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Ryon's Homeless! (*Has a home now*)


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Believe it or not guys.


Due to a big HUGE family argument that got way out of hand.


My mom kicked myself, my wife, and my son out of the house.


I do not have a home, Im staying at a friends house at the moment. using his internet.


I doubt things will ever get better. But as far as i can tell my sisters think of me a stranger, my mom and dad don't want anything to do with me.


I know its wierd coming from me after all these years, but Im really in a hard spot right now guys.

I still have my job, but I need to find a place to live. FAST.


You will not see me online as much for a long time.

I will get skype on my phone, so you can definately skype me (ryon_persaud) its a picture of a indian with a mullet.


Im sorry to say this guys but for now, this is a good bye.


don't worry i'll still pay for MFFA, it wont be going anywhere.


Love you all. always. Ryon.

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Life always throws obstacles at us, some bigger than others but, I believe you can get through this. Best of luck to solving your problem as quickly as possible and thank you for always staying true to the MFFA community.


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That's horrible news.


I hope you are able to find a place to live, you really need it if you have family to care of. I wish the best for you and your family, and I hope you overcome this as soon as possible. Hang in there, Ryon.

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All this time I was under the impression you had your own place.


You'll figure something out, things can always get better.


Also, I don't have skype anymore but could I inquire about what happened? (in private of course)

If you want my released works, go here.

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Real life family matters hurt! Boss Ryon you are the boss, so I have faith in you that you can later or sooner solve your family matter. 

For now your friends are the most reliable sources.  In a Chinese saying, "at home you rely on family; outside home you rely on friends".

So stay strong with your friends' support!


Hope to hear any good news from you Boss Ryon any time soon!

"I still care to share because I believe in Sharing is Caring" - Werewood

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"When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not hang on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn." - Harriet Beecher Stowe.



"I’m Cyan Garland, Captain of the Prairia Palace Guards." - Cyan Garland [Tail Concerto]

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? Yo wtf...thats some major fucked up shit man^^ In all seriousness i hope you pull through that. Im sure you will though in time, just stay focused and strong for your fam. I kinda know how it feels to be in that situation but i bounced back quick luckily. But damn, being without a place like that with your wife AND kid in the mix too is heavy smh...Good thing you still have a job and a GREAT friend though to help the situation a bit. thats a blessing so keep fighting....


Good luck Ryon and you got my prayers also. This shit is bigger than mugen of course



Never limit your imagination as a Visionary 4FIwcw8.png

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and at this point , being picky isn't an option . even if it's just a room , hold it down and stack your paper til an actual place comes through.you're better off doing your own thing too. cuz if you live with family and friends and they're calling the shots, motherfuckers get and act real funny . real talk


If you find this picture offensive or scary contact : Ryon

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Sad to hear the news, :cry2: I feel you boss Ryon, real life matters always get in our way but still we will have to face it one of these days. Good luck to you, hope you could find a place and live with peace, all the best!

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Well it's kinda funny but Best of Luck to find a home. XD


See Random Chatter for my last post. It's goodbye for me too.

I'm not sure I see the humor in someone with a family potentially ending up on the street.


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