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All Of The Spam Topics In Random Chatter


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Another alternative, make it that whoever posts in random chatter topics wont increase their post counts (for spammers & people who like to just randomly post replies). Or have a rule that topics in the random chatters that reach a certain amount of replies, lets say.. 1000 or 2000 replies will be closed, deleted and a new one is created. Example: "Touhou Wars" topic reached 2016 replies, said topic is deleted & the one who deleted it creates a thread called "Touhou Wars V2"

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I also don't care if my post count goes down - it won't affect my precious creator title :P On the other hand, Gold Ranger/Harsh/Zuko would be less active :=D:

FXhJiHL.png XslF5vn.png malcsRF.png

Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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I wasn't able to reply before due to some error.

Another alternative, make it that whoever posts in random chatter topics wont increase their post counts (for spammers & people who like to just randomly post replies).

I'm fine with that.


Or have a rule that topics in the random chatters that reach a certain amount of replies, lets say.. 1000 or 2000 replies will be closed, deleted and a new one is created.

Example: "Touhou Wars" topic reached 2016 replies, said topic is deleted & the one who deleted it creates a thread called "Touhou Wars V2"

We follow that same rule right now.


I also don't care if my post count goes down - it won't affect my precious creator title :P

On the other hand, Gold Ranger/Harsh/Zuko would be less active :=D:

Yeah, My Creator title will be there too.

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@gopal what you are against is what a mugen forum SHOULD BE we don't need random spam topics if thats what makes mffa, mffa then we seriously need to revamp our site rofl.


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I think the IYLIHYHTP topics should stay, purely because they're so fun. They're limited to 60 pages, so once it's reached said limit, another one pops up, with the old one being locked in preparation for deletion(?).


Do keep in mind that we're not the Guild some site full of old grumpy fogies who just sigh at the sight of fun ;P


Nice sentence describing the Guild.

I like it :awesome


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@gopal what you are against is what a mugen forum SHOULD BE we don't need random spam topics if thats what makes mffa, mffa then we seriously need to revamp our site rofl.

Hmm, how about ryon makes SFFA? Spamming Free For All? Just a Free Site. It won't cost him anything. Well, In Random we mostly use it like chat. So....Make the Random Chatter redirect people to Chat.

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I'm surprised Gopal. I didn't realize how important random topics were to you. I thought I would be the only one who cared. It wasn't like this when I first got here. But shortly afterward, things got really random. I wonder if that's coincidence?

:troll: :troll: :troll:


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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I'm surprised Gopal. I didn't realize how important random topics were to you. I thought I would be the only one who cared. It wasn't like this when I first got here. But shortly afterward, things got really random. I wonder if that's coincidence?

I don't want Random Topics to be deleted that's all. Also with you being here i also got the confidence.


Well, I like a lot to do "All Out Battle War". But I have to say this: if my topics are one of the spams that slows the forum, then I'll be more than pleased to delete, even if my post count diminishes and if I liked to do that.

I don't really care for. It's only you and Fael-sama that cares for that topic.

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I don't want Random Topics to be deleted that's all. Also with you being here i also got the confidence.


I don't really care for. It's only you and Fael-sama that cares for that topic.

It's OK. I will talk to him and see what he thinks. But anyway, if this is the case, I don't have any problem on deleting it. I have to work on Fencer anyway.



@Illusion Sorry, bro. I used to be into the Battle Royal. But even I'm tired of the "Arena."

Nah, I'm fine. Your participation on it was really cool. I have to thank you for entering. You and Excahm.


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Hmm, how about ryon makes SFFA? Spamming Free For All? Just a Free Site. It won't cost him anything. Well, In Random we mostly use it like chat. So....Make the Random Chatter redirect people to Chat.


whats the point of that?


anything that takes the person off of MFFA, to go to another site (free or not) takes them away from MFFA.

which is not the point.


I understand why you want to defend these spam topics. its your fun your joy YOUR PRECIOUS.


However you have to view it from my end as well, I don't want to take away what everyone likes.

I don't want the community split between spam haters and mugen enthusiast.

because come on, at some point you don't come here for mugen you come here for the community.


but again as i said, I don't mind 1 or 2 topics, but not so many.

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so then how about this delete all of them start fresh and make that our designated spam area you can post anything there (within reason of course) then future random chatters need to have a point to them and not be based on spam posts.


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Rather, I think it's better maybe combine or somehow combine all these topics into one thread? The thread starter(should keep track on the new topics about it) and have 2 threads with these random topics. Then they can chat until it reach 60 pages, then start a new. So.. best way to to put all the possible topics in a post or thread before we start deleting the spam threads hmm?

Milla Maxwell - Spirit Guardian of Reize Maxia
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so then how about this delete all of them start fresh and make that our designated spam area you can post anything there (within reason of course) then future random chatters need to have a point to them and not be based on spam posts.

^I agree +1

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Tbvh, I thought when you posted there, your post count did not increase.


You could make it to where post count don't increase. If that is possible, then every so often delete a couple of the spam threads

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combining them is a horrible idea cause then we will have those stupid sql errors and slow load times is that what you guys want? All for a spam topic thats what caused it you guys know that right?


delete then have someone delete the whole topic once its reached its limit sounds like a better idea to me.


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