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Star Fox's - Fox McCloud - RELEASED


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Darkflare your once again inability to converse & TREAT PEOPLE WITH EVEN AN OUNCE OF RESPECT has been hidden  & will be reviewed  by the administration  


don't know why u just cant give feedback  like a normal person,ryon said everything  u "attempted " to say about that exact  same thing over at Mmv & wasn't disrespectful

Except this time, I admit that I wasn't giving feedback because Ax doesn't deserve any at all. Ax doesn't treat anyone with respect, Ax doesn't treat HIMSELF with respect. How do you expect anyone to treat him with respect?

That comment JUSTIFYING the infinites was the last straw, because never before in my years in the Mugen community have I ever seen ANYONE makes such an ignorant and stupid comment.

Besides, I know I wasn't wrong. If Ax won't take the time and effort to make anything proper why should we waste ours with his stuff? Those bases are god awful and everyone knows this. They're unuseable unless you scrap and restart.

I know Ryon wants to make this place a peaceful place and all, but that doesn't mean he should turn this place into a safe haven for people that want to avoid feedback and just want NICE CHAR +1.

Oh and I wouldn't compare Chunchonryu to Ax because Chu actually makes some efforts in his sprites.

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Feedback is feedback, whether it was in mean spirits or not. As a creator of something, you should be able to accept any form of criticism and use it to further improve yourself, which by given evidence by this thread, Ax does not want to improve on anything. It's purely ignorance, and frankly I find it disgusting.


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Honestly not a fan of darkflares sledgehammer approach with feedback


But when i see comments like this:


MMV > http://mugenmultiverse.fanbb.net/t3049-star-fox-s-fox-mccloud-released



I don't blame him

Wait. THAT is what he said? I understand his anger, but honestly I agree with ZombieBrock. Darkfire went WAY too far with his post.

LO1Vv73.gif Mega Evil Ninja Slurpuff STRIKES AGAIN!!! http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-86635112
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After seeing DK, and then seeing the comments regarding Fox, I can see that I won't be doing anything with either one of them. Shame too, as I felt that characters like them deserve more than what they were given in the past, but if there isn't a real effort being put into the sprites, then why should I bother putting the effort into using them?

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its not always the higher ups is always right and besides i dont think he went too far because of that 


i feel the same thing as him (well DF you did the right thing)


since its confirmed that Ax cant do shit on coding absolute no effort of his work

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He uses a physical attack on your mental state :troll:


In regards to that "Also in real life I doubt a guy will pause after every shot so he can be shot back fairly.", I doubt a guy in real life can pull off a hadouken, or survive several gunshots to the chest, but hey.


Balance is balance. NEVER use "real life" logic to justify something in MUGEN (or any fighting game). It doesn't work.

FXhJiHL.png XslF5vn.png malcsRF.png

Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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He uses a physical attack on your mental state :troll:


In regards to that "Also in real life I doubt a guy will pause after every shot so he can be shot back fairly.", I doubt a guy in real life can pull off a hadouken, or survive several gunshots to the chest, but hey.


Balance is balance. NEVER use "real life" logic to justify something in MUGEN (or any fighting game). It doesn't work.



My point was that the rules are silly in video games and it isn't a strict or linear thing for fighters to follow.


The gaming examples throughout the years have proven that. Will you call it heresy if someone decides to make a 4 button character isntead of a 6 button character? Or what about a 2 button character?


You see, the argument is futile when games have been so different from each other in the past, even fighters as well, and especially mugen which makes it possible to bend the kfm rules to, if any rules at all, which I doubt there are any because gaming history has shown otherwise.


@Neo Fire Sonic,


Yes he does, at close range instead of a blaster he does a barrel roll. In starfox 64 it wasn't used as an attack but again I didn't want to give Fox any punches or kicks because I intended him to play like an arwing to give some resemblance to starfox 64 so I custom edited his barrel roll into a close range attack which kinda make sense in its own way.


In Starfox 64 the arwing was able to crash into enemies so I don't think it's impossible to cause damage if the spaceship generated a barrol roll maneuver from starfox 64.


I wanted to get away from super smash bros and instead go into starfox 64.







I agree. I have to accept your feedback whether good or bad but I'm not forced to use it or even agree with it. That is just insane and asinine that you think you could dictate what I should do after I see and read your feedback. What right or authority do you have to do that? Am I your slave?


Do you tell other people what friends they could have or what drink they could drink?


Who are you to tell me or anyone else what I have to do next with what I gave to all for free? Am i on your payroll? Do I work to please you exclsuviely and no one else?


Should I destroy my vision to satisfy yours? What about the other guy who wanted a different Fox McCloud? Or the other guy who wanted a different fox McCloud from the other guy's idea.


I can't please everyone and I certainly can't do everything you guys ask me to do without dissapointing someone else.


All i can do is make something and share it and be glad that some of you liked it. Which has happened and I am glad and happy that many gamers out there have another fox mccloud to play with. They could have had 1 only or none and that would be sad if they didn't get more options in my opinion.


Again you are free to give your feedback and I don't care how mean spirited it is if it's towards me or my work but you are crazy if you think I owe you something.




keep your NICE CHAR +1, I don't want it or need it from anybody. Again you don't seem to understand that i don't do it to be shallow and popular or to be known like you. I do it just to share and enjoy seeing others play with it on youtube and seeing them happy and joyful with another mugen character to play with.


Can't you just be happy for them? Take your eyes off of yourself for a change man and see the beauty of mugen for what it is. A fighting game engine that lets you do whatever and anything you want. *nerdgasm* What a gem! And how lucky are we to know about it and have something like this all year long.


Also chuchoryu and mazermerald are good guys who love to share mugen and the only reason they choose to hang around with me and my buddies also in addition to many places to is because we don't harass them to do anything and they can still get feedback to.


MFG, IMT, MFFA, and so forth are all good places. I hope they stick around for a long time because mugen forums liek these are just so few and we need to support each other but this attitude that can be found in every mugen forum is unhealthy and detrimenal to the forum communities where a user thinks a contributor has to do what they say. Ouch! You know we're members to like you so be fair.


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I just noticed this...






I guess you do have "authority"




Okay, now YOU are far crossing the line.


Sure, he may be a mean guy when he wants to be, but he knows what he's talking about. He has quite a lot of MUGEN knowledge that you would do well to follow. Maybe if you did, you would produce something halfway decent. But every time, you just refute it. You don't notice it angers people? Or do you enjoy that?

LO1Vv73.gif Mega Evil Ninja Slurpuff STRIKES AGAIN!!! http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-86635112
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My point was that the rules are silly in video games and it isn't a strict or linear thing for fighters to follow.

The gaming examples throughout the years have proven that. Will you call it heresy if someone decides to make a 4 button character isntead of a 6 button character? Or what about a 2 button character?

You see, the argument is futile when games have been so different from each other in the past, even fighters as well, and especially mugen which makes it possible to bend the kfm rules to, if any rules at all, which I doubt there are any because gaming history has shown otherwise.

Allow me to give you a counter-argument. Every single well made fighting game follows a set of rules regardless of their actual system. So even if every fighter plays differently, there are still certain things that remain the same across fighters. These rules are what I expect to be followed when someone creates a mugen character.


keep your NICE CHAR +1, I don't want it or need it from anybody.


Again you don't seem to understand that i don't do it to be shallow and popular or to be known like you. I do it just to share and enjoy seeing others play with it on youtube and seeing them happy and joyful with another mugen character to play with.

Yea, I don't see how any sensible being will enjoy this thrash you put out.

Can't you just be happy for them? Take your eyes off of yourself for a change man and see the beauty of mugen for what it is. A fighting game engine that lets you do whatever and anything you want. *nerdgasm* What a gem! And how lucky are we to know about it and have something like this all year long.

On the contrary, I'm doing them a favor giving them warning of this garbage you put out. I would also be doing you

favor, but you're too stubborn to listen and I have better things to do than waste my time give feedback on someone I know for sure won't use it.

Also chuchoryu and mazermerald are good guys who love to share mugen and the only reason they choose to hang around with me and my buddies also in addition to many places to is because we don't harass them to do anything and they can still get feedback to.

And their work continues to be shoddy and they DON'T listen to feedback.

MFG, IMT, MFFA, and so forth are all good places. I hope they stick around for a long time because mugen forums liek these are just so few and we need to support each other but this attitude that can be found in every mugen forum is unhealthy and detrimenal to the forum communities where a user thinks a contributor has to do what they say. Ouch! You know we're members to like you so be fair.

Wow, way to miss the point entirely...

I just noticed this...


I guess you do have "authority"


You're an idiot.

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Ax, I sure as hell hope you're just trolling on purpose because if that's not the case, I agree with Kanbei's statement 100%. I don't care if you could do infinites with his laser in SF64 but this is M.U.G.E.N. which is still primarily a FIGHTING game, not a SHOOT 'EM UP game. Any experienced creator or heck, anyone who has the slightest sense of balance in a fighting game, knows that infinites are BAD and make a character CHEAP to a certain degree. For the love of God fix this because one or more infinites should never be present in a character at all unless they are extremely hard to pull of due to things like strict timing.

unless its source accurate there are games that has infinites in it 

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He just needs to learn how to use the red text to make himself immune to criticism :troll:

here's the deal about the Red text,( that ive already explained once before to darkflare) i used the Red Text to discern my response from Darkflares  ( His response was in Green)that's  all , there was no retarded Immunity going on, & im sorry if the color of my text means something( To internet forums) , that means that in almost every character,stage, ect ive posted on here i was abusing my mod powers with immunity since i used RED text show the DL link location... i typed in white,Green & grey also ..is that an issue as well? ,same as  oh your typing in big letters your Yelling, no i hit the Caps button ..............


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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