" - Werewood

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To Insanity......and Beyond!


Ok i don't know which funnier, the character itself or the fact that he used a video cam to record the match.


The fact he has a beard sometimes, or just that face?

Everything close to me fades away. (Insert emoji here)


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I have no problem towards people using a video camera for MUGEN video recording........not everyone is comfortable with/capable of "straight on-screen output capture" (heck I don't know the exact technical term)..........unless it is done by intention to show off or hide something........(?)

Really, in this day and age....

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Really, in this day and age....

I know for a fact my computer can't capture my screen with more then about 14 fps. If it's done right, recording with a camera isn't all that bad. But this wasn't done right at all. He should have had the camera set up on a tripod or something and the lighting/brightness is awful. Nobody likes dark shaky cam. unless you're into voyeurism but thats a different story



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Just so everyone knows, this has almost all the issues this Buzz has highlighted.

Sadly, I wasn't able to get footage of Buzz walking in mid-air. But Darkflare and Shiro did. There's quite a bit of Buzz's midair chicanery.

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I'm starting to wonder if people aren't just releasing crap on purpose just for a cheap thrill and a few laughs.


There's way tooooooooooooo much Ryu and anime girl released recently, so why didn't release something that aren't in those category?  :troll:

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